CH-5. Locating Tony

A huge thanks to Howellsy, Copinsa, david lagos, Jack M, Haralds Martinsons, Surge1301, Jose Newcomb, Kal Odinson, Darth Bane and Luck George for supporting me on Patreon.

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"Hey, I'm not in the bus yet!"

"Wait for me, I'm not in the bus yet!"

Peter ran along the sidewalk, trying to catch up with the bus, but his legs were no match for it.

He could only watch the bus drive away and then walk home silently.

Peter returned home after nightfall, nearly an hour later than usual.

Aunt May opened the door and saw Peter, who seemed dazed.

The Aunt May standing before him still had her charm and beauty, though her looks had faded slightly with age.

Seeing Peter coming back late, there was a bit of anger on her haggard face.

Just as she was about to scold him, she noticed Peter looked distraught and realized something must have happened.

"Peter, do you know you're home an hour later than usual?" Aunt May asked.

"I called you, but you didn't answer."

"Even if something's wrong, you should have answered your phone. You made me worry."

Peter snapped out of his daze, "I'm sorry, Aunt May, I didn't notice the phone."

"Tell me what happened, Peter." Aunt May pressed gently, "Don't try to fool me. Your expression says it all. Something big must've happened."

Peter hesitated for a moment before speaking up, revealing the thoughts troubling him.

"It's about Mary Jane."

Aunt May naturally knew who Mary Jane was—she was Anna's niece from next door.

When Mary Jane moved in with her mother and sister, Aunt May had already gotten to know the family, and she'd known Mary Jane even before Peter did.

"Oh, that cute red-haired girl. You confessed to her and she rejected you?"

Peter sighed, feeling more frustrated, "Actually, I didn't even have the courage to confess."

"She's in a relationship with a new guy from our class. They've only known each other for a day."

Aunt May softened, trying to comfort Peter, "Peter, feelings aren't measured by how long you've known someone."

"When I first met your Uncle Ben, I fell in love with him instantly."

Peter nodded, "I know. I also fell for Mary Jane at first sight. Jaxon's a great guy, and it's normal for Mary Jane to fall for him so quickly."

"I just wonder if I could've found the courage to approach Mary Jane sooner."

Aunt May patted Peter's head, her voice kind, "There's no going back, Peter."

"Remember, you're smart, kind, and you're an excellent person. You're not worse than anyone else."

"I'm sure you'll meet another girl who makes your heart race."

"Just be brave. Be yourself. I know you'll succeed."

Peter felt a bit better, "Thanks, Aunt May. I just need some time."

"I understand, but for now, let's have dinner."


After the fight with Flash, Jaxon had become the focus of the entire class.

Someone even spread the video, and Jaxon became a celebrity at the school.

Flash sulked but didn't get angry. After witnessing Jaxon's abilities firsthand, he didn't dare to challenge him again.

With graduation approaching, Flash was counting on his basketball skills to get into college. Any injury could ruin his chances, and besides, Jaxon knew kung fu, something Flash now considered more dangerous than magic. He wasn't about to risk his future.

Meanwhile, Mary Jane came into class and, with a bold morning kiss, publicly announced her relationship with Jaxon.

If Flash wasn't already aware, he now fully understood the situation.


School finally ended, and the weekend approached.

Jaxon had plans for the weekend: to rescue Tony Stark.

'With my skills and the symbiote suit, I should be able to pull it off, right?'

'As long as they don't use heavy weaponry, I'll be fine.'

Jaxon was deep in thought when Mary Jane appeared before him.

"Hey, Jaxon, what are you thinking about?"

Jaxon looked up at her and smiled.

Over the past few days, Mary Jane had been very bold and proactive. If Jaxon hadn't kept his distance, things might have progressed much faster between them.

"Just thinking about what I'll do this weekend." Jaxon replied.

Mary Jane looked at him eagerly, "So, what are your plans for the weekend? Do they include me?"

"They just might." Jaxon said with a grin, "I was wondering if your band with Betty and Gwen is performing anytime soon. I'd love to see you all play."

Mary Jane's face fell slightly. She had hoped for a more personal date, but she wasn't discouraged.

"It's been a while since we performed. I'm free this weekend, but I'm not sure about Betty or Gwen."

"Let's go ask them together."

Jaxon and Mary found Gwen just as she was packing her bag to head to the library.

"Perform this weekend? Sorry, I've got something else going on." Gwen said, shaking her head.

"I know it's been a while since we last performed, but maybe we can do it after graduation. We'll have more time then."

Betty also had other plans and declined Jaxon's invitation.

Jaxon had initially wanted to invite Gwen, but it seemed that wouldn't work out just yet.

'It looks like winning over Gwen is going to take some time.' He mused.

'If all else fails, I'll just spend more time with Mary Jane for now. Gwen can wait.'

Since Mary Jane was the only one available, Jaxon decided to take her out. He could tell there was a high chance something romantic might happen if their date went well.

"So, it's just the two of us, Mary Jane. How about trying some eastern food?"

"Eastern food?"

"Yeah, I can cook for you. I'll show you my culinary skills."

Mary Jane agreed immediately, her eyes lighting up, "I'd love that."

"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow night."

"I'm looking forward to it."

After walking around campus together for a while, they parted ways.

Once home, Jaxon made dinner, took a relaxing bath, and prepared to rest early, knowing tomorrow would be a big day—rescuing Tony Stark.

"System, use the locator to find Tony Stark!"

[Tony Stark located. Target location… displayed.]

A virtual screen appeared before Jaxon, showing the cave where Tony Stark was being held.

Jaxon could see not only the environment but also Stark himself. Stark had been imprisoned for over two months, and his appearance was ragged, but he hadn't given up. He was pretending to build a missile for his captors, but in reality, he was working on the Iron Man suit to escape.

However, the terrorists were losing patience. Led by a bald man, they stormed into the cave, angry that Stark hadn't completed the missile.

The bald leader confronted Stark and his assistant, Ethan.

"You've disappointed me."

"We're working hard." Ethan said quickly, trying to defend them, "It's just a complicated process. It'll take more time."

The bald man wasn't convinced and threatened Ethan.

Seeing Ethan in danger, Stark stepped forward to de-escalate the situation.

"What do you need? I'll get it done as soon as possible." Tony said, trying to buy time.

The bald man relented but warned them, "By tomorrow, I want to see results. No more delays."

At the same time, Tony also knew that tomorrow was the deadline. Before that, he must complete the armor, otherwise, he will die in this cave.

Once the terrorists left, Tony returned to his work, hammering away at his creation. He knew tomorrow was his last chance.

Jaxon had seen enough, "System, close the real-time feed."

"It's time for me to get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll rescue Tony."