The Calm Before the Storm

Ten years old. It felt like both a lifetime and just a blink of an eye since Damian had opened his eyes to this world. He had grown significantly over the last few years—not just physically, but magically, too. His body was lean and agile, not a muscle-bound rip-off of a comic book hero, but fit enough to outrun anyone in the orphanage. Damian didn't tire easily anymore; his workouts had paid off tremendously. He was excited, both for his upcoming Hogwarts letter and for the pranks he planned to unleash upon the unsuspecting world of wizarding students.

His reputation had grown, too. Damian was no longer just the "new kid" at the orphanage. His mischievous nature had earned him a title: 'Damian the Prankster'. Kids would come to him when they needed advice or help, but they also learned quickly to be cautious; he was known for his pranks.

Just last week, Damian had orchestrated his greatest hit yet. After overhearing two of the older boys brag about how they could scare any younger children, he decided to intervene. Using his cunning, Damian snuck into the older boys' room and filled their shoes with gooey mud from the garden. The next morning, as they prepared to head out and show off, they ended up with muddy feet and a good dose of embarrassment instead. The sight of them hopping around, trying to clean their shoes while the younger kids laughed, was priceless.

Another prank Damian enjoyed was swapping the labels on the food jars in the kitchen. One day, he carefully switched the labels on the jars of jam and peanut butter. Imagine the surprise when one of the matron's favourite snacks turned out to be a jar of pickles instead! The kids had a good laugh at the matron's confused face when she took a bite.

As for his wandless magic? It was coming along splendidly. Damian could hold a table in the air for about thirty minutes before his magic exhausted itself, and it felt empowering to wield that level of control. He also took great pride in the fact that he had nearly mastered the levitation spell. With a flick of his hand, he could make objects float and dance in the air.

Of course, the journey wasn't without its trials. Occlumency was proving to be an entirely different matter. Clearing his mind was easier said than done. The first time Damian attempted it, he found himself drowning in a sea of thoughts—every memory, every worry, every prank he'd ever played collided in his head like a chaotic storm. Now, he could clear his mind for about thirty seconds if he concentrated hard enough. It was a start, but he knew he'd need to dive deeper into his studies if he wanted to master it completely.

Hogwarts loomed on the horizon, and he was excited but anxious. What kind of place would it be? Would it live up to his expectations? And then there was Dumbledore. Damian couldn't shake the feeling that he was a puzzle he hadn't quite figured out yet. Was he genuinely good? Or was there something darker hidden behind that twinkle in his eye? Would Damian be just another piece in his grand chess game?

Being the Black heir was both a boon and a curse. On one hand, he had access to privileges other students wouldn't. On the other hand, he had a target on his back. The Malfoys had already shown interest in his family's legacy. What would happen when he stepped foot in Hogwarts? Damian couldn't help but think about his status—how many enemies he might have, and how many people would want to eliminate him to claim the Black heirship for themselves.

But for now, all he had to do was wait. Just one week until his Hogwarts letter arrived. One week of anticipation filled with a mixture of excitement and worry. What adventures awaited him? What friendships would he forge? What pranks would he pull?

As he sat on his small bed, daydreaming about his future at Hogwarts, a smile crept across Damian's face. Whatever lay ahead, he was ready for it. He had his plans, his magic, and a spirit that wouldn't be broken.

Bring it on, Hogwarts. Damian Black was coming.