
It had been 2 days since Max had arrived at the fortress. During that time, he had taken a Gladius as a weapon and had trained earnestly with it.

It was surprising that the Gladius he had received was a memory. The memory was also really useful and strong. Max hoped it got through this Nightmare.

Memory Name - [Silver Gladius]:

Memory Rank: Awakened

Memory Tier: III

Memory Type: Weapon

Memory Description: A double-edged sword that barely has the length of a man's arm. But, you shouldn't underestimate it every inch of it is forged for lethal efficiency.

Memory Enchantments - [Sharpness], [Unbroken]

Enchantment Description:

[Sharpness] - [This blade can cut through most materials without any effort.]

[Unbroken] - [This blade refuses to be broken, and thus is durable beyond reason. It will greatly enhance the power of its wielder when they are close to death; however, only if the wielder is unwilling to surrender.]

Max was a bit puzzled when he got the memory. From what he remembered, no one was able to see the enchantments of a weapon except Sunny, who was the main character.

Max attributed this to the power of his soul, which was empowered by the merging of two souls.

He had also signed up to go to the frontlines and fight. After all, he needed to get as much combat experience as possible.

As with his luck, he would definitely get sent to The Forgotten Shore, that and the fact that he had the downgraded version of [Fated].

Breaking him out of his thoughts, Max received a command that he would go to the frontlines in an hour. Hearing this, he soon started preparing.


"Do you know anything at all, you can't do simple tasks but you want to go and kill the monsters"

The lean man screamed out loud.

He had a few scars on his face, and his uniform was worn out with tears all over the place. He had a survival knife to his side and had a spear slung over his back.

Max was getting a bit angry. After all, this happened seven times already.

He had been sent to the frontlines almost eight hours ago. And instead of fighting Nightmare Creatures, he had been getting berated all day long.

He had been doing menial tasks, but he didn't know why it always went wrong, he was pretty sure that someone was intentionally doing it.

These coincidences were also aimed at his life.

On his second task, Max stumbled upon an Awakened Beast and had to run for his life. Plunging the camp into chaos

On his fourth task, Max had startled a person causing him to almost kill him. Apparently, the soldier was trying to practice his spear. When Max suddenly came in, startling the soldier.

There were many more coincidences like this. Max first thought it may have been his [Hidden] attribute, but he was starting to get suspicious.

He also felt that the Major was in on this plot too. He would always have an unsatisfied face, whenever Max returned from these hellish "Coincidences"

Just as Max was about to apologize, the camp suddenly exploded.

Max turned back, only to be met with the sight of a horde of Dormant Beasts and Monsters.

Max was startled to see such a large horde. But, he soon regained his focus. He knew he couldn't afford to be distracted.

Quickly summoning his Gladius, Max knew he had to be alert.

Scanning his surroundings for a few minutes, Max's sight landed on a Beast devouring the insides of a fallen soldier.

Quickly moving to his side, Max stabbed his Gladius into the Nightmare Creature and tried to bisect him, only to fail.

It seemed his strength was not on par with that skill.

The Beast screamed out loud and tried to lunge at Max.

Side-stepping, Max swung his sword at the Beast's neck, trying to decapitate it.

Only to miss, the beast then used its razor-sharp legs to slash at Max's chest.

He jumped back and dodged the attack. Holding the Gladius in a reverse grip, he swung it towards the monster, the sword connected and decapitated the Beast.

[You have slain a Dormant Beast, Child Of Arachnid]

Max fell to his knees, breathless because of the physical exertion. He had felt his body, go through a large workout.

Although Max was in the Nightmare Spell, he was still a normal human until he completed his First Nightmare.

And the movement he used wasted a lot of his energy as he wasn't proficient in it.

Just as Max was getting up, he soon saw a Dormant Monster coming at him from the corner of his eyes.

Using all his energy, Max jumped back and held his Gladius as a javelin.

Throwing it at the monster, Max used that opening to immediately run to the dead soldier he saw, to get a weapon.

Taking his sword, Max saw that the Monster was right on his face.

Stabbing up, Max hit the Monster dead in his heart. Though he did get a nasty scar on his face.

[You have slain the Dormant Monster, Child Of Arachnid]

The pain was too much for Max to hold it in. He soon screamed aloud, attracting the attention of a lot of Monsters.

The Monsters started running towards him, their legs piercing the ground causing small earthquakes.

Max counted almost 200 Monsters trying to catch up to him. Seeing so many after him, Max cursed out loud and ran towards the forest.

His only chance of survival was to somehow lose them in the wide forest.

Just as he was running,

he was met with the sight of an amputated Major. His left foot was cleanly cut off from his leg.

His arm was mangled and was one push away from being torn off. He also had his waist pulverized.

He knew that the Major wouldn't make it because he was one push away from death. That and the fact that there were almost twenty Dormant Creatures on him.

Max had no intention on saving him. But, Max knew if he didn't save the Major he wouldn't be able to get information on who was trying to sabotage him.

Reaching his side within seconds, Max held him by his collar, and, using all the force in his body, he started dragging both of them into the forest.

The Nightmare Creatures started stampeding after them.


The forest stretched wide and suffocating, its ancient trees towering like sentinels, their twisted branches knotted together as if whispering secrets only the dead could hear. The trunks were gnarled, covered in thick, mottled bark, and stained a sickly, decaying hue. Pale, withered leaves clung stubbornly to skeletal branches, rustling in the faintest breeze, though no birds ever sang.

Max felt that if the Monsters didn't kill him, the forest would. He saw no lake in sight. Throughout his run here, he also saw no animals to eat.

It had been at least three hours since his time in the forest; he had ditched the horde almost an hour back. But, he couldn't rest until he found a good hiding spot.

But, he didn't think there was any place here to hide. Max felt his lungs and heart burning. He was also thirsty and hungry

Looking at the person he was carrying almost made him feel good about himself.

Although the Major was bandaged and doing good. He had no arm, which was lost during the run.

The bandages absorbed so much blood from his waist that it was dyed crimson red.

Max had dressed the Major's wound with the memory he got from slaying a Beast.

He had encountered one of the Beasts from the horde half an hour ago; it seemed that it had separated.

When he slayed it, it dropped a much-needed memory.

When he took a closer look at the Beast's body. It was hideous.

The Beast's body was bloated and covered in a mottled, chitinous exoskeleton, with cracked patches and dark, rusty hues that blend into the scorched, desolate landscape.

Jagged spines protruded from its back, glistening with venom, and its long, segmented legs were thick like the twisted remains of metal beams.

Each leg ended in razor-sharp, claw-like tips that pierce the ground with every step.

When Max looked at the creature, he understood that the legs were covered in poison.

It seemed that he got poisoned when he had his face slashed.

Though it was good that their poison wasn't potent enough. It only caused pain and dizziness.

Thankfully, the beast dropped a healing memory, which he used to dress both their wounds.

The memory was called [Asclepius Bandage] and its effects were tremendously useful in this nightmare.

Memory Name - [Asclepius Bandage]

Memory Rank: Awakened

Memory Tier: I

Memory Type: Utility

Memory Description: The bandage used by Asclepius to heal the wounded

Memory Enchantments - [Heal]

Enchantment Description:

[Heal] - When this bandage is applied, it creates healing ointment, which can stop bleeding and help cure mild poison.

Finally deciding to wake the sleeping beauty. Max decided to slap the shit out of him.

Instantly the Major's eyes shot open. And he screamed out in pain from his injury. It seemed like his adrenaline wore off.

Quickly shutting his mouth. Max began to speak

"Major, we're deep in enemy territory, you should keep your mouth shut."

Hearing my words he nodded to himself. He then asked

"What's the distance from the fortress"

We had traveled for 3 hours. The speed was around 15 kilometers per hour. So around 45 kilometers were traveled in total.

The distance between the camp and the fortress was 10 kilometers. So, we traveled around 55 kilometers.

"Sir, it's 55 kilometers away"

The Major's face soon turned dark and he cursed silently.

Max then decided to get the information out of him. He knew he couldn't use torture as he knew he didn't have the guts for it, at least not yet.

So he decided to start indirectly. So, he decided to start conversing with him.

"How are you doing Sir, you shouldn't worry, we'll make it out"

"I'm fine and I'm not worried about making it out, I already know I'm going to die"

Max soon put on a somber face and responded

"Sir, you shouldn't think like that; what about your family?",

The Major smiled sombrely at my words.

"Yeah, I do have a family; I have a son who's training to join the army. He's probably going to be sad at my death"

Hearing his words, Max knew the bait worked.

"Sir, rumors are going on in the castle that someone's trying to kill the newbies.

I also overheard a higher-up saying that those who withhold will be executed together with their families. Do you know anything about that?"

Max's words upset and unsettled the man a bit. He also started shifting uncomfortably.

"No, I don't, why are you asking me this"

Max knew the Major knew something, so he decided to unsettle him more. But he knew he couldn't push him too much.

"I also overheard that they have a list of dishonest soldiers and are planning a purge soon.

Even their family members are not safe. But if any information came out, I'm pretty sure they would be lenient.

I don't even know why someone would betray the higher-ups, we're all fighting the Monsters so less manpower would lead to the death of us"

Max's words caused the Major's face to become sorrowful.

He hesitated for a few minutes before sighing. In a somber tone, he said

"Listen to me, boy, I'm a part of those soldiers; I had no choice. I discovered their plans, but they threatened my family you have to believe me. I hope you get a message to the commander.

For my son please help me, tell them the one who's leading them is the Colonel. He thinks that the higher-ups are weak and want's to

replace them.

That's why he's eliminating soldiers and he's also the one who first assigned you to the unit that got decimated.

You know why right"

His words made Max's face turn sour, after all, eliminating someone like that was going to be hard.

Max also pondered on what the original person did to anger someone of such a high rank.

Getting this information was still good. So, Max played the part and acted a bit hurt

"I see, you know what Major, I'll give them your message. But, I'm a bit sad you tried to eliminate me. But you turned a leaf, so I'll try my best."

These words brightened the Major's face up. He clasped Max's hand and immediately said

"Thank you, thank you so much boy."

Max smiled at his words. Immediately after that, he summoned his Gladius and pierced the Major's chest.

The change of events caught the Major by surprise.

"Why" he asked weakly.

"Oh well, you know the reason, right? Anyways, don't worry I'll take good care of your son"

Max's words made his face turn dark. He immediately cursed out

"Fuck you, bastard, I hope you die"

Max smiled at his words.

"I'm a bastard, yes, but I'm not planning on dying any time soon."


"That hit the spot"

Max moaned out loud. He was really dirty from all the trekking and fighting that he had done to come back to the fortress.

So, a nice hot shower always hits nicely.

Max had made it back from the forest at least an hour ago. He had encountered at least 24 Monsters while coming back. Slaying at least 9 of them.

It was definitely God that allowed him to make it here before dusk. If he didn't make it before dusk, Max knew he would have to suffer a horrifying death.

Still, he now had to plan what to do with the information he had received.

He knew he couldn't enact his own revenge. As from what he heard the Colonel was an Awakened. So his best choice was for him to get the Colonel executed.

So in the upcoming debrief. Max would tell the commander, all the information he gathered in hopes of getting the Colonel executed.