
CHAPTER 62: Artificer

Artificer Borus sat within the royal courtroom of clan Verdan, sipping from a glass of sweetened wine. His position oversaw the window that revealed the entirety of jade peak itself, from the market districts to the jade towers and even the lower districts themselves. Sighing to himself, he flicked his eyes to the stoic-looking figure that stood next to a large door, eyes trained on him, spear gripped firmly in her hands.

Lirien Verdan had the look of a cold killer, her Ethra cycling continuously as she drew from the ambient jade Ethra in the air around them. Calmly assessing her look, he strayed his eyes to the artful yet powerful and deadly runes that had been etched into the walls of the room around them, all geared towards the enhancement of jade Ethra in the area.

“How did a tiny clan like yours gain access to the services of one of the lofty arcanists?” he asked.

Lirien said nothing for the next few seconds before speaking.