Chapter 7: She's such a Bitch.


She banged on my desk so hard and that got my attention.

"So you think you can walk into this prestigious school and take what doesn't belong to you. Let me remind you just in case you have forgotten you are not welcome here, you don't belong here so know your place and stay away from us."

I pretended to cry, but on a serious note her words truly hurt me. I saw that evil smile on her face, this girl is such a bitch to think that I would become vulnerable in her presence.

" Please someone should get me a bucket for this black monkey."

Oh! God, all because I'm dark I'm receiving such insult. I shook my head as I sat upright while watching Stacy, all eyes are on me saying 'Yea know your place'. I looked at the guy by my right the one I'm receiving these insults for, someone I'm trying to stay away from.

"Now y'all see it, she knows that she doesn't belong here. Awwn such a cry cry baby (sighed) Rubbish". She was about going to her seat when I stood up carried my bag along with my books, then I stood in front of her and said

"What does it profit you to mock others simply because you're as white as chalk and in the upper class? What exactly did I do to you? Why are you always after me?

Eh! Or do you know me from somewhere? I really want to understand. Please stop pestering me like this ooo, forget the fact that I'm not talking but I'm not patient, so don't ever appear in front of me to avoid something drastic from happening." With that I pushed her aside.

" That serves you right next time you will know your place, mtcheew" I left the class for the garden.

When I got to the garden I was trying so hard to calm myself, that bitch really pissed me off. I couldn't believe I could get this mad over a useless person like her. I played with the locket on my neck absentmindedly without realizing someone was standing next to me. I opened the locket to see the picture of my mum and dad, I really miss them. I placed the locket on my aching heart closed my eyes in pains trying to fight back the tears that was forcing it's way but it was futile because the tears came rushing out of my eyes.


After Edeth left the class I became so furious all of a sudden. I stood up from my seat then walked to Stacy

"What do you mean Edeth collecting what belongs to you, last time I checked you were with Tim so how do I belong to you. Even if I belong to you and Edeth snatched me from you I would be the happiest person because that girl has a golden heart that can welcome the whole world but you. You keep on being a disgrace, aren't you ashamed of yourself anytime you stand up against Edeth she keeps on beating you and you are not ashamed to stop this your childish attitude. You really disgust me and let me warn you, when next you stand against Edeth here in the school or anywhere you will get it hot just like you always wanted. Same goes to each and everyone of you."

With that I left the class in search of her, I took a deep breath then I smelled her scent and followed it till I got to the garden. I stood near her but she was lost in space. I watched her closely and saw her playing with a locket. She opened it and I saw a man and a woman, I read her mind to know who they were. That was when I discovered they were her parents. I tried to know what happened there in her memory I saw an accident which was really terrible, then I saw both the man and woman in a car which was pressed beyond recognition. I kept on staring at her, how she held the locket so close to her heart, closed her eyes trying to fight every ounce of tears that's threatening to fall, but she soon gave up and let it flow. She is in much pains but still endured all what Stacy does.

That Stacy is such a bitch to be inflicting more pains to someone who already has an heap. I couldn't take it anymore, I squat then held her face making her to look at me, she tried turning aside but I held her face firmly and said

"It's okay Eddie, forget about what Stacy said and I'm really sorry for what happened to them and please stop crying I can't bear to see you cry like this it really hurts me".

I was shocked at what I said and so was she. She pushed herself up and asked "What exactly are you?".