Chapter Twenty-four: Gentle Emotions 

Thane’s POV

“Lily is here, sir.”

The voice of Ava, my receptionist, booms from my office phone.

I exhale slowly, itching the creases on my forehead, and contemplating if to give her a firm excuse or just let her in.


“Yeah, let her in.”

She's here after all. Giving her my instructions, I drop the landline to concentrate on work.

I've got so much on my plate, especially of late that Avery has decided to be a thorn in my flesh.

There are a bunch of unattended meetings and a pitch I'm yet to come up with, despite the deadline starting at me. Even though I have the liberty to leave it for my team to sort out, I'm too rigid to take some risks, especially involving my top clients. And down to my workers, I oversee the recruitment process.

“Hey, darling.”

The door opens to reveal Lily. She has a basket of fruit in hand as she strolls across the office.

As ever, she looks stunning, with her hair styled, so it freely falls on her shoulders, a clingy pink dress, and a classy bag and shoes to fit.


She comes over to where I'm sitting and adjusts the files on my desk so she can sit on it.

“You look sick,” she subtly wipes beads of sweat off my forehead. Despite the fully air-conditioned office, I'm still sweaty. I guess she's right.

“Father informed me that you're a bit unwell.”

Oh. True.

The first time her father visited for the so-talked-about meeting, I ended up embarrassing myself. He called for help against my will, and when they came, I dismissed them, insisting it was just an allergic reaction.


She calls my attention, noticing my distorted state.


“How are you feeling now?” She plays with my collar. “You must really be stressed out.”

“Nah, I'm fine.” I shrug, navigating on my screen with my cursor.

She looks at my laptop and sighs, posed off that she isn't getting the much attention she desires.

“You’re still working.”

She removes my hand from the keyboard and closes the laptop. I try to resist her and go again, but she groans, shutting the system still.

“You are stressed, babe.” She grimaces, trying so hard to persuade me to heed her advice. “My father confirmed so on his first day meeting you, and it's not nice.”

“It just happened.”

“Which is the more reason why we have to be more careful and rest properly.” She holds my chin, making me lock eyes with her beautiful amber ones

“Allow me to help out with a few chores.” She pouts, blinking nonstop like she's trying to jinx me.

“No,” I say without contemplating, knowing what she means by that.

“Why don't you like me staying over? Not even for the weekend.”

“We've had this conversation over a hundred times, Lily.”

“It's just going to be for the weekend, and you seem to need it the most.” She keeps protesting.

“And I'm not into the idea.” I puff, exhausted from the endless drama. Opening my laptop to resume working, I barely pay attention to her.

“How about we see some other time?” I still don't look at it, and I know it's pissing her off.

“Are you asking me out?” Her tone is sad.

“You make me seem bad when you say it that way,” I do poor damage control. “I have a board meeting in a few minutes, I need to prepare.”

I try to pacify her if it would help at the very least.

“And no, you can't wait here for me,” I say, like I can read her mind. “I've got a place to be after that, but I will call you whenever I'm free.”

“We both know that you're not going to call, and when I do, you barely pick it up, or return them.”

“I'll call you when I'm free, okay.”

Standing up, I press a light kiss on her forehead and she wraps the tails of my necktie around her index finger.

“How about you make it up to me in a hot way?” She winks, her tone now soft and seductive.

“This can wait… I have a meeting to prep for and…”

“Thane, come on.” She groans. “You had me suspended the last time, just when you got me wet for you.”

“Avery, can you stop?”

Oddly, she released her grip from my tie and just stared at me, in the most awkward way.


“Avery? Who’s Avery?”


“Are you cheating on me?” She's so livid like she would literally tear up her competitor.

“Firstly, I'm not seeing another woman, and secondly, even if I were, this is a relationship of convenience, and we don't owe each other our loyalty.”

She sighs.


“You should stop calling me that,” I stop her. “I feel it makes you entitled and gives you a false sense of belonging…”

“Thane, but I want you.”

“You agreed to this…”

“Only because I thought you'd eventually love me.” She whimpers.

Not saying a word, I gather my items, about to exit my office.

“If you're so innocent, who's Avery?” She questions, hurt, and devastated.

“No one you should worry about,” I tell her. “And if you must know, she's my client, and on having a pity her right now.”

Not waiting for her to give me a response, I start for the door and exit.


That was a narrow escape for me. I pressed my lips together like it would take away my mistake.

Speaking about Averg, my mind drifts again, wondering what mischief she's up to.

“Sir, the members are ready,” Williams calls after me, taking my phone and laptop in his hands.

I sigh, pulling myself back to reality, ready to ace this, and hoping that Avery doesn't pop up on my lips, uninvited.

“Get the rest of my items from my office, I'm leaving early.”

I instruct him, avoiding the chance to meet Lily there even after the meeting.

“Alright, sir.” He nods, ignorant of my purpose.