Chapter 3


“You should have worn something more comfortable since you enjoy jumping”. He said.

And that jerked me back to reality.

What the hell was I thinking…

“Uhmm…” I stammered. “You can let go of me now” I said after gaining my composure. I cursed these heels under my breath.

“So you've been stalking me?” I ask.

“You're welcome, Miss,” he said and began walking away.

“Oh, I'm sorry…Thank you” I felt guilty wash over me at once and that made my face flush.

He simply nodded and kept going.

I had to fasten up my pace to get to speak to him and at least know he was.

“You didn't answer my question. Why are you stalking me”? I demanded.

“That's not a way to show appreciation. Besides, why would I stalk you? You don't seem to be of much importance around here” he replied and that came with a chuckle.

“I can see, you enjoy making fun of people and pissing them off. I've said thank you already. You don't expect me to grovel at your feet, or do you?” I said sharply.

“Do whatever pleases you, Miss. I'm outta here”. He walked on to the garage as I called behind him.

“Hey, I'm not done yet!” But he ignored me.

Arrogant brat.

I tried walking up to him but I remembered the heels.

Shit. I had to lean on the wall to readjust the straps of my heels.

And as I looked up, I saw him conversing with my Mum. They don't look like they just met each other. He even gave her a parting hug…

Who exactly is this guy?

After they hugged, he got into his SUV and zoomed off.

My mum was standing alone now when I walked up to her.

“Mum, you know that guy”? I asked with intense curiosity.

“Of course, I do.” Mum replied.

“And who is he”?

“ Damian Richardson” Mum replied

And with that she bade me good night and walked away.

Damian Richardson. Damian….Damian.. That name rings a bell..



He is the son of Mr. Richardson.! Could he be the same popular CEO of Light Airways?

So many questions bother me but I push them off my mind and drive home.


Damian’s POV

It was 10pm. Three days after the opening party that was held at my father’s company.

“At least, the companies’ event was a success. Mum must be elated. I’ll try and go home to see her tomorrow after work.” I thought to myself.

I was driving back home from work and the only thing on my mind was what I could possibly get for my Mum as a birthday present.


“Nah. She has more than enough of those.

“I’m definitely not buying clothes or shoes.” I murmured to myself in disapproval.

As I drove past a tall building that was known for art sculptures, it finally clicked.

“Oh! I think I know just what she’d like.”

My mother loves art figurines.

I was about to halt and park by the roadside when I realised how dark the building was. It’s past closing hours obviously.


“It’s quite late. I’ll probably check back tomorrow.”

As I was heading back, he noticed a shop with the inscription above the door, “Home of Arts”. The lights from the shop showed that they were still open.

“Well, let’s check this out and see what they’ve got.” With that, I turned off the car gear and headed for the door.


Valerie’s POV

“I can’t believe I’m still here up till now.” I said aloud to myself.

I was all alone in the office that was in the inner section of my store. It was almost 10:30pm and I was very worried about my dog at home.

“Oh, poor Delias. She must be so hungry by now. Let me rush home since there are no incoming customers.”

I carried my handbag, locked the office door and headed for the main door outside.

The faint noise I heard from outside made me halt.

“Is it just me or did I hear someone’s footsteps now?” I asked no one in particular as my heartbeat increased.

The building was as quiet as a graveyard and the night wind made a howling sound that sent shivers down my spine.

Okay, Val. Put yourself together. There is no one else in this building except for you. These are just your imaginations

“I’ll just go check it out, it might be my mind playing tricks on me”

I hurriedly walked past the small corridor that led to the store. As I walked in, I didn’t notice anyone and that made me heave a sigh of relief.

“Hello” a voice said from behind me.

“Oh, good God! You startled me! Did you really have to float in like a ghost? You should have at least said something.” I exclaimed.

“Well, I just said hello. If you were not expecting anyone to come in by this time, you should have simply locked up earlier” the voice said again.

“That’s obviously what I’m doing” I retorted.

Oh…it’s him again. The guy from my parent’s party.

What was his name again?...

I think Declan or Desmond or Deshawn. I can’t remember. He is not relevant anyways.

The memories of how he saved me from falling made me blush.

His grip was so firm and his cologne…Gosh! It was heavenly.

I jolted back to reality as he cleared his throat.

“Don’t try to play the victim card here”. he said sharply. “You could simply save yourself the stress by closing up by 6pm. You can suggest that to your boss, whoever he/she is. Anyways…”

“Do you always go to people’s firms and give them rules on how to run their business? Just who do you think you are?” I had to cut in.

“You don’t want to know.” he replied in a very cool manner.

He is just so full of himself. I’m sure he is one of those people who think they are better than everyone else. Arrogance! Yet, he still appeared to be very calm. He must be enjoying himself. I thought to myself irritably.

“It was a mere suggestion, don’t get it twisted.” said Mr. Arrogant.

“Suggestion or n0 suggestion, you should be apologising. First, for sneaking up on me and secondly for being rude” I pointed out.

And with that, he let out a loud chuckle.


“To who exactly? You? Humor me. If this is how you treat your customers, you won’t last long.” he pointed out.

I sighed in defeat. I knew he was partially right. I’m not supposed to be harsh to my customer except that he didn’t say what he wanted to buy.

“Alright, Fine. I am sorry. You didn’t say what you needed” I replied as calm as I could muster.

“You didn’t allow me to” he snapped back.

Must he always sound so rude?

“Well, I just did,” I answered, still trying to be calm.

“I need an art sculpture, something beautiful and feminine. Let me see the available ones so I can select.” he said.

“Alright, please come this way”. I replied as I directed him to the counter where the figurines he described were placed.

After several attempts at choosing one, he sighed and said;

“Just give me one of the best sculptures here that matches my description. It’s a gift for someone actually”

“How about this one?” I presented a sculpture that was made of pure gold.

“I think I’ll go with this. Package it while I make payment.” he replied.

In five minutes, the transaction was completed.

“Thank you for your patronage, Sir. I’ll look forward to seeing you again”. I said as I walked with him to the door.

Is he going to leave just like that? Does it mean he doesn’t remember seeing me some days ago?

“Speaking of which, you were the grumpy lady I met three days ago at Fred-Smith Tele-communications, right? he asked with a smirk.

“And you are the mean-looking guy that disturbed my peace at the top floor. It’s nice to see you again anyways” I said.

“I can’t say the same actually, you are still the grumpy lady I met up some days back. He replied jokingly.

“Whatever you say”, I was too tired for another round of arguments.

“You look and sound very tired, go and get some rest” he said as he headed for the exit.

“Thank you for your concern, I’m locking up now.” I said.

“It’s some minutes past 11pm. Let me drive you home.” he suggested.

“That would be inconvenient for you. I’ll just fetch a cab. Don’t worry about me” I replied.

“Alright then, take care”. With that he turned and was about to get into his SUV when he remembered,

“Do you have a name? he asked.

“Valerie, and you? I asked in response.

“Damian” and with that he drove off.


Valerie’s POV

I got home by 11:36pm. After a hot bath, it was time to cuddle up and sleep in my warm room. The sound of my ringtone woke me up. It was my Dad calling.

I haven’t spoken with my father for months now. He keeps saying I’m the rebellious daughter. He has never called me and I did not bother to call anyways.

I watched my phone ring, wondering if I should pick up or not. But then, an odd thought struck me.

My father had not called me for close to Eight months. Why would he do so now? And at such an odd hour?

These thoughts made my hands shake.

I had no answer to these questions. By the time I came back to my senses, the phone had stopped ringing.

I dialled back, but no one picked. I called several times, yet to no avail.

I was shivering, not from cold but from the thought of losing any of my parents. I just had an eerie feeling that all was not well.

Is my mom alright? Has something bad happened at home? Was mum ill or hospitalized? Were they robbed? Is there an emergency?