Destiny Arrives

The day had arrived. His eleventh birthday. He sat by the small, cracked window of the orphanage, fingers tapping against the sill after the small birthday celebration the orphanage gave him. He sat waiting for the owl to come, to receive his Hogwarts letter.

The sky outside was dull, clouds gathering as though they knew today was special. His heart thudded in his chest, nerves twisting in his stomach. When would the letter come? Who would bring it? He hoped it wasn't Snape.

He was lost in thought when the door to his room creaked open.

"Damian Black!" The matron's voice pierced the air. "There's someone here to see you."

He blinked in surprise. His pulse quickened as he hurried down the stairs, his mind racing.

When he reached the foyer, there stood a man—or rather, a very small man—with a kind face and a faintly amused smile. He was dressed in robes that looked out of place in the orphanage, his stature barely reaching Damian's shoulder.

"You must be Damian," he said in a cheerful, high-pitched voice. "I've been sent to deliver some rather exciting news."

Damian glanced around the room, unsure of how to respond. "Who are you?" he asked, trying to sound calm, though the anticipation was making it hard to keep still.

"Filius Flitwick, at your service," he replied, his smile widening. "I'm a professor at a very special school—Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Flitwick chuckled softly and reached into his robes. "Ah, yes, of course. This will make it official." He pulled out a thick envelope, sealed with red wax and stamped with a crest—a lion, a badger, a raven, and a snake.

Damian stared at the letter, his breath catching. This was it. His Hogwarts letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump of International Conference of Wizards)

16th February 1981

Dear Mr. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Enclosed you will find a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Second page



First-year students will require:

Three sets of plain work robes (black) One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Boole of Spells (Grade1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theorгу

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Sell Protection

Byggentia Tramble


1 wand

1 telescope

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

"Is... is magic really real? Can you prove it?" Damian asked to keep character.

Flitwick nodded, his smile never faltering. "Oh, it's very real, my boy. But seeing is believing, isn't it?" With that, he pulled out a wand—a thin, elegant piece of wood—and held it in front of him. "Let me show you something."

He waved the wand with a quick flick, and suddenly, the air around them shimmered. Damian gasped as small, glowing birds appeared out of nowhere, their feathers sparkling like tiny stars. They fluttered around the room, chirping softly before dissolving into bursts of light.

Damian's mouth fell open. 'Damn, how easily is he doing that? I get exhausted after just lifting some rocks.'

Before Damian could fully comprehend what had just happened, Flitwick flicked his wand again, and a chair across the room began to levitate, floating gently a few feet off the ground. He stared, wide-eyed, unable to stop the grin that spread across his face.

"This is amazing!" Damian blurted out, his excitement getting the better of him.

Flitwick beamed at him, clearly pleased with Damian's reaction. "It's only the beginning, Damian. At Hogwarts, you'll learn how to do things like this—and much, much more. You've got a great future ahead of you."

Damian looked back at the letter in his hand, his heart racing. "So... I'm really going? To Hogwarts?"

"Of course!" Flitwick said brightly. "It's your destiny. You've got magic in your blood, my boy. Your family—the Blacks—are one of the oldest wizarding families in existence."

"The Blacks?" Damian echoed, acting surprised. "I... I don't know much about them."

Flitwick gave him a sympathetic smile. "Your parents may not have been able to tell you, but yes, you come from a very distinguished family. They've produced some of the most talented witches and wizards the world has ever seen. It's no wonder you've been accepted to Hogwarts."

"There's much to do before term starts," Flitwick continued. "We'll need to get you your supplies—books, robes, a wand. But don't worry, I'll take you to Diagon Alley to get everything you need."

Diagon Alley. The name alone sent a thrill through Damian. The world he had only dreamed about all his life, and he was about to be a part of it.

He looked back at Flitwick, barely able to contain his excitement. "When do we go?"

Flitwick laughed, clearly enjoying Damian's enthusiasm. "Right now, if you're ready."

"I'm ready," Damian said, practically bouncing on his feet.

With a nod, Flitwick held out his hand. "Very well. Take my arm. We'll Apparate directly to the Leaky Cauldron."

Damian hesitated for a moment, then grabbed Flitwick's arm. Before he could blink, the orphanage around them vanished, and he felt a strange, squeezing sensation as the world spun around him. In an instant, they were standing outside a small, worn-looking pub with a sign that read 'The Leaky Cauldron'.

Damian stared in amazement, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it. He was finally stepping into the wizarding world.

Flitwick patted Damian's shoulder. "Let's go shopping."