CH-11. 20%!

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The media reporters were excited, and Obadiah's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness. However, at this moment, Obadiah could not turn against Tony and could only continue to please him.

"What we should pay more attention to is that Tony is back!"


Tony Stark's plan to shut down the weapons division immediately caused an uproar on the internet.

-Shocking: Tony Stark returns and announces the closure of the weapons department!

-Stark Industries is really going to close its weapons department?

-What will Stark Industries do without its weapons division?

-Tony Stark returns after being missing for 3 months, suspected of mental illness!


In the stock market, Stark Industries stocks plummeted.

Jaxon looked at the stock market and didn't care too much. Stark Industries was worth tens of billions, and Jaxon's 1.1 million couldn't buy many shares. Instead of buying stocks this way, it would be better to go directly to Tony to ask for shares.

Jaxon waited quietly, expecting Tony to contact him so they could discuss the deal.

After Tony returned to his villa, he had forgotten about Jaxon. He dived into his laboratory and began making a brand-new arc reactor.

With previous experience and complete materials, it took Tony most of the day to create the new arc reactor.


After calling Pepper to help replace the old reactor, Tony felt very comfortable.

"Your body hasn't fully recovered yet, so you should rest. It's getting late, you need some sleep."

Only then did Tony notice how late it had gotten. While Pepper went upstairs to get him a drink, Tony decided to contact Jaxon.

"Oh, I actually forgot about this."

"Jarvis, investigate Jaxon's personal information."

"Searching for information..."

After a while, Jarvis found several people named Jaxon. He checked them one by one and immediately confirmed the right identity.

"That's him."

"So little information?"

"Because his parents died, he came here to live with his grandfather. Then his grandfather also died of illness, so he inherited the family property."

"Currently attending Midtown High School!"

Tony looked at the information in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"Just looking at the data, he seems like an ordinary person, or an ordinary person who has lost all his relatives."

Tony thought back to Jaxon's strange abilities and the so-called symbiote suit. It didn't seem like something an ordinary person could obtain.

Tony recalled Jaxon's words, "He said he knew a secret that I would be interested in, but even I didn't know what I am interested in."

"Forget it, just contact him directly."

Tony chose to call Jaxon. After waiting for a while, Jaxon answered the call.

"Hi Jaxon, it's Tony Stark!"

Jaxon was speechless and couldn't help but complain, "Couldn't you have called earlier? I have school tomorrow."

Tony then remembered that Jaxon was still a student and had classes.

"OK, do you have time now, or should we talk another day?"

"There's still time. Show me where you are now, and I'll teleport over."

Tony was a little surprised. Was all that really necessary?

Jaxon had already teleported to the cave before, so Tony silently noted it as a feature that might come in handy in the future.

Scanning the surrounding environment with his phone, Jaxon confirmed that he could teleport.

"OK, I'll be there soon."

In an instant, Jaxon appeared out of nowhere in Tony's underground workshop.

"Tony, I'm here to make a deal with you!"

Even though Tony had seen this before, he was still shocked by Jaxon's sudden appearance.

"Oh my god, your ability is really terrifying."

"My villa is defenseless against someone like you."

It was normal for Tony to have such concerns. After all, Jaxon's abilities were quite powerful.

"Don't worry, I don't make a habit of barging into people's homes. I usually drive. But if I'm in a rush, I'll ask for permission."

The two were chatting when Pepper, dressed in work clothes and holding a cup of coffee, entered the workshop. She was extremely surprised to see Jaxon suddenly appear.

She clearly remembered that she had just left to make a cup of coffee, and within a few minutes, someone had suddenly appeared.

"Oh, Tony, who is he? Why is he here?"

Tony hesitated before making an excuse, "Just a friend of mine."

Pepper had been with Tony for several years and knew him well. There were always beautiful women around Tony, but his male friends were few.

Obadiah was like an uncle to him, Happy was his driver, and Rhodey was his only close friend. If Tony had a handsome, young friend like Jaxon, she would have remembered.

"Friends? Tony, how many friends do you have that I don't know about?"

Jaxon smiled at Pepper, who was quite attractive herself. Unfortunately, Tony had always been too distracted to notice the beauty right next to him.

Jaxon greeted her with a smile, "Hello, Pepper. You're right, I'm not his friend—at least, not yet. We're business partners for now."

"I helped him out of danger, and now I'm here to settle our deal."

Pepper understood immediately, "You saved Tony?"

"I can only say I contributed quite a bit."

"Thank you." Pepper said with respect.

Feeling ignored, Tony cut in, "I know you saved me, so, what do you want?"

Jaxon smiled, "It's simple, I want money."

"How much?"

"It's not about the money. I want shares—about 20% of Stark Industries. That would make me the second-largest shareholder, right?"

Tony stared at him in disbelief, "Twenty percent of the shares? Do you even know how much that is?"

"I don't, but I know it's a lot. And I know it's expensive, which is why I'm offering you three secrets you'd love to know."

Tony shook his head, "Three secrets? Like what, how to defend myself against your abilities?"

Jaxon took the coffee Pepper had prepared and said, "No, nothing like that."

"The first secret is who planned the attack."

"The second secret is about your arc reactor. It's currently using palladium, which can cause palladium poisoning. I know how to fix that."

"And the third secret is about your parents' deaths. I know who killed them."

Tony remained composed through the first two secrets. But when Jaxon mentioned the third, Tony trembled, nearly collapsing.

The unexpected death of his parents had left Tony with a deep sense of guilt and loneliness. Now, to hear that they had been murdered—it was too much to bear.

"What did you say? My parents were murdered? Who did it!" Tony asked with a eager look as his blood started to boil.

"Tell me! You want 20% of the shares? No problem. I'll give it to you!" Tony asked eagerly.

Jaxon soothed him, "Don't be sk eager. I'll tell you everything, but you need to calm down first."

"Calm down? I can't stay calm! Tell me now. I need to know, no matter the cost!"

"How do you expect me to stay calm? Speak now! I need to know the truth, no matter the cost!"

Without much hesitation, Tony gave an affirmative answer.

"20% of the shares, agreed. But I need the answers to these three secrets, especially the third one."

Jaxon saw the anger and determination in Tony's eyes. He knew if he didn't reveal the truth, Tony would hound him endlessly, giving him no peace.

"Alright, no problem."

"The first secret is that the person who really wanted to kidnap you was Obadiah."

"To be precise, he wanted to eliminate you."

Tony was reluctant to believe this, but Jaxon had saved him, and there was no reason for him to lie.

Still, Tony couldn't comprehend why Obadiah would want him dead. The two had always appeared to be close, and Tony had even seen Obadiah as a father figure after his parents died.

"Why?" Being confused, Tony asked.

"He wants full control of the company."

"So, he made a deal with the Ten Rings to get rid of you. But when they saw your technical expertise, they wanted you to help them build the missile instead."

"Otherwise, you'd have been dead a long time ago."

"Obadiah has been in contact with the Ten Rings. With your resources and abilities, you should be able to find evidence to confirm this."

Tony didn't want to believe it, but there had been nagging doubts in his mind. His weapons, made in the name of Stark Industries, had found their way into the hands of terrorists. Something was off.

"I'll search for the proof. What about the other two secrets?"

"I remember the second one had to do with the Ark Reactor. I don't think anyone knows more about it than I do."

Tony was confident in his field, having developed a new reactor recently and run countless simulations with Jarvis. No other elements seemed viable replacements for palladium.

In this area, Tony's arrogance was almost justified.

"No, there was one person who knew more—your father, Howard Stark."

"Years ago, he studied the Tesseract and began work on the Ark Reactor. But his research was hindered by the limitations of his time."

"Still, he left behind research notes, now stored by S.H.I.E.L.D."

"The clues to discovering a new element are hidden in the model of the Stark Expo that your father built."

"The model should still be in your company."