Ginny Weasley

Once out of Knockturn Alley, Lucius turned to the boys. "Meet me at the Leaky Cauldron in half an hour after your purchases," he instructed, his tone brokering no argument.

As Lucius walked away, Damian's heart raced with the thrill of his plan. He slipped past Draco, who was engrossed in examining the latest brooms in Quality Quidditch Supplies, and headed straight for the small, red-haired figure he had spotted: Ginny Weasley.

"Perfect," he muttered under his breath as he approached her in front of Flourish and Blotts. With a swift move, he bumped into her, sending her stack of books tumbling to the ground.

"Oh no!" Ginny exclaimed, teetering slightly as she caught herself, her eyes wide in surprise.

Damian feigned panic, quickly bending down to help her. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! Let me help you with those," he said, his voice laced with sincerity as he grabbed a few books and added them to the cauldron she was holding. He carefully picked up a thick, worn volume that looked like it had seen better days. "This one looks interesting! 'Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them,' right?" He flashed her a disarming smile, hoping to make a good impression.

"Uh, yeah," Ginny replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. She glanced at him, her initial surprise giving way to curiosity. "Thanks for helping. I didn't think I'd drop them all."

"Honestly, it's all my fault," Damian continued, pretending to look apologetic. "I was so focused on the books I didn't notice you at all! I just—got lost in thought, I guess." He subtly slipped the diary into the cauldron while she was distracted, making sure to keep his movements casual.

As they both knelt down, he caught a glimpse of her bright red hair and freckles. "Are you excited about starting at Hogwarts?" he asked, hoping to keep the conversation flowing and her engaged.

"Definitely! I can't wait to learn more about magic," she replied, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "What about you? Are you looking forward to it?"

"Oh, I am in my second year now! But there's still so much exploring to do. A few classes are boring but learning magic is enchanting" He paused, as he said with excitement watching her reaction closely. "What do you think you'll be most excited about?"

"Probably charms and flying!" she said, her voice animated. "I've always wanted to try Quidditch, and I hear it's really fun."

Damian nodded, encouragingly. "Quidditch sounds awesome! I'd love to see you play. You should definitely try out for the team."

Her face lit up with a smile. "Really? You think I should? I mean, I've never played before, but I've watched it all my life. I just hope I can keep up with the others. I know Ron's trying out too, but he's always been more into the Chudley Cannons than actually playing." She laughed, her nervousness melting away. "Maybe I'll surprise everyone!"

As he handed her another book, Ron Weasley barged in, his face scrunched in a frown. "Hey! Get away from her, you slimy snake!" he yelled, shoving Damian aside with enough force to send him stumbling. The sudden movement caused the cauldron to overturn, sending books and scrolls spilling everywhere, again, the parchments fluttering through the air like fallen leaves. Now they caught the crowd's attention.

"Ron, wait! He was just helping!" Ginny exclaimed, frustration flashing in her eyes as she scrambled to gather her scattered belongings.

"Helping? Looks more like you were trying to ambush her, you Slytherin creep!" Ron retorted, crossing his arms defiantly. "You think you can charm your way into the family, don't you?"

Damian quickly regained his footing, irritation boiling under the surface. "I was just looking at the books—I didn't mean to bump into her! You didn't have to push me!" he shot back, shooting a glare at Ron. 

Mrs. Weasley hurried over, concern etched across her face. "What's going on here? Ron, why are you shouting?"

"He was bothering Ginny!" Ron pointed an accusing finger at Damian, his tone filled with indignation.

Ginny interjected, her voice firm, "That's not true, Mum! He was helping me pick up my books that were dropped and Ron just pushed him for no reason!"

Mrs. Weasley looked between them, her expression softening as she realized the situation. "Ron, you need to apologize for that. It's not kind to shove someone just because you're worried about Ginny."

"But, Mum—" Ron began, but Mrs. Weasley cut him off.

"No 'buts,' young man. Apologize." 

Damian couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as Ron reluctantly mumbled, "Sorry," his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Damian helped Ginny gather the scattered books, scanning the ground anxiously for the missing diary. 'Where did it go?' he thought looking around, frustration mounting as he realized Ron's clumsiness had cost him the perfect opportunity.

"It's okay, I can get it," Ginny said, her brow furrowing as she looked around. "But that one," she pointed to a book lying torn and battered on the ground, "that's my Care of Magical Creatures book. It's ruined!"

Damian sighed, feeling responsible. "It was my fault, really," he said, gently pulling her hand to reassure her. "Let's replace it. Come on, I'll help you."

With nothing to do now, he led her into Flourish and Blotts, where the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and chatter, especially around the display of Gilderoy Lockhart's latest book. Damian was hoping to locate the dairy atleast in the bookstore. Ginny rolled her eyes at the commotion, but Damian couldn't help but feel the pressure of the crowd around them.

As Damian approached the counter with the Care of Magical Creatures book in hand, he noticed Mr. and Mrs. Weasley watching from a few steps away, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern.

"Damian, dear, you really don't need to buy that for Ginny," Mrs. Weasley said, stepping forward. "It's very kind of you, but we can handle it."

Mr. Weasley nodded, adding, "Yes, you didn't have to buy her the book."

Ginny looked between them and Damian, clearly embarrassed. "It's okay, really. I can manage."

Damian smiled, shaking his head. "No, it's my fault the book got ruined. I want to help."

Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips, glancing at Ginny. "But dear, you shouldn't feel obligated. We can sort it out ourselves. Besides, it's a tough year financially."

"I insist, Mrs. Weasley," Damian replied, his tone firm yet friendly. "Ginny deserves to have the right materials for her classes. Plus, I'd feel terrible if I didn't make this right."

Mr. Weasley raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "You're sure about this, Damian? It's a generous offer, and we wouldn't want to impose."

"Yes, Mr. Weasley. I'm certain." Damian shot a reassuring smile at Ginny, who looked touched but still conflicted.

"Alright then, if you're sure," Mrs. Weasley said, reluctantly conceding. "But next time, let us handle it."

As Damian placed the book on the counter, he felt grateful that he was not found out inspite Ron's interference.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Ginny protested, her cheeks flushing. "Really, I can pay for it myself."

"Nonsense," Damian insisted with a smile. "Consider it a friend's gesture. Plus, I owe you after Ron's little stunt." He quickly grabbed a new copy of the Care of Magical Creatures book and approached the cashier.