Borgin and Burkes

The next morning, Damian woke early, as was his habit. He went through his daily routine swiftly, knowing what the day held. After preparing himself, he reached for the diary, slipping it beneath his robes and ensuring it was securely hidden. He also wore a full-sleeve cloak, one that would make it easier to discreetly hand off the dark object when the time came. Today had to go perfectly.

As he descended the staircase to the breakfast room, the smell of food wafted through the air. Draco was already seated, animatedly talking to Narcissa about their upcoming trip. Lucius sat at the head of the table, his demeanor calm but calculating, as always.

"Good morning, Damian," Narcissa greeted warmly, her eyes briefly flickering over his attire. "You're up early."

Damian nodded, taking a seat across from her. "Wanted to get a head start on the day," he replied calmly. His gaze shifted to Lucius, who was reading the Daily Prophet with his usual composed demeanor.

"Morning, Damian," Draco greeted with a grin, clearly eager for the day's shopping in Diagon Alley. "Ready to get our school supplies? I heard there's a new broom model coming out too. Not as good as the Nimbus 2001, but still."

Damian gave a small smile, taking his seat. "I'm ready," he replied simply, though his mind was on the diary tucked away beneath his robes.

Lucius finally folded his newspaper and glanced at the two boys, his cool grey eyes assessing. "We'll leave after breakfast. There's much to do in Diagon Alley, and I have a few errands to run," he said smoothly, glancing at Draco and then back at Damian. "Have you made a list of what you need for next year?"

"Yes," Damian replied, sipping his tea. "I did not forget to get the list sent by the school."

Lucius gave a nod, though there was something sharp in his gaze, as if he were studying Damian's every move. "Very well. We'll ensure you're fully equipped for the new term."

After breakfast, the group gathered near the foyer. Damian felt the diary press against his chest, the weight of it more noticeable now that they were preparing to leave. Draco, as usual, was animated, already talking about the new broomsticks and other Quidditch gear he wanted to check out.

As they stepped outside, Lucius took one last glance around. "Alright, everyone ready?" he asked, his tone authoritative but casual.

Draco grinned. "Always."

Damian nodded, keeping his posture steady. "I'm ready."

Lucius placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, and with a quick glance to Damian, he extended his arm. "Let's go, then." With a faint pop, they Apparated from the manor to the Leaky Cauldron.

The bustling sounds of the wizarding world filled the air as they arrived at the tavern. Damian adjusted his cloak, making sure the diary was secure and hidden. Today, he would finally get rid of it, and no one—not Lucius, not Draco, not even Ginny Weasley—would see it coming.


As they stepped out of the bustling Diagon Alley, the lively atmosphere quickly faded behind them, replaced by a darker, more sinister ambiance as they moved into Knockturn Alley. The sun seemed to dim, casting long shadows over the cobblestone street, where crooked buildings leaned toward one another as if conspiring. The scent of damp stone and something faintly rotten filled the air, while witches and wizards with suspicious, hooded expressions lurked in the shadows.

Lucius led them with purpose, his silver cane tapping softly against the stones as they passed shady storefronts filled with cursed trinkets and dark magic artifacts. The eerie atmosphere of Knockturn Alley was unsettling, but Damian kept his composure, mindful of the diary hidden under his robes. Draco, on the other hand, seemed more curious than concerned.

"Are we really going into that place?" Draco asked, peering down the alley with wide eyes. "It looks… creepy."

"Creepy is an understatement, Draco," Damian replied, suppressing a shiver. "Just stay close to your father."

Lucius turned slightly, casting a sharp glance at Draco. "A little caution never hurt anyone, son. But do remember, appearances can be deceiving." He paused and added, "And avoid getting too comfortable here. We're not here for leisure."

As they turned a corner, the large sign of Borgin and Burkes came into view, creaking as it swayed slightly in the breeze. The shop looked as dilapidated as the rest of the alley—grimy windows barely let in any light, and the air grew thicker as they approached. They stepped inside, the heavy wooden door creaking open, and a small bell above the door rang, alerting the shopkeeper.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy! Always a pleasure to see a regular," came the oily voice of Mr. Borgin as he appeared from behind the counter. His eyes gleamed with greed as he took in the sight of Lucius, Draco, and Damian. "And what brings you here today? Looking to add to your collection, or perhaps something new for the young ones?" Borgin's gaze flicked to Draco and Damian.

Lucius gave a cold smile, barely acknowledging Borgin's enthusiasm. "Not today. I'm here to sell, not buy." He leaned closer, lowering his voice slightly. "I trust you've heard about the new Dark Artifact Monitoring Bill introduced by Arthur Weasley? It's become quite the nuisance, hasn't it?"

Borgin's smile faltered only slightly before he nodded. "Of course, Mr. Malfoy. I'd be honored to take anything off your hands. Let's discuss it." He led Lucius toward the back of the shop, where they began talking in hushed tones about whatever dark item Lucius had brought with him.

Draco and Damian, left to their own devices, began wandering around the shop. It was packed with eerie, dangerous items that made Damian subtly keep his distance. His eyes roamed over the various objects on display—spiked instruments that looked designed for torture, a cursed necklace behind a glass case, leering masks with sinister grins, and a pack of bloody playing cards stacked haphazardly on a dusty shelf.

Draco pointed to one particularly grotesque object—a mummified hand clutching a candle. "What's that?" he asked, intrigued but clearly unaware of its name.

"That," came Borgin's voice as he glanced back at them, "is the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle, and it will give light only to the holder. Very useful for sneaking around."

Draco's eyes widened, impressed. "That sounds brilliant! Can we get one, Father?" 

Lucius, overhearing, shook his head. "No, Draco. You have plenty of toys already. And you should focus on your studies, not on more… frivolities." His tone was dismissive but not unkind.

"But I could use it in the next match!" Draco insisted, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Lucius sighed, turning back to Borgin. "Young wizards these days lack focus." 

Meanwhile, Damian remained silent, continuing his exploration. His attention soon turned to the Vanishing Cabinet in the corner of the room. It was cracked and battered, but he knew its significance. He would be back for that—soon. But what truly caught his attention was the Crushing Cabinet nearby, which looked like an innocent wardrobe at first glance. But Damian, sensing something unusual, narrowed his eyes and moved closer.

"What's in there?" he asked, pointing to the Crushing Cabinet.

Draco leaned closer, intrigued. "Do you think it's like the Vanishing Cabinet?"

"I don't know, but I'm not about to find out," Damian replied, glancing back to ensure Lucius was preoccupied with Borgin. 

As he examined the cabinet, he noticed something—or someone—moving inside. His heart skipped a beat as he realised who it might be. Harry Potter. He understood the significance immediately. If Harry was here, then the Weasleys are here for sure.

After a few more moments of browsing, Lucius called for them. "Draco, Damian, we're leaving. The business is done."

Draco gave one last look at the Hand of Glory before following his father, and Damian trailed behind them, his mind already working on how he would carry out his plan for the diary. 

As they stepped out into the alley once again, Lucius turned to them. "Let's go buy your school supplies now. I trust you've both made a list?"

"Of course, Father," Draco replied, puffing out his chest with a hint of pride. "I've got my Nimbus and all the latest editions of Quidditch Weekly on it."

Lucius nodded, clearly pleased. "Then let's make it a quick trip. I don't want to waste more time here than necessary."

Damian followed closely behind, his thoughts racing with anticipation. He knew what he had to do.