
Virendra continued, a grin spreading across his face as he relished the story of their daring maneuver.

"If I have to say it clearly, our cavalry never lost a single engagement. We fought fiercely, cutting down their forces with precision. After gaining the upper hand, we changed our armor to match that of the enemy's, allowing us to blend in seamlessly. This tactic was crucial, as it enabled us to infiltrate their ranks unnoticed."

His voice carried a mixture of pride and excitement, each word painting a vivid picture of their triumph.

As Virendra elaborated, he could see the awe growing in the eyes of the commanders around him.

"With their guard down, we made our move," he explained, gesturing animatedly.

"We struck at key moments, creating chaos within their ranks. The enemy, caught off guard, failed to realize what was happening until it was too late. Our cavalry surged forward, breaking their lines and forcing their commander into a panic."

He paused for effect, allowing the gravity of their victory to sink in before continuing.

"Their loss of focus was our greatest advantage," he concluded, his chest swelling with pride. "

"And the dust from our cavalry helped us even more," Virendra added, his eyes gleaming with admiration as he turned to Arjun.

"It obscured their vision and created a shroud of confusion, allowing us to strike with precision. All of this was the plan of our prince," he continued, nodding toward Arjun with respect.

" Further he personally went to the battlefield and engaged all our army keeping the paramatha army busy, his identity of the prince helped him to keep all the enemies attention on himself as they would want nothing more than to kill the prince of their enemy's kingdom. Because of this the army of paramatha's were oblivious to what was happening at the rear, even if they knew, the relentless charge of our army under the leadership of highness did not allow them to retreat", he explained

"His foresight and daring approach to warfare not only inspired us but also ensured that we exploited every weakness in the enemy's strategy. Without his guidance, none of this would have been possible."

The commanders exchanged looks of awe, recognizing that they had witnessed not just a victory in battle, but the emergence of a true leader.

All the commanders bowed deeply to Arjun, their expressions a mix of respect and humility.

"Your Highness, we are sorry for doubting you," one of them spoke, his voice filled with sincerity.

"You have proven your worth on the battlefield and shown us the strength of your leadership. We pledge our loyalty to you from this moment forward."

Each commander echoed similar sentiments, acknowledging the brilliance of his strategies and the courage he had instilled in them.

Arjun felt a surge of pride as he listened to their words.

"We will kill if you say, and we will not if you deny," another commander added, his tone firm and resolute.

The atmosphere shifted, and a sense of unity enveloped the tent. Arjun realized that he had not only gained their trust but had also forged a brotherhood among them. He smiled, knowing that together they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

Arjun commanded,

"Raise your heads. We will discuss our plans later."

His voice was steady, emanating authority. The commanders complied, their expressions shifting from submission to resolve. He continued,

"Now, focus on the battlefield. Those who resist must be dealt with swiftly. Show no mercy. However, for those who surrender, capture them. We will need information, and they may yet prove useful."

The commanders nodded, understanding the gravity of his orders. Arjun's strategic mind was sharp, and they could sense the fire of determination in him.

As the soldiers prepared to carry out his orders, he felt a surge of confidence in his leadership. This was not just a victory; it was a turning point for the Kingdom of Kashi. Together, they would ensure that the might of their kingdom would not only be restored but also elevated.

With a sly grin, Arjun added, "Send a letter to the Kingdom of Paramatha. Inform them to cease their ambitions on this city immediately. Additionally, they are to provide Kashi with another city nearby for the purpose of conducting the hostage exchange." 

The commanders exchanged glances, their respect for him growing as they realized the depth of his strategy. Arjun's confidence radiated throughout the tent, and they could see that he was not only a prince but a leader with the vision to reshape their future.

With the battle won and the enemy on the back foot, they were eager to follow his lead and secure even greater victories for the Kingdom of Kashi.

"And don't forget to send a message back to our homeland," Arjun instructed, his voice steady and authoritative. "Inform them to rejoice, for we have emerged victorious." 

The commanders nodded, their spirits lifted by his words. The thought of returning home with tales of triumph filled them with pride.

As the messengers prepared to deliver the news, the atmosphere in the tent shifted from uncertainty to one of celebration and renewed purpose. Arjun's leadership had turned the tide of battle, and they were ready to follow him into whatever lay ahead.