Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My name is Valerie Smith and this is how the love story of I and Damian Richardson began.


(Flashback to Four days ago)

The guests were trooping in. The families of Mr. Fred and Vera Richardson with Mr. Anderson and Marie Smith were celebrating the success of Fred-Smith telecommunications. One of the biggest telecommunication companies in Los Angeles. This is an amalgamation of two big companies that came together to become one in joint partnership.

It was an opening party.

The servants and waiters were attending to the guests. The business partners could be sighted showing some of the guests around.

Valerie's POV

I walked straight upstairs to the last floor.

Oh God. I detest high heels. I cried out as I sat down and pulled off the footwear I have been wearing for hours now.

Valerie Smith is the only child of Mr Anderson and Marie Smith. She is fair, slim, average in height with blonde shoulder-length hair and blue eyes, 23 years old and runs an art sculpture store.

I remember telling my parents that I don't have interest in running the family business with them because I have always had a passion for art. My father was infuriated. He sees me now as the prodigal daughter.

Well, now is not the time to go down the memory lane.

I wouldn't have come if not for Mum's persuasion. My parents have taken a big step in improving their business. I'm glad for them.

I take in a deep breath and inhale the cold evening breeze. It is quite windy and the wind sets strands of my hair flying.

I have always enjoyed the view here. This is the top floor and no one else is permitted to be here except me or my parents.

I had to come up here to stay away from the camera and journalists who were always bugging me with questions.

I can stay here for as long as I want without being disturbed.


Did I just hear footsteps? Who could that be? Let me check or it could be my mind playing pranks on me.

It was a well-built young man, maybe he lost his way. I don't see any other reason why he should come up here.

I decided to walk up to him and ask but then I heard him say something to himself. I couldn't pick the actual words. Could he be soliloquizing?


“Hello, how do you do?” I ask but he doesn't seem to hear me…

Damian's POV

"Away from the noise and bustling finally".

With a sigh of relief I walk up to the fifth and last floor corridor.

"This is all for showing off. My Father will never cease to surprise me" I murmur to myself.

Damian Richardson is the CEO of Light Airways. He is 28 years old and the only son of Frederick Richardson. He is currently one of the most successful young men, making waves in the business world.

The young multimillionaire is light skinned and dark haired. He is seen wearing a white long sleeve shirt which exposes his biceps and a grey trouser with Italian shoes.

Now, I'll just have to stay here till it's 9:30 pm before I go to the bar where Derrick and the guys are. I have been so occupied with work recently which has made me barely have time to play snooker.

Well, tonight will be different. I smile at the imagination of hitting the bar, drinking and enjoying the admiration of the ladies.

"I wonder why someone like you would be found mumbling to himself; is everything all right?" Asked a calm voice from behind.

I didn't notice anyone's presence when I came up.

Who could that be?

Sounds feminine. Must be a woman. I thought.

Truly, I can never get some privacy provided I'm in this building. Time to leave.

"Hello, are you okay? It seems you lost your way. I would have said you look troubled but I saw you smiling at yourself." the young woman said again.

"I'm fine, Miss" I said as I turned to see who was interrupting my thoughts.

She sounds younger than her looks.


Probably in her early 20s. She's quite tall too.

What would a fair blonde be doing up here alone instead of mixing with the crowd downstairs? I thought.

"Why are you here? I asked.

"Pardon?" She replied to me.

"I asked what you were doing up here…..alone”. I completed, making emphasis on the last word.

"Oh.. about that..I just needed some solitude, that's all." The blonde replied again.

She just stood there. Staring. I wonder why she wouldn't look away. She must have forgotten herself. “Admiration of the Ladies.”

I smirked.

“Are you going to keep staring?“ I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, I'm sorry about that, it feels like I know you from somewhere “ She replied.

“Yeah, yeah everyone says that to get my attention. I think I've heard that enough” I replied sarcastically.

“And Who do you think you are? I shouldn't have said that in the first place. It's time to leave”. She said,

And with that, she headed for the exit without saying another word.

“Gone so soon? I thought you might want to wait to find out who I am. Perhaps you've had enough solitude” I blurted out.

“It's none of your business. Enjoy the peacefulness of this place.“ She replied angrily.

“Of course, I wouldn't let you have it all for yourself anyways.“ I retorted.

The blonde pressed the elevator button and that was all.

Alone at last.

I checked my time and it was 8:45 pm. I think I've had enough of the party.

I walked down and greeted a few friends before walking straight to the garage.


Valerie's POV

Tch! I'm so infuriated.

Who does he even think he is?

“What are you doing up here?” What a silly question!Who on earth would be asking me such a question at a party that was thrown by my parents? If I'm not here, who will? Is he dumb or just playing stupid? I ask myself.

I was heading to the garage so I could drive home. Mother was standing with a friend next to my car. I had to stand by and watch them from a reasonable distance.

“It's improper to eavesdrop on other people's conversation” I heard behind me.

The baritone of his voice and the sharpness of his tone made me want to jump out of my skin.

“Bloody hell”! I exclaimed as I jumped and turned around at the same time.

“You startled me!” I cried out angrily.

Unfortunately, my tiny heels couldn't bear such weight at the same time, so I tripped.

I could feel myself falling until I felt a strong hand at the small of my back. The other hand wrapped me up from my waist such that I could feel his breath so close to me.

It's Him. The guy from upstairs. The soft scent of his cologne and the strong, solid build of his chest, made me want to stay longer.

He had the soft scent of Cherries and a fresh minty breath.

With strong arms, and his grip on my waist was firm.

In his arms, I feel safe.

He was staring down at me with deep grey eyes, and I could properly see his facial features.

He had well carved eyebrows, with a pointed nose and his lips looked soft. No moustache but his dark hair shone in the dark night like little stars and he had small beards.

Everything just looked perfect.

He was still holding me and his face was so close.

His lips… He seemed to bend closer now.

I could feel his face very close to mine and I could hear his shallow breathing.

I closed my eyes..

Is he going to……?