Chapter 6: Who Exactly is He?


I woke up with my body covered in sweat, out of fear I checked myself to be sure it was only a nightmare but seeing my left leg badly hurt from a trap and my face feels swollen and it pains greatly. I then realized that I was dreaming but all the injuries I sustained are actually on my body physically.

Assuming those creatures had killed me, so I would be dead by now. Oh my God! and that guy who exactly is he, he is so strange right from the first time I met him. I have to search, I need to know what kind of creature he is. Besides those other two creatures called him his highness. I quickly brought out my laptop, went to Google and typed the fastest creature on two legs. I was shown a werewolf and vampire, I looked at the features of the werewolf and couldn't get any vital information. The leader of a pack is called alpha, then I knew he must be a vampire. I quickly clicked to know more about vampires and there I saw it. All I just need to confirm my hypothesis, those two vampires called him your highness that means he is their leader. Oh no!! and I brought him to my house all in the name of he is helping.

But wait oh, ever since I came in contact with that guy I've been feeling strange and now I had a nightmare. I was still reminiscing over the issue when my alarm blared. Seeing it's 7am I got up from the bed, walked into the bathroom and all I need now is a refreshing bath to keep my mind away from the nightmare.

..............30 minutes later............

I arrived at school with everyone looking at the latest alien in town, well who have their time. I went to the locker room to collect my textbook when I met that girl. I ignored her but she came to me and blocked my way. I acted like I didn't care and took another turn she did the same, I took another turn still she did the same. Hmph! this girl is really testing my patience.

"See let me tell you something madam, I'm not a patient person so I advice you now stop testing my patience and get lost" I yelled the last line. The next thing I heard was kpaa!! I felt my face go hot and limp, did she just slap me. I held my cheek, I was really burning hard with anger so I kept on breathing slowly trying to pacify myself. I gave her a deadly stare and turned to go when I received another slap on my other cheek. That's it, I can't keep cool and let her think she has an upper hand to bully me anyhow because of my colour. Immediately I turned and gave her three resounding slaps all at once on one cheek.

"The next time you lay your filthy hands on my face, I will help you in disfiguring yours". And with that I pushed her to the locker and said "You're free to enter the locker since you don't want to go to your class" I sighed and walked out.

While hurrying to the class I remembered that my seat is near that strange guy, I immediately became scared. I got to the class and seeing he wasn't there I heaved a sigh of relief while walking to my seat. I had barely sat for three minutes before he walked into the class.

Oh Lord please help me, I noticed almost all the girls making passes at him anyways it isn't their fault. If they have any idea what this guy is, I believe their passes will die a natural death.


I got to the class this morning and saw that black girl, erm!! what's her name again erm! ehen! Edeth. I walked to my seat while ignoring some crazy girls. I don't know what pushed me to greet her now I'm regretting it. In my life any girl that is opportuned to be greeted by me would have either posted it on the school page or glue herself to me (not like I do greet any of them) but what I just received her is a cold stare after which she snubbed me. I let her be but not until our chemistry teacher entered and paired everyone for our upcoming project and the worst of it all I'm paired with Edeth who have been emitting a cold aura since morning which is unlike her.


Ever since that guy sat near me I've been having this weird feeling and now I've been paired with someone I'm dodging. What the fuck! how am I supposed to avoid him.

"Now everyone of you should do this project with your newly paired partner and it should be submitted unfailingly on Monday in my office" I heard the teacher say Monday, that's too far so I'm stucked with him for six days. I was locked in my own thoughts that I didn't pay attention to what my classmates were saying.

"How can the teacher pair that black girl with Ralph?".

"I'm pretty sure she's happy by now"

"I just hate that girl"

"The teacher is being so unfair, I'm a top student and I'm supposed to be paired with him".

Stacy then walked to my table, although I saw here but my mind was elsewhere and because I didn't give her attention she banged my desk so hard.