I was out of control and when Edeth tried stopping me I pushed her away, due to the force know something isn't going to be the same in her body. Her last statement got me back to myself.
"Eddie" I rushed to her, she was breathing relatively slow. "Oh no why couldn't I've controlled myself. Eddie please you've got to stay with me, just stay" With that I carried her effortlessly although I was still angry, I had to keep cool because of Eddie. I knew my eyes were still purple and going through the stairs would create lot of attraction and I need to rush Eddie to the hospital. I looked round and saw all the windows had protectors wh8ch is made of iron, I quickly dropped Eddie and walked to the closet window I held the iron and with one pull I removed it from the wall.
I carried Eddie and leaped out of the window. Rushed to my car placed her gently and drove to the hospital. I was greatly troubled.