Tunde dashed at the azure wing himself, relic wrapped with Ethra as the blue spears of Ethra shot at him. Adept tier Ethra singing through his body, his physique feeling more grounded and more powerful than he’d ever felt, he flipped around the spear, the relic shattering the attack before shooting at the creature. Elder Joran smashed his fists wrapped with vibration Ethra against the blue spears, the attacks driving him backward a few steps before he deflected the rest and made it toward the creature.
The azure wing beat its crystalline wings as it flew a few meters into the air, roaring again, its sonic attack tearing through the air around it. Tunde covered himself with his aura that rippled, straining against the attack with little effect this time, he was an adept now, the azure wing was an early tier 4 creature, it was strong, and its attacks stronger. Rolling away from its body, spitting dirt from his mouth, he gripped the relic tighter,