CH-3. Who is the prettiest among us?

A huge thanks to Howellsy, Copinsa, david lagos, Jack M, Haralds Martinsons, Surge1301, Jose Newcomb, Kal Odinson and Darth Bane for supporting me on Patreon.

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All of this felt as magical as real magic.

Not only was Flash stunned, but the onlookers also began to doubt their eyes.

"What did I just see? He healed Flash's arm like that?"

"Is this magic?"

"Magic? No, I think this is Eastern Kung Fu!"

"Yes, magical Eastern Kung Fu!"

"Oh, I really want to learn this. I wonder if he can teach me."

While some marveled at Jaxon's miraculous methods, others started paying more attention to him.

"Oh, this guy is so hot, I'd love to go on a date with him!"

"Me too, he looks so manly."

Jaxon heard some of the chatter and couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

"Pfft, they just want my body. Such thirst."

"Forget it, they're nowhere near as good as Gwen and others."

After his brief complaint, Jaxon turned back to Flash, issuing a stern warning.

"Flash, I dislocated your arm as punishment."

"Now, I've fixed it. Your arm should be fine."

"If you're worried, you can see a doctor."

"But remember, don't mess with me again, and stop bullying others."

"Otherwise, I'll show you just how powerful Kung Fu really is."

"It can not only dislocate your arm, but also make sure you can't be a man anymore without you even realizing it."

"Got it?"

Flash was shaken, realizing Jaxon had more powerful—and terrifying—abilities. He was both scared and impressed by Jaxon's demeanor.

"I-I promise I won't bother you anymore."


[Ding! You have defeated Flash!]

[Flash's fate has been altered—500 fate points gained!]

[Peter Parker's fate has been altered—1,000 fate points gained!]

[First time changing fate—double destiny points awarded!]

[An additional $100,000 and a lucky draw opportunity have been granted!]

'Double points? That's 3,000 destiny points in total!'

'All my six attributes are currently at level 3. I need exactly 1,000 destiny points to upgrade each one to level 4.'

'Let's do it. I'll upgrade strength, speed, and endurance.'

Jaxon felt the changes in his body, a sense of comfort washing over him as though his life was being elevated to another level.

'Level 4 strength equals the ability to lift 100 tons.'

'Level 4 speed reaches Mach 1—the speed of sound at 340 m/s.'

'Level 4 endurance grants some self-healing abilities and significantly boosts defense.'

'To reach level 5, I'll need 10,000 destiny points.'

'I wonder how many points I'd get if I won over Gwen?'

'And there's still that one lucky draw. I might as well use it now.'

[Ding! Congratulations, you have drawn a special item: One-time Target Locator!]

The system prompt sounded and the item's information appeared I'm Jaxon's mind.

'I can select a target and locate them, which pairs perfectly with my instant movement ability.'

'Tony Stark? Captain America?'

'Looks like I could make some serious money with this.'

The commotion Jaxon caused attracted the attention of the teachers. One teacher saw the group of students gathered and, concerned that something might be happening, shouted over, "Hey, what are you all doing?"

When the teacher appeared, the crowd quickly dispersed.

Seeing that nothing serious had occurred, the teacher didn't intervene.

Jaxon spotted Gwen leaving and jogged up to her, "Hey, Gwen! I did it."

"So, do you have time to grab coffee after school?"

After the incident, Gwen's opinion of Jaxon improved significantly.

He was brave without being reckless, strong but not a bully like Flash. And while he did teach Flash a lesson, he also helped heal his arm.

To Gwen, Jaxon's actions all counted as plus points.

Smiling at his invitation, Gwen agreed without hesitation, "Of course."

As the two prepared to head back to class, Betty approached them.

"Hey, Gwen!"


Betty seemed excited, greeting Gwen enthusiastically, but her real target was Jaxon.

"Hey, Jaxon, I'm Betty Brant, Gwen's friend."

"Nice to meet you, Betty."

"Jaxon, you were amazing earlier, even more handsome than a movie star!"

"Thanks for the compliment, Betty. You're pretty cute yourself."


"Absolutely, that's an obvious fact."

"I heard you two are going for coffee after school. Mind if I join?"

Jaxon responded immediately, "It'd be my honor to invite two beauties for coffee. Gwen, you don't mind, do you?"

Gwen smiled, knowing Betty well. The two of them, along with Mary Jane, had once been in a band together, although their academic responsibilities had put that on pause.

"It's just coffee. Why not have one more friend?"

With two lovely girls next to him, Jaxon was getting a lot of attention.

"Jaxon, was that really Kung Fu you used back there?"

"I guess you could say that. Just some simple techniques."

"Well, it was really cool."

"Does everyone from the East know Kung Fu?"

That misunderstanding seemed to exist in every world.

Gwen had been interested in these things, but with Betty around, she hadn't found the chance to ask.

"Of course not. It takes years of practice to master."

They continued chatting as they headed back to the classroom.


Finally, Jaxon packed his school bag, ready to go for coffee with Gwen and Betty after class.

The academics here felt way too easy for him.

Walking side by side with Gwen and Betty, they made their way off campus and headed toward a nearby coffee shop.

After some friendly banter, the three of them arrived at the café.

Since Jaxon wasn't much of a coffee drinker, he opted for a juice instead, while they found a table to sit and continue their conversation.

"Jaxon, you must have been really popular back where you're from, right?" Asked Betty, sipping her coffee.

Jaxon shrugged, "I had plenty of friends, sure. As for being popular with the opposite sex? No girl ever confessed to me, and I've never been in a relationship."

"I can't believe that!" Betty exclaimed, "Someone as impressive as you? Gwen, do you believe it?"

"I do." Gwen said, smiling, "I've heard that parents in the East are stricter about these things."

Jaxon nodded, "Gwen's right. That's one reason. Another is that schoolwork kept me busy, and there's another cultural factor—back home, it's usually the guy who takes the initiative."

"My mother was from east while my father was from west."

They found the differences in culture interesting and continued to chat about them.

At that moment, the door to the coffee shop swung open, and a striking red-haired girl entered, immediately catching Betty's attention.

"Hey, Mary Jane!"

Mary Jane, hearing Betty's voice, made her way over to their table.

"Betty, Gwen, and the new guy Jaxon—mind if I join?"

Mary Jane was known for her beauty and confidence, a trait that made her stand out even more.

"Of course, we don't mind." Gwen said.

Mary Jane sat beside Jaxon, showing off her impressive figure.

Jaxon, surrounded by three beautiful girls, couldn't help but joke, "I might go blind from all the beauty around me."

His comment earned him smiles from all three.

Mary Jane leaned in with a playful grin, "Jaxon, who do you think is the prettiest among us?"

Hearing her question, Gwen and Betty looked at Jaxon with sharp eyes.

Jaxon's mind raced, 'This is a trap!'

He smiled smoothly, "Beauty can't be measured by one standard. You're all unique."

"Mary Jane, you're like a movie star. Betty is sweet and charming, and Gwen... she's like a goddess."

His diplomatic answer seemed to satisfy them, and the tense moment passed.

Relieved, Jaxon leaned back as Mary Jane got straight to the point.

"Actually, Jaxon, I came here because I need a favor."

Jaxon raised an eyebrow, wondering what this was about.

"If it's something I can do, I'd be happy to help." He said.

Both Gwen and Betty were curious now as well, turning their attention to Mary Jane.

Mary Jane was direct, "It's about Flash. He's been pursuing me for a while now, but I'm not interested. I've rejected him multiple times, but he won't give up."

"He's been harassing me, so I thought if you could pretend to be my boyfriend, he might finally leave me alone."

Gwen and Betty exchanged knowing looks, aware of Mary Jane's problem. Before Jaxon had come along, there hadn't been a solution to deal with Flash.