The medication had great effect because I fell in and out of sleep. And to think it was all just a bump on the head. The sleep would've been peaceful if I hadn't been enveloped. Wherever the noise was coming from, I needed some sleep and quiet. I was cold, shivering . In a matter of minutes,I warmed up. The heat felt good .

Curling myself, I yawned, fluttering my lids open . I couldn't see but I could feel something was blocking me. How could I see?. The lights were out. Lightening roared. Scared shit of loud noises, I buried my face in the pillow. Hard. Awfully hard for a pillow. Unsuccessfully moving, I realized I was cocooned . Goddamn it. What was holding me in place?.

A little more struggle and I was able to reach the bedside lamp. Shock, then relief washed over me when I realized who was on the bed. Those luscious lips were curved into a smile. His honey blonde hair was displaced over his face. His cheeks, slightly colored . The light , accentuating his sharp jawlines, highlighting his looks, giving him the very appeal.

His bicep is a light shade of red, making me realize that I actually mistook it for a pillow. Inching closer,I studied his features. A look that attracts every gender. I sat up, brawling about the History of rivalry between him and Ezzard. I just don't get it. Both have fame, charms - so do the other 5 - , smart and intellectual. The difference ?...

Alton cares. At least he does when it has to do with me. He's more like an older brother. You know the feeling when someone besides your parents and ' always given attention to' twin sister cares for you?. And then we have Ezzard. Almost mute. An attribute which makes all go wild. The bad boy type . My POV, I'm intrigued to know why he settled for the sophisticated type like my sister. I'll give him credit . He's got good taste. And they're the fairytale pair.

I must've been gone too long. I cast a glance at Alton,only to catch his gaze . On impulse, I rolled off the bed, landing hard on the ground. Lord.... I think cracked a bone. If there's any.

" Are you okay ?" he hopped off the bed.

Of course I am. I just split my ass in two. " No " I whispered. He helped me up

" Apologies if I scared you ".

Very funny.. " I was shocked. That's all " .

Lightening struck, sending shivers down my spine.

" Feeling cold?" . No shit. I nodded. He helped cover me with a blanket. That was when I wondered how and why he was on the bed. He caught me staring at the the bed and explained before I could ask. He led me to the bed, caressing the bump I'm sure is okay. That was a lie. I winced, earning an apology from him.

" Class ended at three. I met with Gemini and Liv . The weather did not appear friendly. I came along with a raincoat and an umbrella. The sky grew darker. Minutes later it rained and you were shivering as much as a wet cat does. I covered you with a blanket but it was futile. So I did what Jacob did with Bella Swan " he explained.

I smiled, knowing the characters from the famous novel , Twilight.

" Had you not shifted , I'd still be asleep " he smiled. It hit me then.

" Shit. I'm going to be late. Elaine will be worried. What says the time?" I asked with urgency.

" Chill. It's only five something . Besides , she's aware "

" Just for a head bump?" I asked sarcastically. My stomach decided it'd be great to embarrass me then.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled. I winced. He watched me, worried . I limped. It can be missed but not under his sharp eyes.

" That was quite a fall. Wasn't it ?" he smiled. That smile which had every female host drool. I was embarrassed.

" I'll give you a back ride in return for something " he hesitated before continuing " a dinner and the bucket of ice cream I promised " .

I smiled. A back ride and icecream. Why would I ever pass that chance?. And before I could answer,I was wrapped in a raincoat, was on his back and we were outside the clinic. Within minutes , we were out the campus, heading to a very popular outdoor cafe.


We sat, facing each other. The rain is now a drizzle.

" A Double Special for the young couple ?" the waiter asked. Color drained from my face. What did he say?. We were not an item. Just mere friends.

" Spaghetti and meatballs ,lemon meringue pie as dessert. Thank you very much " Alton ordered . " He's my brother " he added.

The waiter took a bow and left. I sat, absent minded, playing with the rim of my glass of water . He returned with our orders and apologized for his earlier theory. In return ,he was generously tipped by Alton. Dinner was eaten in silence as I pondered over stuff. Personal stuff like my friend at the other side.

Dessert was served, making my face light up with a smile. I have a large appetite, also I have a very sweet tooth. With no mercy,I devoured it.

" Dylan?" . I looked up my plate, meeting the eyes of Alton. He towered over our plates, stretched a hand and wiped something on my lips then licked it. Eew . Disgusting and unhealthy . Who knows the number of bacteria he took in.

" Cute but messy" he ruffled my hair. An image of Ezzard saying those same words flashed. And it had an effect on me. I was rising to anger. I always made it subtle. Looks like it'll rise above the bar now.

" Let's leave " I got off. He wore a confused expression.

" Did I say something wrong?"

" No". I sated.


We stopped by a mall to get an extra large bowl of chocolate ice cream. I could almost savour its rich taste. We were up on his cycle and at my house in less than 20 . He propped me on his back with my arms enveloped around his neck, a plastic bag and my backpack in each hand.

The door was unlocked, giving us access. Laughter was audible as we entered the living room. It died down. Dyllis and Ezzard were having their little PDA . Mother was watching TV. Mother rushed to us once our presence gained her attention.

" I head everything. Thank you Alton" she pecked him.

" The prodigal son finally returns " Dyllis cast a glance at me.

" Oh. Shut it ! ". I retorted.

The hairs on my skin rose. I could feel the tension between the two other males in the room. And I wasn't going to be present to watch any of it. I thanked Alton for the dinner and headed to the stairs.

" Baby. What happened to you?. You seem to have a problem walking " Elaine asked . Shit. I forgot about the limp.

" I had a hard it. Must've broken my pelvic bone" I muttered, trying to brush off the question. In a flash, Greene and Alton faced each other.

" The fuck did you do to him?" Ezzard's tone was dead cold, danger rippling from the question.

" None . Of . Your . Fucking . Business " Alton's words came out, sharp and biting .

My reply. Why did I not think of a better one?. The situation doesn't seem good.

" Alton. Good night " I yelled from where I stood. All heads snapped in my direction. That did the trick. The resolve broke. Alton winked and bade bye. I smiled, knowing I'd saved the day.


I jumped on my bed, scooping icecream. Call me a sweet freak, I don't care. Turning the laptop on, I heard a succession of knocks. Dyllis was at the door. One disgusted look at me, she frowned.

" Next time I find you dirty on the sheets , you'll do the laundry, your room and toilet. It's annoying babysitting you " .

Her words had me choking on the ice cream. " I'm tired. You now you love me" I gave a toothy grin.

" Do I?. Get yourself a lover ", her frown grew deeper. I pulled my glasses up my nose and stared at her for some seconds.

" Okay. Goodnight" I made a gesture for her to leave my room. She rolled her eyes, sashayed out the room with a loud bang. Girls with their attitude. In a span of 15, I was refreshed, sitting on the bed with the laptop over my crossed legs, icecream in my mouth and myself scanning through messages.

" Hey baby. How've you been "

" Stressed. How's North Carolina?" I asked .

" What's going on?. Fill me in"

" Same thing Delphine. Same thing" I sighed, replying her text.

" Tell me baby. Momma's here to counsel " . I could see her wear a smile.

" Very funny " I shook my head. She is Delphine Grahams. She's a lesbian. At least she says so. She texted me by accident. That led to our friendship. We've been online friends for 3 and half years. Crazy. From the pictures I have,she's naturally brunette but changes colors from time to time. She's 19, a goth and very pretty. Our relationship is..... Well. No explanations needed. We just connect on another level.

" How is school?" she asked

" I'm suddenly ' cute ' . I woke up by Alton, must've annoyed Greene. Life sucks"

" Alton?. Ain't it that hot 3rd year architecture student. I looked him up. Damn, he fine. Did he bang you?" she sounded enthusiastic. And I can swear the expression of a corpse should be better than mine now.

" What?! " I replied.

" I apologize. Got carried away. How did you sleep with him?. Scratch that. How did you end up in bed with him?. No matter the presentation of the question. It still sounds the same" she apologized. I sighed. She was right.

" I ended up in the clinic. It rained. He warned me up. I fell off the bed. It slipped when I got home. The fall was misinterpreted. Then tension. End of the story " I explained. She sent me laughing emojis.

" He trying to be that character from twilight?, romantic ".

" Thought you are into girls. Just why the hell do I see you drooling over Alton?"

" Point of correction love. I drool over y'all Moon's from ACHIEVERS. The seven. I know a god when I see one. I'd be damned silly if I don't. I'm still a female" she replied.

I giggled. I just love her. She knows how to make lemonades out of lemons. I asked what she was up to,not wanting the conversation to end. Her lover was going to be in soon. She asked if I'd be doing anything excited. I was going to try for various sports as extracurricular. Maybe jujutsu, soccer, swimming or chess. She wished t be there to support me. Just listening to me was more than enough. We kept talking till she announced that her love was in. And she didn't want her partner thinking anything. That said,she went offline.

The icecream was done . I removed my glasses, setting it along side the empty bowl by the night stand. I settled on the bed, watching the ceiling hoping to sleep. It refused to take over. I did what I always did when Im stressed. I listened to music. In a matter of minutes,I was out cold