Chapter 1


Damian's POV

“Father, this is my happiness we are talking about. I have a life to live. You can't continue to dictate how things will happen in my life. I'm old enough to make my own decisions.” I protested with so much anger.

“Damian, it cannot be changed. It has been signed. The marriage will happen in 4 weeks time and that's final. You are a business man, you should understand these things. Most times, you have to forfeit pleasure and focus on business” my father explained.

“But Father, she is not my type of woman. Mum, You know the type of women I love to associate with. Classy and sophisticated women. Women of glitz and glamour. She is just not my spec and I know she can't give me what I want.” I just wished I could make them understand.

************* (Earlier that night)

After having a rough day at work, I drove to my father's company to honor my mom's invitation. I got there and met Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We all settled down around the table with some other business associates.

Not long after I arrived, a man joined us in the room. He came with a briefcase and some files.

I wondered who we were waiting for before commencing dinner.

“Mother, is there anyone else who should be here?” I asked.

“Valerie Smith.” She answered briefly.

“What role does she have to play here?” I wondered aloud.

“Patience, Son. It will all be clear soon.” She replied.

Next, my father arose and said, “In the absence of Valerie, I suggest we carry out what we came for and pass on the message to her later.”

With that, the man stood and introduced himself as Attorney Lawrence Cooper. He proceeded to bring out the papers and passed them on.

When I received mine, the content came as a shock to me:

“Marriage agreement between Damian Richardson and Valerie Smith.”

It had already been signed by my Father and Mr. Smith (Valerie's father). They had already given their consent to the marriage.

What is the meaning of this madness?

“Can someone explain this?” I asked peering my gaze upon my father.

“I’ll introduce you to Valerie…your mother and I with her parents have reached an agreement that you must marry her. We just sealed our business deal a few days ago. You don't have to worry about the wedding expenses, we will handle it.” Father said with a shrug.

“What wedding? I never asked for a bride. If I needed one, I wouldn't bother any of you. What do you mean by signing a marriage deal? You are selling off my happiness?” I asked as I clenched my fist.

“Nonsense! What happiness are you talking about? This shouldn't be a big deal. Just get married to her so that the family business will keep running.”

This is the craziest thing I've heard in my whole life. I heard footsteps outside. Obviously, my supposed bride is here. Well, her parents will break the news down to her.


Valerie's POV

All through the day at work, I kept pondering on why my father summoned me urgently. This is quite unusual. I would have asked my mom but I know she won't disclose anyway.

My usual closing hour is 8pm. But today was different. By 6:45 pm I was already on my way to my Father's company.

It was an hour drive from my workplace and I arrived late.

Damn…It's almost 8 pm.

I paid off the cab driver and walked in. A black SUV first caught my attention.

“That vehicle looks familiar. It seems to be Damian's car. But why would he be here?”

My curiosity arose as I hastened up.

The security men directed me to the large conference hall where my parents were.

Except that they were not the only ones present.

The Richardsons’ were here too. For whatever reason.

Damian saw me first and walked up to me.

“Hello, Valerie,” he said.

“Hello, Damian,” I said in response.

I was short of words as I was still wondering what was going on. He wasn't looking happy and my parents were with his parents with another man. Clad in a suit, carrying a briefcase.

They sat round the big table in the centre of the hall and I could see my father sign on a paper. After which, he passed it down to my Mum and Damian's parents.

“Damian, what's going on? Something feels odd”. I started.

“I think your parents are in a better position to answer the question. But….” he seemed reluctant to continue.

“But what?” I interrupted.

“Okay, Valerie… we are getting married.” Damian announced.

I first laughed.

“Damian, that's a silly joke. I mean it's ridiculous to say that as a joke.”

How on earth did he even come up with that? Marriage?

With Damian? I'd rather eat my hat.

“This is serious, Valerie. My mom invited me over and we were supposed to be having dinner here but instead it was a set up to get you and I here. That man you saw with them, is the lawyer. He came with the contract papers which have already been signed by our both parents” Damian explained.

What is this guy saying? He can't be serious, right?

I just stood there. Staring at him, while my brain was trying to process what I just heard.

Marriage…. contract papers…Damian ... .I….

No. He is joking.

“Tell me you're joking, Damian.” I demanded

“Do I look like I crack jokes of this nature?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

It all dawned on me now. The urgent early morning call. Damian's presence. The lawyer.

“That's ridiculous! You all have got to be kidding me!” I exclaimed suddenly.

Everyone turned in our direction. No one had noticed my presence except for my sudden outburst, which I'm not sorry for.

“Valerie Dearest, please have a seat, let's discuss this” my mom pleaded.

“Mom, there is nothing to discuss if what I just heard is true.” I retorted.

“Val. I assure you, this is for the best. It's for the success of this company” mother explained.

Dad walked up and handed the contract papers to me. I had to read again and again until the lines got blurry. The tears rolled down freely as I felt my world crumbling down.

“Arrangements for the wedding had commenced and it will be happening in 4 weeks time. How on Earth is that possible? I can't get married now… not to Damian. Not to anyone.”