
The commanders, still catching their breath from the chaos of the battle, turned to Arjun with a mix of confusion and awe.

"How did this happen, Your Highness?" one of them asked, eyes wide.

"Why did they surrender?"

Arjun, with a sly grin, responded, "Virendra."

His answer was cryptic, but the meaning was clear. The commanders exchanged glances, beginning to grasp the implication that their general's actions had somehow influenced the enemy's decision.

They realized that the tide of battle had shifted dramatically, and the once-feared Paramatha army was now crumbling before them.

As they looked out over the battlefield, the commanders noticed something alarming—Virendra was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?" another commander questioned, scanning the chaotic scene for their valiant leader.

The absence of Virendra was palpable, leaving them uneasy. Had he fallen in battle? The realization that their strongest warrior was missing sent a wave of concern rippling through the group. 

Arjun, noticing the concern etched on the faces of the commanders, reassured them with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, he is fine," he said, his grin returning with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Virendra knows what he's doing."

The commanders looked at each other, still unsure, but Arjun's calm demeanor began to ease their worries. He had always believed in Virendra's instincts and tactical brilliance.

The sight of their enemies in disarray was enough to bolster their spirits, and with Arjun leading them, they felt a surge of hope. Whatever Virendra was up to, it was surely part of a larger plan that would lead them to victory.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound echoed across the battlefield as nearly a thousand cavalry charged toward the Kashi army, their hooves pounding the ground like a war drum.

At the forefront was Virendra, a fierce determination etched on his face. He led the charge, wielding his sword with the skill of a seasoned warrior.

Behind him, the enemy commander and general, bound and helpless, was dragged along, their face a mask of disbelief. The Kashi soldiers erupted into cheers at the sight, their morale soaring as they realized the tide had turned decisively in their favor. 

Arjun watched with pride, his heart swelling at the sight of his brother leading the cavalry.

The Kashi soldiers surged forward, fueled by the knowledge that their enemies were not just defeated but utterly demoralized. Virendra's bold move had not only captured the enemy commander but had also cemented Kashi's victory.

The battlefield, once filled with chaos and despair, was now alive with hope and determination as the Kashi soldiers rallied behind their leaders, ready to finish what they had started.

Virendra entered the tent, his armor gleaming and his face flushed with the exhilaration of battle. He knelt before Arjun, a mixture of respect and triumph in his demeanor.

"Your Highness, I have captured the enemy commander just as you instructed me," he declared, his voice steady despite the chaos outside.

The tension in the air shifted, and a palpable sense of victory enveloped the tent.

Arjun regarded him with a proud smile, the corners of his lips curling upward as he acknowledged Virendra's achievement.

"You have done well, Your bravery has turned the tide of this battle," he replied, his tone warm with admiration.

The commanders surrounding them shared glances of respect and disbelief, their earlier doubts about Arjun's leadership fading as they witnessed the culmination of his strategy.

The captured enemy commander, still bound and now a symbol of their victory, stood helplessly, realizing the fate that awaited him in the hands of the Kashi warriors.

The commanders exchanged bewildered looks, their curiosity piqued as they turned to Virendra.

"How did you achieve this?" one of them asked, incredulity evident in his voice.

Virendra straightened up slightly, the excitement still radiating from him.

"I led a small detachment of cavalry to flank their rear while the main battle drew their attention," he explained, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"When the enemy commander saw the chaos unfolding, he was distracted, and I seized the opportunity to capture him before he could rally his troops. It was all part of the plan we discussed."

His words fueled the commanders' admiration for both his tactical acumen and Arjun's leadership.