Chapter Twenty-five: Questionable Action 

Thane’s POV

“Good day, sir.”

Rufus greets me, opening the door for me to get in.

Not responding to his greeting, I just get into the back seat and heave a long sigh of relief. Today, work was hectic.

As planned, Williams brought my bag to the conference room, and I was meant to leave soon after the meeting, but I stayed behind, attending an impromptu meeting Ava set up. I was almost at the point of yanking her head off.

“There's a hounding traffic ahead, sir.”

Rufus’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

“We'll have to take another route, quite long, I must say.”

“Do whatever you think is right.”

I stretch my long legs, exhausted from the hectic activities.

Swiveling, he changes our route as he suggests, saving us the long queue, but it may still take forever to get home, I presume.

Needing a break, I set my tablet down and just stared out the window, finding a moment of solace in the fine-moving objects. For long minutes as imagined, he keeps driving. If we were using the shorter route, I'd be soaked in my bathtub by now.

A fancy place catches my eye, causing me to peek out. It's the same spot that Avery dragged me to. I remember her puppy gaze when she held those bags of ridiculous junk and how she passionately feasted on them, ignoring my rants.


The word slips out of my lips.

Already out, I guess I might as well go on.


“Stop.” I reiterate.

Rufus steps on the brakes and pulls the car to a halt.

“Pull backward a little.” I dish another order.

Doing as I instructed, he drives backward, until we're in front of the mall.

Satisfied, I just stare at the shop, wondering what Avery’s reaction will be when she gets treated to the snacks. I bet she'll be over the moon.

I get down, not saying anything to Rufus, and walk towards the shop that is adjacent. Having a change of mind, I stop abruptly, my hands sinking into my pockets, as I return back to my car.

What will Rufus think when he sees me carrying bags of chocolates? Aside from them being most ladies live language, he's lived with me long enough to know I'm old-fashioned; strong coffee, no affection… Rigid as a bone.

Not having a conflicting thought, I get into the car and just stare outside. I can't dent my image now. Avery has done enough damage to it.

Thane… Don't be so hard on her, a little treat won't be bad. Maybe she'll act better when she's treated nicely.

Like I'm a beast. I scoff.

Her soft body on my hard muscles, sweet-smelling shampoo, vulnerability, glares at me.

She's just a doll, like a baby about to have a baby.

I smile.

You know what, damn it.

“Rufus, leave,” I find myself saying. “Go home, I'm waiting for someone.” A line to buttress my point slips out.

“Alright, sir.”

He turns off the ignition.

“Get a cab or something, go home,” I say like he has no clue how to handle himself. “You've got a few bucks on you, yeah?”

He nods and leaves soon enough.

Monitoring him and making sure he's truly out of sight, I pick up a nose mask, smear it to my face, get down, and walk into the shop.

As usual, it's smelling so sweet. Avery must have sniffed in so badly.

I chuckle, remembering her stomach rumbling like thunder, the day Lily visited, it's a wonder she didn't hear it.

“Get me a bit of everything on your menu,” I drop the thick menu instead.

Their eyes glistened with delight when I placed my order. I wonder if they remember me as the guy who saved the lady with a big sweet tooth.

“Thank you, sir.”

The manager mumbles, as he orders a security to roll out my trolley and help me stuff them in the car.

Once inside my car, I start the ride home and suddenly grow cold feet. Swiftly pulling the car to a halt, I contemplate what I've just done.

Getting stuff for Avery, is that part of our contract? And I remember saying no strings attached, what if I give her the wrong impression?


The lady in the park, playing with her toddler, holds my attention. They are so joyful and lively. I bet I can give them more reason to be cheerful.

Getting down, I open the trunk and pack most of the bag, walking over to them.

“Hey,” I smile, waving at the lady.

“Hello.” She smiles back.

“I've got so much chocolate and I can't have all of it. Do you want some?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Dropping the bag with her and her baby, she can't help but shower me with words of appreciation.

The happy look on her kid’s face soothes my heart. Getting rid of the other bags and handing them to passersby, I finish the distribution and resume driving back.


That brutal voice scolds again.

The image of the lady and her son, from earlier, budgers my mind. I'd love to see Avery that happy.

She's a surrogate, you moron!

Yeah, of course. I sigh.

But if I can't see her that cheerful with my son, just maybe she can smile too, being pregnant.

In confusion, I change my lane, driving back to the shop. As before, I get another bundle of their pastries, and I bet they're wondering if I'm wooing kids with them.

Good to go, I drive back home, anxiety ripping through my guts. What if she hurls them at me, or scolds me, or…


I can do anything but give them away.

Finally, I arrive home, with Rufus waiting patiently for me. Lowering the glass on the driver’s side, I wait for him to come closer.

“Take the blue Ford to the mechanic, it's due for maintenance.”

“Sir?” He pauses. “Isn't he coming over anymore?”

“Stop asking me questions and do as I say.” I sigh, driving in.

Without getting any of the bags out, I wait for Rufus to drive out. If only he knows that my mechanic is out on a short vacation. It's better to make a fool of him than worry about what he would say if he sees me discharge the bags.

Opening the door, I step a foot in, and survey the area. She isn't downstairs as usual, perhaps she's beginning to warm up to rules and regulation.

Good thing.

I told you! My egocentric brain yells to my hearing.

Right. I give it the due accolades, as there's no need to banter, especially when it's crystal clear you'd lose out on the argument.


I call out, my voice echoing in the huge mansion.


I try not to chuckle. She will never put respect to my name. Sucha pain in the ass.

As if she's lurking in the hallway and waiting for permission to be naughty, she shows in front of the door.

Clicking a button, the trunk opens, revealing the bags of goodies.

I watch how her eyes widen in sheer delight and her jaws drop in awe.