
" Dylan just walked through the doors" Roy tapped Alton. He gave a smile that reached his eye.

" You like him that much?" Roy asked.

" Quit bothering me. You're supposed to be The Eclipse" .

" Eclipse. I am to appear once in a blue moon. Figured this'd be the only place females won't shout their lungs outs, if they'll ever see me " Roy snorted, earning an eye roll from Alton. Both males hushed down as a figure passed by.

" Is he blind?" Roy asked.

" Something is wrong. He always greets the lady at the desk. He didn't today " Alton frowned. The Eclipse smiled, impressed.

" Don't give me that look. I'll go to him now" Alton said. Roy placed a firm hand on his shoulder as he rose.

" Not until you finish the constructional research on the Notre Dame " . Alton groaned.


Brandon watched as Dylan sat, unnoticed by people. He monitored every move the guy made. Dylan cried, tried reading , cried some more and dropped his head on the table, apparently falling asleep. Brandon's attention was drawn back to his table.

" Anything intriguing?" James asked .

" The bait" he pointed at Dylan. The boys smiled . Brandon begged to take his leave .

" We would like to play tonight" Philip grinned. Brandon nodded as he headed towards Dylan's direction.

Upon reaching, he rested himself on the shelves, watching the sleeping figure. He drew a chair closer and studied his features. His bait was beautiful, a sight to behold. But something was wrong. His appearance said so. Brandon looked around. The nearest camera was not close enough to record whatever would take place soon.

Pulling out his phone, he took a shot of Dylan, sending it to Alton with a message - Isn't he innocent?- and a hashtag, Beautiful or Dim Moon ? . He smiled, knowing very well the reaction to come. Dylan pouted, slightly shaking his head as Brandon raked his fingers through his hair.

" Cute " Brandon spoke as he proceeded to lean in. He was jerked back. He wore a not so surprised look as he muttered Alton's name.

" Get your filthy hands off him" Alton growled. Dylan stirred.

" Hush. You don't want to cause a scene. Do you. How did you find us?"

" None of your fucking business" Alton gritted. Brandon watched both boys and proceeded to caress the bangs of Dylan when his arm was caught .

" Lay those slimy fingers on him and _ "

" And what?. Oooh, I'm scared" Brandon gave a smile that sent shivers down the spine of Alton . He gently pushed Alton pinning him on the shelves, his knees taking position between Alton's parted legs . Alton looked away.

" Look at me when I speak to you" Brandon ordered. Silence. He roughly held the chin of Alton , seeking attention . ' I like you. It turns me on when you turn me down. I will disintegrate any inkling of attraction you feel towards him. I love how you make me chase you. It ignites the flame. You're a quest, that pussy waiting to be saved. And I will annihilate any threats. Even if it's him" he pointed at Dylan.

" Leave him out of this"

" Can't do that sweetheart. He's bait. Your weakness. I presume?"

" Back off " Alton pushed him away.

" You see this. It just turned me on cupcake " Brandon licked his lips, encasing the other. Alton pushed.

" You don't want to alter his sleep. Do you?" Brandon warned and inched forward, nuzzling Alton's lobes. He struggled against Brandon.

" Cry me a fucking river, build a bridge and get over me " Alton roared. Dylan stirred, earning a grin form Brandon.

" How I love it when you turn savage. Makes you more sexy. Meet me tonight ".

" No"

" No?. Well then, have fun watching my boys and I go wild with him. I get impatient at times. I'm not entirely invisible " .

" Yes sir " Alton nodded meekly. Brandon wore a victorious smile as he walked out .

Dylan was tapped awake by Alton shortly. He wore his glasses , pronouncing Alton's name. His eyes were puffed and red.

" Jesus Christ !!. Mention a name and I'll break a nose" Alton's fingers fisted into a ball. Dylan sniffed and muttered Ezzard's name.

" Ezzard" Alton said, twitching. With anger, he stood , shifting the chair with such intensity that it fell to the ground. He took a step when Dylan pleaded to be left alone. Alton sat, embracing him.

" The rain is here. Let's go home" he offered. Dylan nodded. Together, they left the library.


" Welcome. I share the room with The Eclipse . He's spending time with his family this week" Alton announced, switching on the light to allow Dylan entry. He nodded as he dropped his bag on the couch. Lightning and thunder clapped initiating rain pour. With Alton's front facing the door, he asked what his guest would have. Silence. He watched the boy. Dylan was pale.

" You've spiked a fever again " Alton studied the boys condition.

Dylan's lips were swollen, eyes, red, probably from the excess tears. He moved to the kitchen, returning with a bowl and towel in hand. He made Dylan comfortable and opted to give the boy a sponge bath. Dylan had spaced out but jolted when his nurse tried to unbutton his shirt. Tears dropped from the boys pleading eyes. Alton worried. The boy had been mute. He helped Dylan sit up.

" What did Ezzard do?" Alton asked, smiling. The boy was quiet. " I'll ask you one last time. What did he do?" Alton wore a sorry excuse of a calm expression.

" He revealed his sexual preference and molested me" Dylan shivered from the cold and the memory. He gently bit his lips and winced.

" I'm going to kill him " Alton raged, caressing Dylan's lips. The boy held on to Alton's arm.

" The shirt. I _ "

" You're traumatized. I understand. Rest. We'll head home when the rain stops " he played with the boys hair. Moving to his bedroom, he returned with a blanket. The boy was half asleep when Alton tucked him in. Dylan fought sleep as he watched Alton move.

" And what did he say is his sexually preference ?"

" He's gay. He is using my sister. He will hurt her " Dylan whispered.

" Do you have a problem with someone being gay?" .

" No. They're humans too "

" What if I am one?". To this, Dylan watched his nurse.

" I don't care. I'd still like you either way " Dylan smiled, his lids fluttering shut. Alton leaned in, planting a kiss on the boys head.


" Sure you don't want me walking with you?" Alton asked as dropped Dylan to the ground. The boy nodded. Alton felt Dylan's temperature. He was still hot.

" Okay. Call me" . The boy muttered and took a step forward. " You forgot the helmet " . The boy returned and hugged Alton at the waist and rested his chest on his nurse, his breathing, heavy. Alton removed the helmet and rose the boys chin up.

" I have a magic trick. Can I apply?" . The boy nodded. Alton brushed his lips on Dylan's.The boys eyes grew wide behind the glasses as his cheeks grew red. Alton smile and bade goodbye.

As if on cue, it rained. Dylan watched as the cycle drove out the place. He managed to race up the stairs to avoid getting wet. He was dizzy as he fumbled with the keys. Elaine was the first to notice him upon entry.

" You had us worried" she lamented.

Dyllis and Ezzard neared them. One look at the latter had Dylan flinching. He hiked his backpack and directed his gaze at his room. His system betrayed him as his knees buckled. His fall was cushioned by Ezzard .

" Shit. He's burning. Where have you been?" He asked , cradling the boy in an arm whilst the other went over Dylan's forehead.

Ezzard carried him bridal style and turned towards the females in the room.

" I'll be taking care of him" he announced as he carried Dylan up the stairs to his bedroom.

Placing the boy on his bed, he proceeded to give him a sponge bath. He stayed up all night, watching the boy. He regretted his actions more when the boy kept muttering word of plea in his sleep, apparently having nightmares