They surrendered?

"My soldiers! Charge!" Arjun shouted, his voice ringing through the tumult of the battlefield.

The sound of his command cut through the clamor, igniting a fierce determination within the ranks of Kashi's warriors.

"Do not let these heathens even think they can defeat us! Show them the strength of our blood and the fire of our spirit!**" 

With renewed vigor, the soldiers surged forward, their swords raised high and battle cries echoing across the field.

Arjun led the charge, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he cut through the enemy lines, every swing of his sword fueled by the desire to protect his kingdom and his people. T

he clash of metal, the shouts of bravery, and the smell of sweat and blood enveloped him as he fought alongside his men.

They were no longer just soldiers; they were a united force, a brotherhood willing to lay down their lives for one another and for the kingdom of Kashi.

The enemy commander sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he rallied his troops. 

"Kill them!" he bellowed, gesturing wildly at the charging Kashi soldiers.

"This is just a desperate last-minute struggle! They're grasping at straws, thinking they can turn the tide. Show them no mercy! Crush their spirits and send them back to their king in shame!"

His men, fueled by their leader's arrogance, steeled themselves for the onslaught, believing victory was already in their grasp, blind to the fierce resolve that burned within the hearts of their opponents.

However, the next moment, a flare shot up from the enemy headquarters, cutting through the chaos of battle like a beacon of shock.

Soldiers on both sides froze, their weapons poised mid-swing, as they stared in disbelief at the sky. The vibrant colors of the flare illuminated the tense faces of the Kashi warriors, who had been fighting with every ounce of strength.

A murmur swept through their ranks, confusion mingling with the scent of sweat and blood. Could it be true? The enemy was surrendering?

In the opposing ranks, the Paramatha soldiers shared the same bewilderment, their triumphant roars dying in their throats. Whispers of disbelief rippled through their lines as they processed the sudden shift in fate.

The enemy commander's arrogance had led them to this moment, and now they were left to grapple with the reality of surrendering to the Kashi prince they had underestimated.

The battlefield, once filled with the sounds of clashing swords and desperate cries, now hung heavy with the weight of an unexpected defeat, leaving both armies teetering on the brink of uncertainty.

Arjun, with a triumphant grin plastered across his face, retreated to his camp, the adrenaline of battle still coursing through him. The tension in the air was palpable, electrified by the sudden turn of events.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice cutting through the din of chaos,

"Do not let those heathens retreat! Kill them!" His command reverberated through the ranks of the Kashi army, igniting a fierce determination in the hearts of his soldiers.

The Kashi warriors, emboldened by their prince's confidence, surged forward with renewed vigor. The sight of their enemies wavering was a signal that their efforts had not been in vain. 

They charged, weapons raised high, their battle cries echoing across the field. Arjun watched with satisfaction as the chaos unfolded, his smile widening.

The tide had turned, and victory was within reach. The Kashi army would not allow the Paramatha soldiers to escape unscathed; this was a chance to claim their honor and eliminate the threat that loomed over their kingdom once and for all.

The Kashi army, filled with a newfound sense of purpose, descended upon the shocked Paramatha soldiers with relentless ferocity.

The sight of the enemy's surrender signal had completely shattered their morale, leaving them vulnerable and confused.

Many of the Paramatha warriors, who had once stood tall and proud, now faltered, their resolve crumbling as they faced the furious onslaught of the Kashi troops.

It was almost too easy for the Kashi soldiers, emboldened by the belief that victory was within their grasp.

They cut through the ranks of the Paramatha army, their swords gleaming in the fading light as they fought with a fiery determination.

Cries of despair echoed across the battlefield as the once-mighty force of Paramatha fell apart, scattered and defeated. Arjun, watching the chaos unfold from a distance, felt a surge of satisfaction.

The battle was turning into a rout, and he relished the thought of reclaiming their honor and solidifying Kashi's power in the region.