CH-6. Saving Tony

A huge thanks to Howellsy, Copinsa, david lagos, Jack M, Haralds Martinsons, Surge1301, Jose Newcomb, Kal Odinson, Darth Bane and Luck George for supporting me on Patreon.

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The next morning, Jaxon washed up, had breakfast, and made all the necessary preparations.

'Suit on!'

With just a thought, the symbiote suit covered Jaxon's entire body.

This suit could change both its color and shape. Most of the time, it looked like a bracelet worn on his wrist. But with a mere thought, it could quickly spread and cover him completely.

As for the design of the suit, Jaxon thought for a moment and decided to adopt the look of the Tobey Maguire version of the symbiote suit from *Spider-Man*.

"This suit's got a bit of a bully vibe. I like it." He mused.

Taking a deep breath, Jaxon closed his eyes and focused, conjuring up the image of the cave in his mind.



Inside the cave, Ethan and Tony were making their final preparations.

The armor was nearly complete, and all that remained was for Tony to wear it and initiate the startup sequence.

Tony had begun putting on the armor but still needed Ethan's help. Both were tense, their nerves frayed by the fear of being discovered.

Suddenly, Jaxon appeared in the cave.

Ethan was busy helping Tony, so he didn't notice at first. But Tony, seeing a figure suddenly appear before him, was stunned.

"Watch out, Ethan!" Tony warned.

Ethan spun around, startled, and saw a man in a strange black suit standing there.

Without a word, Jaxon shot a line of symbiote webbing, destroying the surveillance cameras in the cave before revealing his face.

"Relax, I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you escape." Jaxon said casually, "But you better hurry up and get that armor on. I can't take on all of them alone."

Ethan sighed with relief and resumed helping Tony with the armor.

Tony, meanwhile, was still suspicious, "Who are you? Who sent you? And how did you just appear out of nowhere?"

Jaxon shrugged, clearly unbothered by Tony's questions, "Names's Jaxon. You can call me Black Spiderman, the toughest spider around! I'm just here to get you out, maybe earn a little money from you afterward. As for how I got here, teleportation is one of my superpowers."

Jaxon wasn't worried about Tony leaking information—he trusted Stark's intelligence and knew he wouldn't risk it.

"Black Spiderman, huh? Interesting nickname." Tony said, the gears in his mind turning, "Are you... a mutant?"

There wasn't much solid information on mutants, but Tony, with his genius mind and the help of his AI assistant Jarvis, was aware that mutants were more than just rumors.

"Mutant? Sure, you could say that. Let's just call it evolution."

Tony thought for a moment, "If you can teleport, why not just take us with you and get out of here?"

Jaxon shook his head, "I can't teleport others yet. And besides, this is a defining moment for you—when you become Iron Man. You can't skip that."

"Iron Man?" Tony echoed, intrigued.

Outside the cave, the terrorists had noticed the destroyed surveillance cameras and quickly took action. Two armed men peered through a small window to check the cave's interior. As soon as they spotted a man in a black suit, they moved to open the door, ready to attack.

But as they did, a homemade bomb triggered, killing the two instantly and leaving the cave door blown open.

Ethan, seeing the door collapse, was filled with worry.

Jaxon, however, remained calm, "Keep working. I'll handle the rest and buy you some time."

He then handed Ethan a small package, "This is some food I made earlier. Bring it with you—you might need it later."

Without another word, Jaxon's symbiote suit re-formed around him, and he rushed out of the cave at blinding speed.

Tony, watching him go, was stunned, "Is that speed even humanly possible?"

There wasn't time to dwell on it. The armor was nearly fully assembled, and the final activation sequence would take a few minutes.


Jaxon moved swiftly through the cave, not even needing to run at full speed. He knew better than to reach supersonic speeds in such a confined space.

Soon, a group of armed terrorists spotted him.

"Shoot! Fire at him!"

The criminals didn't hesitate, opening fire immediately.

Jaxon's maximum speed was near the speed of sound, but rifle bullets travel even faster. While he could sense the bullets and react to them, avoiding the barrage of gunfire completely was impossible in such a confined space.

Luckily, Jaxon's symbiote suit absorbed the impact of the bullets, preventing them from penetrating.

In the dark cave, Jaxon became a black, reaping shadow, taking down the terrorists one by one. A punch, a kick, or a simple strike from the symbiote was all it took to incapacitate them.

Jaxon showed no mercy. Letting them live would only lead to more innocent people suffering. These men were his enemy, and his conscience remained clear.

In a matter of moments, Jaxon had dealt with the gang, continuing deeper into the cave.

Meanwhile, Tony and Ethan, hearing the gunfire, grew increasingly anxious.

"Do you think he's okay?" Ethan asked, concerned.

As soon as he spoke, the gunfire died down.

Tony was amazed. Dodging bullets in this environment was a feat in itself. He began to theorize, "Could it be the suit he's wearing? Nanotechnology, maybe?"

But there was no time to dwell on it. The armor was finally ready for activation.


Jaxon had reached the entrance of the cave, where a group of terrorists, armed to the teeth, awaited him.

As soon as they showed his face, they opened fire.

"Damn, that's a lot of firepower!" Jaxon cursed under his breath. The symbiote suit could block the bullets, but the impact still hurt.

He slowed his pace, waiting for Tony to catch up. Then he noticed the terrorists were armed with rocket launchers.

"Rockets? You've gotta be kidding me!" Jaxon exclaimed, suddenly alarmed. Not even the symbiote suit could protect him from a direct hit by a rocket.

With no other option, Jaxon charged, using the symbiote to form a shield and block the bullets.

In less than two seconds, he was among the terrorists, moving like a wolf through a flock of sheep.

Behind him, a rocket exploded, but Jaxon had already taken down several enemies, quickly reducing their numbers.

His movements were swift and deadly, his attacks efficient. He intended to eliminate every last one of them, especially the bald leader who seemed to be directing the assault.


The terrorists were terrified. In their eyes, Jaxon was no longer human—he was a demon.

The bald leader, shaking with fear, shouted, "Fire! Kill this demon with everything we've got!"

Jaxon smirked coldly, and even the symbiote suit mimicked his menacing grin, "Demon? No. You're the demons. I'm just a bully—a Spider Bully, here to send you all to hell."


Back in the cave, Tony finally completed the Iron Man armor assembly.

"Ethan, stay here. I'm going out to help him," Tony said confidently.

Though the materials used to build the armor were rudimentary, Tony's design represented the pinnacle of his desperate ingenuity.

Fueled by anger, Tony couldn't wait to test out the armor's power on the terrorists who had held them captive.

But as he moved toward the cave entrance, the ground trembled, nearly causing him to stumble.

"What's going on?" Stark muttered.

When he reached the entrance, he saw the aftermath of an explosion—the cave walls crumbling, rubble everywhere.

"Damn it, are they trying to bury us alive in here?" Tony growled, frustrated.