CH-12. I want Pepper

A huge thanks to Howellsy, Copinsa, david lagos, Jack M, Haralds Martinsons, Surge1301, Jose Newcomb, Kal Odinson, Darth Bane, Luck George, Jesper Taus and acce Pederson for supporting me on Patreon.

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Tony seemed to have a vague impression, "What is this SHIELD you're talking about?"

"Your father, Howard, and Peggy Carter formed a mysterious organization. Agent Coulson, whom Pepper met, is from SHIELD."

Pepper remembered the agent who had contacted her, "He's from SHIELD? He told me that he is from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

Tony also recalled it, "Okay, Pepper, help me contact Coulson tomorrow. I need to meet with him."

"Now, the most important question—tell me, who killed my parents?"

Jaxon sighed, "Hydra."

Tony was incredulous, "JARVIS, pull up the Hydra data."

Tony looked at the information on Hydra and quickly understood the scale of the organization. However, it was supposed to have been destroyed many years ago, with no recent reports.

"Jaxon, this organization has been wiped out. Are you kidding me?"

"Wiped out? Are you sure? Can you be certain that every Hydra member is dead? And even if they were, what's stopping someone from rebuilding Hydra?"

Tony's determination grew, "Tell me where their base is. I'm going to destroy them."

Seeing Tony so impulsive, Jaxon intervened, "Tony, they are in hiding, and their reach is vast. Even with the Iron Man armor, can you take down such a large organization alone?"

"They're well-hidden now, and they act sporadically. If you rush in and fail, they'll just burrow deeper."

Tony, still fired up, considered Jaxon's words, "You're right. I can't take them down alone. I'll build an army of iron man suits. I'll spread my Iron Legion worldwide. No matter where they are, I'll find them."

Jaxon took a deep breath, amused by Tony's seriousness. Tony Stark wasn't one to bluff. If he said he would do something, he would do it. A global Iron Legion monitoring the world would certainly bring complications.

"I'm not asking you to create an Iron Legion, Tony. I'm asking you to stay calm."

"All you need to do is wait. Wait for someone until Hydra exposes itself. Then, you can strike and take down most of Hydra."

Tony, though angry, kept his rationality intact, "Who am I waiting for? And how long?"

"It won't be long—maybe half a year, maybe a year. But don't mention Hydra to anyone. When the time is right, I'll provide more details."

Tony went silent, deciding that he could wait a year. In the meantime, though, the Iron Legion was still necessary. He had to prepare.

"I'll wait patiently."

"Tony, I know you regret not being able to reconcile with your parents before they died. But you have to trust that they loved you. After everything you've been through, you should know to treasure what you have now."

Tony, deep in thought, responded absentmindedly, "I will."

"I can transfer 10% of the shares to you right away. For the remaining 10%, I'll give you 4% for every secret you confirm."

"But if I transfer the shares, it's bound to be noticed by others."

Jaxon thought for a moment, "Let's trade 10% for Pepper. If Pepper agrees, I want her to work for me."

Tony rejected the idea immediately, "No, I can't give you Pepper."

Pepper was equally quick to decline, "I'm not some object to be traded."

Tony continued, "You're still a student. Even though you've inherited wealth, you don't run your own company."

"Just because I don't have one now doesn't mean I won't start one after graduation."

"I need someone competent to help me run the company. It would be even better if it were someone like Pepper—both capable and beautiful."

Tony quickly responded, "I'll have Pepper help you find a qualified assistant."

Jaxon wasn't in a rush to recruit Pepper, "Fine, then. Just transfer the 10% of shares."

"From today, I'm a shareholder of Stark Industries. Pepper, if there's a shareholders' meeting or any important events, don't forget to notify me."

Pepper, still adjusting to this, agreed, "Okay."

"Goodbye, Tony."

"Good night, Miss Pepper."

Jaxon originally had two goals: Pepper Potts and becoming a shareholder of Stark Industries.

He hadn't won Pepper over yet, but he had achieved his second goal. Now, as a shareholder, he could sit back and watch the dividends roll in.

"As I expected, making money isn't for me. I'd better focus on catching up with Gwen and the others."

[Ding, the host has revealed future information and altered Tony Stark's fate!]


Jaxon had just returned home, planning to take a bath and relax, when he heard the system's message.

"Messing with Stark's future really does affect his fate."

"System, show me the rewards!"

[You've altered Iron Man's fate and earned 2,000 fate points!]

[You've gained an extra lottery draw!]

Seeing the lottery opportunity, Jaxon was thrilled. In the system's store, a regular lottery draw was worth 10,000 fate points. A god-level lottery, on the other hand, cost 100 million.

"Let's go for it!"

[Congratulations! You've obtained a special ability: Danger Sense!]

"Danger Sense? Isn't that just Spider-Sense under a different name?"

Satisfied with his gains, Jaxon took a shower and fell asleep peacefully.


The next day, it was school as usual. Life was still peaceful for now. Since Tony hadn't officially announced anything yet, the hidden threats stayed under wraps. But once Iron Man made his debut, peace would likely be short-lived.

At school, Jaxon focused on pursuing Gwen and winning back Mary Jane.

Meanwhile, Tony had asked Pepper to contact Coulson, who agreed to the meeting.

"Director, Tony Stark has reached out and asked me to visit his home."

Nick Fury gave the order, "Go ahead. See what you can find out about how he made it back."

Coulson added, "He also mentioned that his father left something at SHIELD and requested we bring it to him."

Nick Fury raised an eyebrow, recognizing something odd. Howard Stark was one of SHIELD's founders and contributed significantly to its technology and weapons. His identity was highly classified. There was no reason Tony should know about it.

"How does he know about that?"

"I'm not sure."

Nick Fury didn't understand the sudden change but knew it couldn't be ignored, "Take the materials to him and see how he reacts. If anything seems off, I'll send others to investigate."

"Yes, sir."

Coulson arrived at Tony's villa with a box of documents, but Tony was busy. He had only just returned and was already working on new elements and developing improved armor. He was also keeping an eye on Obadiah Stane, suspecting him but needing proof of his innocence.

Despite the pressure, Tony worked tirelessly, analyzing the model of the future city, while Pepper coordinated Coulson's visit.


Eventually, Coulson arrived at Tony Stark's villa. Tony took a break from his work to greet him in the living room.

"Hello, I'm Agent Coulson from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

Tony sat down, casually sipping the wine Pepper had poured, "That's a mouthful. Why not just call it SHIELD?"

"That would certainly be shorter, but it's not up to me."

Tony got straight to the point, "Did you bring what I asked for?"

"These are the research materials Mr. Howard left with SHIELD."

Tony was satisfied and immediately followed up, "My parents died in a car accident. Is that really what happened?"

Coulson, despite his senior status, hadn't been privy to such sensitive information, "I haven't seen those files, so I can't give you an answer."

"But surely SHIELD investigated?"

Coulson hesitated, then nodded, "Yes, we would have investigated."

"I need to know the truth."

Coulson felt cornered. He was just an agent, but Tony Stark dominated the conversation from start to finish.

"Okay, I'll ask my superiors."

"If you cooperate with us and share how you escaped the Ten Rings, I think we can reach to an agreement quickly."

Tony hesitated, thinking of Jaxon but choosing to omit his involvement. He only decided to mention that his homemade armor had helped him defeat the Ten Rings.

"We can work together, but I need to know the truth first."

With that, Tony returned to his lab, leaving Pepper in a somewhat awkward position. She still had lingering doubts about Jaxon's intentions but kept them to herself.

She turned to Coulson, "I'm sorry about that. Tony is… well, he's used to being the center of attention."

Coulson nodded understandingly, "It's fine. I expected that."

On his way back, Coulson reported the conversation to Nick Fury, who immediately realized something was off.

After hanging up, Fury pulled up the classified file on Howard and Maria Stark's deaths.

"Howard and Maria were murdered by the Winter Soldier."

SHIELD had been hunting the Winter Soldier for years, knowing only that he was dangerous and elusive.