By 6:00 a.m. I was up and ready. With one glace at my ugly reflection, I moved. In a span of 30, I'd prepared breakfast. Mother entered the kitchen, sniffing.

" Smells yummy. Glad you offered food and nutrition " Elaine said. I gave her a smile and lowered my height, giving her the permission to plant a kiss on me head.

" Forget me not " Dyllis exclaimed, embracing us . Minutes later each of us were served, having our meals in silence. Both ladies gave me a glance, their brows raised.

" Fine. I'll take breakfast this week" I replied , taking off the headphones . I gave myself penance.

" When will Ezzard pick you up?" Elaine addressed Dyllis.

" Seven " she answered and looked at her phone.

" I'll sit the ride out. You need the privacy . Thanks "

" He's right " mother smiled mischievously

" But..."

" It's final" I stated and packed by bag, putting in the necessary gadgets.

" Come here" Dyllis ordered. I neared her. In a matter of seconds, she tied my hair into a man bun. " Go out there and grab yourself a wife " she pat me . Mother gave a thumbs up. She was in on it.


The drive to school was smooth. I parked the sleek black cycle at the entrance of the faculty. It is 7 am. Ascending the stairs, everyone ogled. Weird. Somebody waved from the far end. I did the same , feeling creeped out. My action earned screams. Okay, too weird . Olive joined me and I smiled.

" Smoking hot " she greeted and blushed, covering her lower face whilst looking away . I appreciated her compliment.

We both have just a class for the day. And we'll be baking . More screams were heard as we both entered the class. She sat next to me as I focused my attention on taking out a pad and pencil. Someone tapped me. I looked up to find an unfamiliar face. Actually unfamiliar faces, all females. I took out the ear pods from my ears, looking from faces to faces. They are an estimated number of 16, if I'm right. Where is Liv?.

" Oh my gosh, he's cute" someone squealed.

" The bun girls, the BUN " the person looked like she'd pass out anytime from now.

" Lord,he's fucking steamy. I'm wet " another said. The fuck ??.

" Somebody ask if he's single"

" Don't worry. Maybe he likes a harem" someone replied, apparently setting a preference for me. Surely,they've confused me with somebody else.

" New kid . Want to take anyone of us to bed?" the lady in front asked. I turned beet red.

" That's cute. We made sugarplum blush"

" How about all of us? " they chorused . I was not about to get my self raped by girls who looked and acted like primitive cave women fighting for meat. Not when I'm that meat.

" We could get you drinks at the bar tonight . You can have any of us. No conditions applied " one spoke.

What were they thinking ?. At their rate, what was the difference between myself and a sex machine?.

" I'm booked. She's in the faculty of music" I replied with the first words that came to mind. They screamed dramatically,in denial. " Bye " I blurted, packing my things in a fast pace, heading out of my faculty to another. I moved to the little flower garden in the science faculty, stayed there till my next lesson . I had baking to do.


The beginning of the lesson was that bad. We were to pair up. Most females screamed dramatically and rushed to my side, gaining me very ' wait till I lay my hands on you ' glances from the males. It's the first in history girls are fighting over me. I opted to work with Liv. It was settled amidst disappointed looks and pouts. Things were on course till someone screamed the He was in.

" Silver Moon's in" another scream erupted. Just great. Very female.

A tall figure walked into the room, towards my direction and put an arm over my neck. His eyes widened as his actions halted. He was about to rub my hair.

" So this is why we the Moon's have been forgotten?" he nodded at my hair, feigning hurt.

" Ryan. You're the one with the looks " I shoved playfully at him. Another scream erupted with the ladies rushing at us.

" This ship is smoking. Can I have your number Silver Moon?, if it doesn't bother your wife " a girl asked.

" Slow down Alvira " Ryan replied. It was uncomfortable and I blushed.

She commented on his hair being shades darker. She had eyes Ryan has a good figure and height to boast. He's got midnight black hair which moves along with the rarest set of blue eyes I've ever seen. It gives him that ethereal feel. He's a last year Food and Nutrition student. He's the fourth member of the MOON. Why he's got the word silver attached to his title , I have no idea.

" Wait for him outside. My students have class. It's bad enough that they drool over you six MOON's. I need them focused " the madam coughed .

" Looking radiant.. Recommend me some products " Ryan smiled with a wink, turning her shades of red. It's unbelievable how all the Moon's have an effect on even the elders.

" You look hella hot in the bun. Watch out for the wolves " he whispered. I was lost at his words but nodded either way.

" You and I have a little chat Half STAR" he addressed Liv,kissed her on the cheeks and slipped out the class. Liv is a STAR, the female version of the MOON. She's a Half because the competition ended up a tie, the fist in record. She and Dyllis earned the title Half STAR..The moon competition will take place soon.

Liv and I baked pretty well, coming out second with our lemon cake. Efforts were appreciated but majority of the males cast me weird glances. It has to be because of the new look. I ditched my glasses that day.

" Hey. New kid" a stranger called out to me . I turned mute, avoiding him. He followed till he stood in view. I was frightened. I don't get approached very much and the number of approaches have been very overwhelming . It was a gang of 6.

" My fellas and I are heading to the club tonight " he started " We'll drink, smoke, do drugs, have a threesome or more. Care to join us?. It will be fun " he stated the highlights of the program. First of all , it was very rude of him to assume my gender . Secondly, who does that?. My goosebumps have goosebumps just thinking of the invitation.

The guy scanned me, smiling in satisfaction. " You appear timid. You have the looks. Are you firm in bed?". Oh, hell no!. Excuse me?! Shivers run down my spine as my feet stayed glued to the ground.

" In? . If you don't fancy a threesome, I can be one and you, zero. We could take turns" he sang the last line". That's deep shit. With a spin, I ran for dear life.

I entered the washroom and rushed to the cubicle, locking it tight. I expected the guy and his people to break down the door , the leader holding a chainsaw and his people holding some sort of drugs. Nothing happened. The books I read are having an effect.

I was about getting out when I heard the main door being locked very tight from within. I trembled in my safe corner. Whatever they were planning to do was going to be real bad and here I am, trapped in a cubicle, should I say about to be raped or molested by a good number of blocks of muscles?. There was a succession of knocks. I cringed , hoping the Earth would swallow me. The knock came again, faster. There came a way too familiar voice at the other end.

" You can come out now " the soothing voice spoke. I opened the door. He entered the cubicle, shutting the door tight. My nemesis. Ezzard Greene.

" What the hell are you doing?"

" Be quiet" he ordered. There you have it. The Cold MOON just silenced me. He roamed his hands all over me,as if desperate to find something.

" Stop " I whisper shouted. Silence . He looked me in the eye, about to speak but thought twice and rendered silence. He released the bun in seconds. The audacity he had. He snatched my bag , searched till he found my glasses. A stern look from him had me wearing it.

Having me look him in the eye by raising my chin with an index, he tucked some strands behind my hair. We were intimately close and I hated it.

" Desist from making others stare at you. It irritates me. I hate it and I seem to hate Alton the most " he stated as a matter of fact.

" Fuck you. Fuck your problem with Alton. Do I look like I give a damn?" . He brushed my lips with his thumb.

" It wasn't a request sweetheart. It was a warning".

" I don't control the eyes of others. You have no right dictating my life" .

" The right belonged to me the very moment I was introduced as your sister's lover"

Realization hit me. Scratch that. It slapped me right across the cheek. I was growing angry by the second.

" You're bisexual" I said.

" I'm gay "

" How dare you?". He has every right to be the gender he so wishes. But to do this to my sister?... It was downright shameless.

He pinned my hands above my head. " Goddammit Dylan. You're mine. How dumb are you. I've always liked you. Since your first day of highschool" he confessed. God, this was so much absorb.

" You're hurting me" I whispered.

He let me go. My skin had turned red. The pain I felt wasn't compared to that of my heart. How could he do that to my sister?. I pushed him with much force, unlocked the door and run out. Curse my speed. He caught up within minutes and pinned me from the back, on the door . I ordered he let me go. In seconds,I faced him.

He roamed his hands through that very stupid looking kempt hair, frustration evident in his action. " Don't you get it? " , he shook me vigorously. " . " I wouldn't go through the pain of speaking if you didn't mean a lot me" .

That was a point. He didn't have COLD attached to his title for no reason. He'd always had that aura,even before university.

" You expect me to believe you've liked me for over two years?. You're fucking dating my sister. Fucking jerk. Please, you'll hurt her. How the hell could you do this to her? " I spoke, tears visible in my eyes. He looked away.

" I wish I could say something in regards to your sister " he sighed. On impulse, I slapped him.

" Feisty much?" he smiled. It irritated me to the core.

" Oh, you slimy ,two timing, conniving son of a _" . He kissed me,hungry and angrily . It was rough as he made his way to forcibly unbuttoning my shirt. The kiss deepened as his tongue fought for dominance, roaming, searching. His palm was behind my head, pushing me closer.

It hit me . I was kissing my sister's boyfriend. The betrayal. I pushed him back. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My state snapped him.

" Fuck. I'm sorry" he apologized, wiping the tears away. " We were meant to talk. It was not my intention to molest you" he said with regret as he looked at my condition - a trainwreck in an almost ripped shirt, shaking and wearing a traumatized expression.

I slid down to the bathroom floor,hugged my knees , shaking uncontrollably. He lowered his height, embraced me and kissed my forehead.

" I love you" he whispered. I looked at him with disgust, tightening the grip on my backpack as I stood firm. With a look of betrayal , I made my way out the washroom. Such a coincidence no one walked in. There was a " janitor working' sign at the door. I buttoned my shirt and headed to the one place that would give me peace. The library.