Riches and Woman

Arjun's gaze shifted toward the captured enemy commanders, his brow furrowing in suspicion.

"Why are there two enemy generals?" he asked, his tone sharp and demanding. 

Virendra, standing tall beside him, responded with a slight smirk.

"Your Highness, the real general was busy screwing women in his tent while this one here," he pointed to the other commander, "was pretending to be in charge, acting as the general on the battlefield."

Arjun let out a hearty laugh, his amusement filling the tent as he turned his gaze toward the real general.

"We should get along," he said with a mocking grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

The captured general, still bound, shifted uncomfortably under Arjun's gaze, knowing full well that the prince's words were far from genuine.

Arjun leaned forward, his gaze sharp and unwavering.

"What is your name, General?" he asked, his voice carrying a quiet intensity.

The defeated man hesitated, then finally responded, "Rajesh Pratap, Your Highness."

There was a mix of fear and defiance in his voice, knowing the gravity of his failure in the battle.

With a smirk, Arjun repeated the question that had been burning in his mind,

"Do they not let you screw with women back in your kingdom, Rajesh Pratap? Is that why you do so on the battlefield?"

The room fell silent, the flames from the torches on the wall flickering in response to the tension that thickened the air. The general's eyes widened, his jaw tightening at the implication. The question was a jab at the man's reputation for brutality and lack of honor.

"You dare to speak of what you do not understand, Prince," Rajesh spat, his anger rising.

"In my lands, we do not indulge in the soft comforts of the palace. We are men of valor, who take what we want!"

His words echoed in the chamber, a declaration of his resentment towards the perceived emasculation by his own rulers.

The guards shifted, uncomfortable with the growing hostility, their hands on the hilts of their swords, ready to intervene if necessary.

Arjun's eyes narrowed. He knew that Rajesh's rage was a shield for his fear and humiliation.

"It seems your valor only extends to pillaging and raping, not to true combat," he retorted, his voice still calm but with an unmistakable edge.

"If you had truly been a man of honor, you would not have needed to resort to such despicable tactics."

The room grew tenser, the flaming torches casting dancing shadows across the general's contorted face.

"Those sons of bitches!" Rajesh roared, spittle flying from his lips as he recalled his own king and council.

"They use me as their pawn, their weapon! They want me to fight and train their army, but refuse to acknowledge me as anything more than a disposable tool!" His fists clenched as he remembered the past.

Rajesh Pratap, still furious, asked, "Tell me, prince, what else is there to life other than riches and women?" 

Arjun smiled, a knowing look in his eyes, and replied calmly,


His response caught Rajesh off guard, as he hadn't expected such an answer from the young prince. Arjun's words lingered in the air, heavy with meaning, leaving Rajesh momentarily speechless.

Rajesh laughed heartily and said, "See? You get me. Riches and women are the true symbols of power."

He leaned in slightly, locking eyes with Arjun.

"And I see that power in your eyes, Prince," he added with a sly grin, as if acknowledging something deeper in the young conqueror.

Arjun didn't flinch, his expression unreadable, but the intensity between them hinted at an unspoken understanding.

Arjun and Rajesh shared a hearty laugh, their earlier animosities fading away as they recognized a budding camaraderie. In that moment, amidst the chaos of battle and the remnants of conflict, they found common ground in their ambitions and desires.

The tension that had once defined their relationship melted away, replaced by a mutual respect and an understanding that transcended their roles as prince and enemy general. 

The commanders watched in astonishment as Arjun and Rajesh shared their laughter, their expressions a mix of disbelief and confusion.

They exchanged glances, unsure of how to interpret this unexpected turn of events. In the midst of a war, seeing a prince and a rival general bond over their ambitions seemed almost surreal.