" Dylan, Dyllis, get down for breakfast. You don't want to be late " someone shouted form the living room.

Both of us ran down the stairs to the kitchen. There she was,our mother. Just like my sister,she used to be the hottest. She still is. Even now, men call on her.

" Morning Elaine " I greeted.

She looked up the pot of porridge she stirred. She frowned. I knew why. My sister equivalently stared. I cleared my throat and removed the headphones I had on. I also switched off the phone. In my house, playing at the table meant you'd be cleaning the kitchen for a week. Not that I don't like cleaning. But I'd rather use that time for something else. Something like checking out the prettiest girls in my faculty.

" That's better " mom smiled at me and went back to cooking.

" You know, you could keep your hair better and start using contacts " Dyllis said .

I barely nodded whilst looking at her. She is a brunette with chestnut brown eyes. She's got a face any model would like to have. I'll pass on her figure. It's splendid. She quit her glasses right after I got an enemy. I mean, her boyfriend. I leaned in and helped with her tie.

" Thanks " she smiled . She is dressed in a white shirt with black skirt, flats. Her hair is tied in a neat bun. She also supports makeup.

Elaine served each of us a bowl of custard.

" Thanks " we chorused and began eating. The doorbell rang.

" I'll get it " we chorused again.

It's a normal habit. We're twins. I looked at her and she nodded, giving me the go ahead. Rising up, I walked to the door and opened it. A uninvited frown found its way across my face.It was Ezzard Greene. The enemy I now fight against, just for the attention of my sister .

" Who's at the door?" Elaine shouted from the kitchen.

" Just a nobody " I screamed back.

He looked at me and smiled . I hate that smile. It indicates that he has been victorious. He gets under my skin with his mere presence. I rolled my eyes at him.

" Hi " he greeted, roaming his hands through his stupid looking kempt hair.

He's a guy of height, 6.7. How I know?. It's because my sister is OBSESSED . She rattles way too much that I practically know him better than he does himself. He has copper brown hair and boasts intoxicating kiwi green eyes. He's olive tanned, mascular but not too buff.

I moved away from the door and he followed . Sitting, I frowned my face in the process.

" Welcome Greene " mom acknowledged his presence. She practically adorns the floor on which he walks, titling him ' the perfect boyfriend '.

He gave a wink a moved over to my sister. Hugging him,she gave a smile that reached her eyes.

" Morning baby " she greeted.

He looked me dead in the eye . It was obvious he was trying to be mute. I was well aware of my appearance,his gaze didn't have to be so criticizing. I was in an untucked white shirt with lose black pants. My feet supported bathroom slippers and I hadn't even touched my hair. The tie hung lazily on my neck, lose.

I hissed and continued with my meal. His gaze was so strong that I could feel the heat prickle me. The fuck was his problem?. Dyllis hugged him, clinging like he was dear life. She nuzzled his shirt.

" Ugh, might as well give a strip show. Be aware of the fact that others are present. Enough with the PDA" I stated , rolling my eyes.

She removed her face form his frame long enough for me to catch her poking her tongue out at me.

" Give them space and go get yourself ready. Your second month in the university. Remember ?" mother scolded .

Frowning, I grabbed my phone, got my ass up and moved by the duo. He grabbed my arm, aligning me with his view. I was angry enough that he held the attention of my better half. He tilted his head, giving me a look.

" Get your filthy hands off me " I barked.

My words fell on deaf ears. He pulled me by the collar, earning my loss of stamina. I bumped into him, shaking my fringe. His eyes held mine as he fixed my collar. Seconds later, he leaned in , lips close to my ear. His breath fanned my lobes. Then he whispered .

" You're messy, but cute " .

I turn beet red. Was that an insult or compliment ?. I stood trance like as he fixed the collar and tie. Shivers rolled down my spine as I felt his fingers touch my hips. I jolted out of the trance. He was in the process of buckling tight my belt.

" Get your hands off me " I yelled as he tried buckling the belt. He played deaf , working his way around the material. My cheeks burned.

" The son-in-law is already taking care of the family" Elaine spoke.

He stopped then, expression turning cold as he did so. That was my cue to leave. I ran out the kitchen,past the living room ,up the stairs to my room. The door shut with a bang. I rushed to the dressing mirror, watching my reflection. The hell just went on down there?. What was the idiot trying to do, touching me like that?. He called me... cute?. Was everything okay up there?..

At least he'd dressed me, saving some time . I do admit I'm lazy at almost everything . I shook my head ,bobbing the fridge. Compared to my sister's beauty, I'm nothing. I've got dark brown hair and hazel eyes . I opt for glasses whilst my sister, contacts .

I wore my round rimmed glasses, looking at the room which was perfectly neat . All rights to Dyllis. I'll thank her later in the day. I grabbed a power bank, headphone. All items were neatly arranged in my bag which I hiked up my back. I skimmed through the shoe racket, picking out a Nike sneaker. Perfect.

I looked at my ugly reflection once more and run down the stairs after wearing the shoe. Dyllis and Ezzard were absent. I figured they were waiting for my late ass. I kissed Elaine and run out the door. A white Jaguar honked.

" I'm coming. I'm coming " I screamed as I entered the car.

The vehicle belongs to Ezzard. I do hate it when he honks at me. It only adds up to my anger. I prefer riding by my baby to school rather than sit at the back watching my sister throw herself at him. PDA . She initiates, and it's really bad. Talk of privacy..

The car rolled out of our compound . He put his hand on the gear shift, my sister put hers on his. And for the first time since university started, I caught him staring at me from the rear mirror . Tsk. Like I cared. I rolled my eyes, giving attention to the phone. If he wanted intimacy, he could have just said so . And I would've gladly taken a ride with my baby.

The rest of the journey to ACHIEVERS was quiet. ACHIEVERS is the University we frequent. The car rolled into the school , our faculty to be precise. Dyllis and I are home economics students. Her boyfriend is a science student, making our faculties have a wide distance. But he always makes it in time to have breakfast and lunch with her . Every .Single . Day.

For my part as the good brother, I try my possible best to prevent her from eloping should there be a situation of such. Knowing her, she'll take a dollar if given a coin, provided it has to do with him. Understand me, nobody likes being stuck up watching people flirt. Third wheeling was never a choice but a duty. Why?, because I'm found everywhere she is found. It's my duty to protect her as the eldest. I may not be physically attractive but hey, everyone has their time to shine.

He got down, opened the door for her with me following suite. Many students were making conversations with their friends. Most females screamed when they saw Ezzard Greene. Bitches turned green with envy . Why?, everyone wished to be in my sister's spot. The desperate screamed even louder when he waved at them.

Did I forget to mention that Ezzard is a hot cake . That's underestimating his qualities . He's amongst the hottest in the school. Plus he's the leader of the soccer team. He's the objective for girls turning the field into an alliance arena. He's a second year , very smart and damn popular. Added to his popularity is that he's dating the prettiest first year female. My sister.

We three walked up the stairs, about to enter the main gate of our faculty when every gender screamed . We looked back. A sleek red motorcycle had halted at the front of our faculty. It held two people. The male took off his helmet Bollywood style. This action nearly drew the souls out of some females who gasped for air. The female did same, giving hers to him. People screamed some more. They gave off the vibe of heroes ,Wonder woman and Superman.

He descended the cycle and aided her off it . Both ascended the stairs and stood face-to-face with my sister and Greene. Tension built in the air with me standing in between both parties. The situation was more like fighting for the best position. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the neck and playfully tousled my hair . The girls screamed, I smiled and greeted him. He smiled in response.

He goes by the name, Alton Trevor , the hottest male in the faculty of architecture . This guy almost never buy foods with his money. It 's always provided by fans who leave the meals at places he was sure to visit. They tail him down better than tracking devices do. He's as caring as I am when it comes to being an older brother. His sister, also a home economic student is the one who rode with him .

Alton has blonde hair, it's roots defining it's natural colour which is black. He's got the prettiest shade of gray eyes. He's the leader of the swimming team, the main attraction and reason why girls are seen in the stadium doing nothing but glaring. He is 6.8 ft . I'm favourable to him as he was the only person who spared time to tour me around ACHIEVERS. He comes over every once in a while even though he's an architecture student. He sits in the food and nutrition class as his sister offers that.

Ezzard grabbed my wrists and pulled me away from Alton who hanged on to my other wrist. " He's on my side " his tone was flat as he stepped forward, leaving Dyllis behind.

" He decides by himself " Alton turned defensive, doing the same as Greene had.

This is getting outta control. " You both need to stop this " I yelled. Silence.

" Provided you come with me, I will " Ezzard stated.

I inclined towards Alton and rolled my eyes. Whatever his reaction is for.

" I see no reason for that. I'm not yours to have " I spat. " I'll leave with senior Alton and Olivia" I declared .

Ezzard let go off me then. I looked over at my sister who appeared hurt. It's not like I have to see every damned thing that goes on between she and him. I need time and so do they. Walking to her,I embraced her and whispered.

" Your eyes plead privacy as much as I want to get the hell out of here " . I kissed her on the head and waved her bye before heading over to Alton and his sister.

Alton wrapped an arm over my shoulder. We three walked ahead. Protests shot from the actions of others, but they can go burn the sea for all I care. He wrapped his other arm around Liv's waist. An over seemingly protective brother.