First Nightmare

A skinny young man with mildly wavy, short, dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes was seen to be waking up.

The field around him was dyed deep red, from the blood that shed on it.

Thousands of weapons were scattered around. There were also body parts and organs lying everywhere.

It seemed as if some monster had ravaged through the place.

[Aspirant, Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your First Trial....]


Max had always believed that life held no meaning. And that humans, would always be cynical.

He thought that life had no worth and that the only reason humanity was born was to be entertainment for the higher dimensional beings.

These opinions were formed from his time as a street rat. After all, he seen many things happen, while he was on the streets.

He saw children being kidnapped, organ harvesting and the worst of humanity.

After all, when you've seen the worst of a group, you would always think that their kind actions had an ulterior motive.

Alas, his opinions about the worth of life had changed during the nuclear war that killed him and every other being on the planet.

Just as he thought that everything was over, he found himself in a crimson red field. With these words in front of him.


"What in the flying fuck"

Max was terrified, after all it would be the first time someone was teleported into a field dyed in blood after their deaths.

Though he had read a few torn comics that people would discard, about something like this.

His favorite comic was 'Shadow Slave'. After all, he identified with the main character a lot.

Though it has been almost 4 years since he last read it. It was still fresh in mind.

He had never read the ending though. After all, it was really hard to buy something like that with his meager cash.

So, when he read the words infront of him. All those memories came rushing back.

That's why he instantly started fleeing because the only thing that could slaughter an entire army like that was an Awakened Terror and that was only if he was lucky.


Max had been running for what felt like eternity. Before he finally saw a construct.

He saw a huge black Fortress. The pillars were enshrined with gold. The gold detailing was carved into swirling patterns that seemed to dance across the surfaces.

At the highest points of the castle, spires pierce the sky, their tips glinting like golden needles against the dark, stormy clouds.

The Fortress exuded an aura of both power and wealth. Even though he was almost 200 meters away he could still feel the liveliness originating from the fortress.

'Fucking Diabolical'

That was the thought that crossed through Max's mind, when he saw this sight.

Though he was wheezing and coughing, he knew he couldn't give up and rest here.

He used every last ounce of energy in his body and gave a final dash hoping to reach the gate before he passed out.


Arriving at the gate, Max saw the gate was aged and has thin grain lines and the occasional crack. But it remained sturdy and formidable.

"Anybody in there, would you kindly help me. I have news from the recent battle"

Screaming out loud, Max knew if he just asked to be let in without anything worthwhile, he would be rejected.

He was pretty sure the body he possessed was from a person inside the fortress.

But, Max was currently injured and he was also very thin and frail, he knew that the people commanding the fortress wouldn't take in a wounded person who would waste their supplies.

He learned that the hard way. Just as he predicted, the gate was slowly opened.

A man soon walked towards him. He was wearing a camouflage shirt and pants. They were crisp and well maintained but signs of wear and tear were there.

His eyes were sharp and alert. They were also trained on Max.

He exuded an aura of respect. Max also had a guy feeling that the man infront of him was the commander of the fortress

In a gruff voice that held no emotion. He asked Max

"What news do you bring from the battlefield and what do you want for it."

Hearing his words, Max smiled before his face turned stoic, he then said

"I seek food and protection. I hope you'll swear on you're goddess that you'll provide this"

Immediately after my words. A wave of threatening messages and disapproval came out.

"Who the fuck does he think he is"

A buff man screamed out loud.

"Yeah, we should just torture him for the information. He should be pleading not demanding for our kindness"

The person next to the first man spoke out loud.

"Silence, I will decide what to do"

He contemplated for a few minutes before responding

"I will agree to your terms, that I swear on The War God. Now speak child, don't waste my time"

Hearing his words, Max almost screamed out in joy. After all, if he refused, Max might've killed himself.

"The army was decimated. The field was dyed with their blood, their body parts and organs were scattered around the field. I'm sure that the one responsible for this was an Awakened Terror or higher"

My best guess on the monster that led to the decimation of an army was that it was an Awakened Terror. Or well, Max hoped it was an Awakened because if it was something higher than that, well Max was pretty sure, he would not be able to make it out of the Nightmare.

Hearing his words, the voices became silent and the air turned grim.

The commander seemed to expect Max's words. He then looked up for a few minutes. Before he continued by saying

"I see, thank you for the information. It has allowed me to make some preperation."

After a few moments, he turned his head around and spoke out loud

"What are you buggers looking at, go lead him to his room. I swear if one of you hurts him, I'll end you myself. Now on with it. Don't fear, it's just an Awakened, it'll take some effort but we will win"

Hearing his determined words. The army began to cheer and shout

"Yeah it's just an Awakened, nothing special"

One man cried out

"Exactly, we can beat it with our eyes closed"

Another cried out after him. Soon, the entire Fortress was flooded with shouts like this.


Opening the door of my room. Max jumped into his bed, although it wasn't the most comfortable it was still better than nothing.

Removing his clothes, Max could see the bandages wrapped around his chest.

He had visited the infirmary before he came into his room. After all, he had recieved a slightly deep scar.

Finally safe, Max decided to check his runes, which he had not been able to do, because he was on the run.

Name: Max Darkholmes

True Name: -

Rank: Aspirant

Soul Core: Dormant

Memories: -

Echos: -

Attributes: [Ordained], [Mark Of Divinity], [Prodigy], [Child Of Dreams] [Manipulator]

Aspect: Mind's Veil

Aspect Description [ You are the incarnation of Imagination and Dreams]

Well, that's kind of good, but what the fuck does my aspect mean.

I swear to god, If I die because of my useless aspect. I'll haunt God himself

Cursing out for a few more seconds, Max decided to check his attributes.

[Ordained] Attribute Description: You are hidden from the tapestry of fate. But, due to this, Improable events, both good and bad surround you. Your path is marked by unseen threads of fate. Your journey is not your own but one shaped by Beings beyond mortal comprehension. No matter how much you struggle, Fate is a constant companion, watching, waiting, and weaving its threads around you.

[Mark Of Divinity] Attribute Description: You bear a faint scent of divinity, as though someone briefly touched by it once a long time ago.

[Prodigy] Attribute Description: You have immense talent and potential, your talent and potential puts celestial's to shame. Everyone yearns to be you, but nobody can bear the burden of being you.

[Child Of Dreams] Attribute Description:

The Dreamscape recognises you as one of their own.

[Manipulator] Attribute Description: You can influence others in a way, people dream of. Your charisma is unrivalled and will allow you to think of clever strategies that put geniuses to shame. Your intellect makes even the Divine fear you.

[Ordained] is basically a worse version of [Fated]. This is literally a horror movie plot. Even though my fate is hidden from people like Cassie, it's still bad. I would rather let my fate get read, then have this, which will literally kill me

Like if you're already going to transmigrate me, why would you give me a fucking death sentence.

Max screamed out loud for a few more moments. Before he finally calmed down and went to sleep.