Chapter 8: What the F**k!


She pushed herself up and asked

"What exactly are you?"

"Meaning?" I'm so confused

"Meaning what I just asked"

"Eddie I don't really understand what you're saying"

"Oh come of this pretence of yours, I don't even know your name and you're the cause of all that insults I keep on receiving from Stacy, you're the reason why I'm having terrible nightmares"

"Nightmares?" I'm confused and shocked at the same time. What does she mean by nightmares? she hasn't seen my real me so why the nightmares.

"Yes nightmares where I'm being chased by vampires, beaten to the point of death only for you to come and save me. You were super fast, your eyes changed from sky-blue to dark purple. The first time I saw you, I felt so strange that I even blanked out. I don't know what kind of creature you're so please stay away from me, I've had enough troubles for your sake....."

She kept on talking and pleading while I looked at her with confusion and surprise. I know she has seen my purple eyes once, but she talking of feeling strange and having nightmares is something I don't understand.

"Erm! Eddie I'm not any creature, I'm a human just like you" I explained

"Erm! Eddie I'm not any creature, I'm a human just like you" she imitated in a funny way

"How do you expect me to believe that?, how can a human have the ability to change their iris? how can a human be super fast? and how can a human break that kind of fucking hard table?. Oh! how can a human jump from a high building without breaking any limbs. All these I know are characters of a vampire, so I'm asking you again are you a vampire?".

What the fuck! I used my fingers to comb through my hair, how did she know. This girl is really something. I didn't expect her to do some research about my dark eyes.

"Eddie I'm not a vampire, because if I'm one I won't be seeing the sun. I would only come out at night, I will..."

"Oh will you keep quiet" she cut me short

"Do you think because I'm dark in complexion, my brain is dark. I know..."

I sensed someone coming and trying to tell her to keep quiet won't work. I didn't know what propelled me to stop her with a kiss, that was when Tim got to us. I didn't need to see him because I had smelled his scent. Then Eddie pulled out and gave me a slap. Whoa!! no one has dared to raise their hand on me but she just did.


I was really angry with this guy. I was trying hard to force out answers that I needed from him, but he is so frustrating. I was busy when he kissed me, I tried hard to break the contact but he held me firmly and gosh he is so strong even without applying force. When I noticed him loosen a bit, I broke free and landed a dirty slap on his face. I was really furious with him taking advantage of me

"How dare you" that's it I lost control and became extremely angry then I gave him another slap

"How dare you place your filthy lips on mine, who do you think you're. Oh I've been correct all these while and instead of answering me you went ahead to kiss me, argh!! yulk!!. You really disgust me, oh my goodness!! I can't believe I was kissed by a vampire, arrrgh!!"

"What the fuck!!" I heard someone say. I turned to see it was his friend, I sighed and walked out of the garden.