
.......... Prom .........

Music played in the background. I searched around looking from faces to faces for someone. What could be taking her so long?. We were supposed to meet at the front of the hall and enter together as a couple.

" Attention everyone " the MC called out .

Everyone's head snapped to the direction of the stage which was brightly decorated with everything winter related. It was winter and we were celebrating Prom.

" Listen up children . The party is about to begin. The King and Queen by your votes will be crowned " the MC a.k.a our principal announced.

" And take it easy with the chocolate fountain. We don't want anyone visiting the sick Bay " she ended.

Everyone laughed. The DJ started playing soft music. A couple moved to the dance floor and began swaying gently to the music. I searched once more with my eyes and spotted her.

There she was, laughing at something one of her companions said. She looked beautiful as she walked up to me. She was all coy and dainty like princesses did whenever they were to meet their prince.

" Looking good " she poked me with her index.

" And you look better" I smiled.

" I knew I should have gone along with something white and black but the girls preferred me better in baby pink " she complained as she scanned my outfit .

I was clad in a white turtleneck , black winter coat and black pants with a polished black shoe . She in respect was in a floral baby pink thin strapped dress and matching heels. She had a pink winter coat on her arm.

" You'll get it next time. Maybe don't go over to dress anymore ?" I suggested.

She huffed, pouted her lips and brushed her hair with her slender fingers. Something flashed in her eye. Whatever it was , I didn't like it . She offered me her first dance which I gladly accepted.

Walking to the dancefloor, her hands wrapped around my neck and I, her waist. We danced till she said she'd be back in some minutes. I nodded. After her departure, I walked to the far end of the hall to the table decorated with food.

Serving myself some sweets , I watched as couples swayed to the melody. The principal climbed the stage.

" Time to vote " she reminded us. The crowd booed at her.

" I guess not" she laughed. " DJ...take it away" she smiled and sashayed off stage.

The woman typically fun. Per order,he turned up the music and the room went wild. I moved my way across the dance floor, avoiding much sticky and sweating bodies. I sighed as I got to the other side of the room, the road leading down the schools hallways .

I checked the time, feeling uneasy and impatient. I texted her . She replied, saying she'd meet me in 2 minutes. Just as she said, she found me within the next 2 minutes.

" What's wrong ?" I asked, gently touching her shoulder.

She looked as beautiful as always. But a closer look at her and you would notice that she had shed some tears. Maybe a bucket full . She hugged me like she never wanted me to go.

" I'm sorry I never told you" she apologized.

My chest tightened. I sensed that whatever was coming would not be good so I put up my emotional armor. Amor or not, what she did next shook me.

A male appeared behind her. She went to him and grabbed him by the arm ever so gently. Right there and then, I picked up on the situation .

" You know him. I've had a crush on him for a while now. I confessed a week ago and he accepted " she smiled.

My brain decided to short circuit then. The only words I heard from her mouth was ' you do know him '. Who wouldn't?. He was the guy every female had the hots for.

He must be happy , I thought . For he just had the hand of the prettiest girl in our school. I was more than angry. My brows creased as I clenched my fists. He had gotten access to what I loved the most, my most priced possession , my best friend.

If only looks could kill. Not that she didn't have the right like someone. Whatever expression I wore must have been deadly because she came closer and embraced me. She could sense my emotions. At that point, it'd be rational if aliens could see it .

Wrapping my hand around her, I buried my face in her neck. I'd found an enemy. Someone who I would soon be competing with, for the love of one person. It was going to be tough. I felt it. But then I had the upper hand.

I knew the lady in question all my life. And he ..... their relationship wasn't even two weeks old. I shot him a deadly look, venomous . He stood there looking unfazed , godly , cold and attracting all eyes .

She parted from me and went to his side. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder. An action which made me want him dead that instant. In my point of view , he wanted something. It was obvious. She was just too naive to see it.

If I was going to be the bridge between them, then so be it. I wasn't going to let her be a trophy ,neither would she be added to that collection.

He stroked her hair and kissed her whilst looking at me. Whatever expression he wanted,I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. Those actions were the things only I was entitled to.

She smiled, making me smile. The irony I was able to in such a situation. One thing was sure..... the guy popular as he was, could go shove himself up the toilet for all I cared.

I did not like him . Not because he created a rift between she and I but because he came with an intention. One I could not put my hand on. In the end , I would have to let her go.

She is my other half, my twin sister. The one I care for the most. I can't afford her getting hurt. At least not by him. I just made an enemy. She is just too innocent to see it.