Mitchelle woke up as early as 5am in the morning to prepare herself for the morning class. The rest of the girls were still sleeping by that time. So she used the opportunity to prepare a little breakfast for herself before thinking of waking her roommates up.
Her hair was already in a good State only for her to style the front of her hair . She took a new pink gown her mother got for her . Then coupled it with her gold wrist watch , her new pair of shoes.
After that she took her bag she left at the corner of her reading table and inserted the books she was going to be needing during the lectures , she also added her phone and and her ATM card .
Mitchelle waited for awhile for her roommates to wake-up.
Few minutes later around 5:45am Shade and Ade woke up and was surprised to see Mitchelle all dress up.
" Why didn't you wake me up ?", Shade asked rubbing her sleeping eyes.
" I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep", Mitchelle said
" Whatever," she said while she stood up to wake the others.
Mitchelle's pov;
Ade was the only one not having class that day unlike us who were freshman of the school . Though we were from different department . Bella was in theatre art, Jane in Marketing department, Shade and I were in medicine department the same as Ade but wasn't having any class that day.
For my own department we were having Biology in the morning and during afternoon period we were having Mathematics. So I have gotten myself a little prepared for the morning and afternoon class.
To me it felt as if Higher institution was another level higher than secondary school .
I also learnt that in Higher institutions people get carryovers.
Few minutes later my roommates were fully prepared around 6:35am.
" Guys we are very late we have to be very quick ", I said.
We walked very fast almost sweating . Finally we Departed to our various departments.
When I got there I observed that the class was a bit crowdy.
"Shade if I had known I would have left you guys at home o ... Jeez look how stuffy this place is", I whispered into Shade's ear.
"But we left very early", I Added
" Yeah , I know..
people that you find here had left there apartment since 5am in the morning", Shade whispered back .
" Really?... So people can be so early...", she interrupted me.
" Come of it baby girl this is a brand new level so have sense", She said .
" Oohk ma ", I said.
Not quite long a lecturer walked into the class and everyone stood up to greet him.
" I will be detecting for you guys today ", he said adjusting his eyes glass . He began with the topic
Course: Medicine and surgery
Lectured by Tunde lawal
He began to dictate;
Regulation of internal environment, structures and function of the kidney, diseases, effects and remedy.
Liver: – Structure, functions and diseases, Skin: – Structure, functions, diseases and care.
Hormones: - Location, secretion, function, effects of over-secretion and under-secretion.
Nervous co-ordination: - CNS component, structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system and the neurone.
Reflex and voluntary actions, conditional reflex.
Sensory organs: - Skin as a sense organ, organ of sight (The eye).
Organ of hearing, smell and taste.
Development of new organisms (Courtship behavior in animals, Stages in development of toad, insects)
Development of new organisms (Seeds, fruits in plants, Germination of seeds)
REFERENCES College Biology by Idodo Umeh Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by S. Ramlingam Essential Biology by M Michael New Biology by H. Stone and Cozen SSCE, past questions and answers UME and CAMBRIDGE past questions and answers Biology practical text
Homeostasis, mechanism and structures of homeostasis
Structures of the Kidney
Functions of the Kidney
Kidney diseases, effects and remedy
HOMEOSTASIS Homeostasis is the process by which a fairly constant internal environment is maintained in an organism. The internal environment of an organism is made up of the body fluid such as blood, lymph and tissue fluid. For efficient functions of body cells and healthy growth, a living organism must be able to adjust to any change in the physical and chemical conditions of its body fluids. These conditions include temperature, PH, osmotic pressure, concentrations of dissolved substances and mineral ions.
MECHANISM OF HOMEOSTASIS Homeostatic processes are control mechanisms which are used to detect and adjust to changes in the internal environment of the organism. These mechanisms usually include: a. Sensory detectors which recognize a change in a given condition and stimulate the relevant body parts. b. Effectors organs or glands which react and restore the normal state.
STRUCTURES FOR HOMEOSTASIS Osmoregulation (homeostasis) in unicellular organism is ensured by the use of contractile vacuole. The main organs involved in homeostasis in multicellular organisms include; kidney, liver, skin,
ductless glands (hormones) and the brain which has the overall control of the homeostatic process in the body.
EVALUATION 1. What is homeostasis? List four factors of homeostasis. 2. List four structures of homeostasis in multicellular animals
The mammalian kidney is a bean-shaped, reddish brown organ located in the posterior end of the abdomen. The right kidney is slightly lower in the body than the left. Cutting a kidney longitudinally, two distinct regions are observed; an outer cortex and an inner medulla. Several narrow tubules called urinary tubules (nephrons) pass through the two regions stated above. The tubules open at the tips of triangular – shaped masses of tissues called pyramids. The pyramids open into a funnel-shaped cavity called the pelvis. The kidney has many tiny capillaries which are branches of the renal artery and the renal vein. The pelvis continues as ureter, a long narrow tube connecting the kidney to the urinary bladder. FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEY The kidney serves as the chief osmoregulator and excretory organ in the body of mammals, performing the following functions: a. It removes toxic wastes and harmful substances. b. It produces heat during cold. c. It excretes nitrogenous wastes like urea. d. It regulates water level in the body e. It assists to regulate pH of the body. f. It maintains salt or ion-balance in the body. The first three are excretory functions while the last three are osmoregulatory functions of kidney
KIDNEY AS AN OSMOREGULATOR Kidney is an osmoregulator by maintaining the water, salt and pH balance of the blood and this occurs in the distal tubules and collecting ducts of urinary tubules. WATER BALANCE When the body is dehydrated (little water in the body) which results from drinking small quantity of water or losing water through sweat on a hot day, the osmotic pressure of the blood increased. The osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect the changes and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete more antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which makes the walls of the urinary tubules more permeable so that more water is reabsorbed into the blood; therefore less water is lost from the body as concentrated urine. When the body is hydrated (too much water in the body) which results from drinking large quantity of water or on cold days when we sweat less, the osmotic pressure of the blood is lowered and less ADH is secreted and the wall of the kidney becomes less permeable and more water is lost from the body as dilute urine. CONTROL OF BLOOD SODIUM IONS AND PH LEVEL
The maintenance of a constant internal environment is referred to as (a) plasmolysis (b) diuresis (c) homeostasis. (d) glycolysis
All the organs below are homeostatic in function except (a) liver (b) kidney (c) food vacuole (d) skin
Which of the following is not a kidney disease? (a) oedema (b) hepatisis (c) nephritis (d) kidney stones
Which of the following is not one of the effects of kidney diseases (a) absence of blood cells in urine (b) oedema (c) high blood pressure (d) excessive urination.
One of the following is not a function of kidney. (a) Removal of poisons (b) maintaining salt balance (c) excretion (d) it regulates water level.
THEORY 1. Why do people urinate more on a cold day? 2. Explain briefly 'Dialysis
Structure and functions of the liver
Diseases, effects and remedy of liver diseases
Structure of the skin
Functions, diseases and care of the skin
Temperature regulation
Control of body temperature
The liver is the largest organ in the body of a mammal with a weight of about 1. It is reddish brown, soft with two lobes and it is located below the diaphragm on the right side of the abdomen. It partly overlaps the stomach and has bile duct connecting it to the duodenum. The duct is attached to the gall bladder.
FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER 1. Regulation of blood glucose level by converting excess glucose to glycogen under the control of the hormone insulin. With low glucose level, glycogen is converted to glucose under the influence of hormone, glucagon. Both insulin and glucagon are produced by the pancreas. 2. Regulation of blood protein. The body cells cannot store excess amino acids in the body. The liver therefore deaminates excess amino acids by breaking them down into amino group (converted to urea for excretion) and carboxyl group (converted to carbohydrates which are stored as glycogen) 3. Manufacture of essential blood proteins like fibrinogen, prothrombin, globulus etc which are involved in blood clotting. 4. Regulation of lipids by converting them to glucose.
Production of bile for emulsification of fats. The bile is stored in the gall bladder. (bile is 98% water and 2% bile salts, bilirubin, inorganic salts and cholesterol)
Storage of vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, copper and potassium.
Storage of blood (up to 1,500 cm 3 of blood) and regulation of blood volume and pressure in general circulation.
Formation of red blood cells (RBC) in foetus and breakdown of RBC in adults.
Inactivation of hormones
Detoxification of poisonous and toxic materials like drugs, food preservatives and pollutants in air and water
Production of heat as a by-product of its numerous metabolic activities.
EVALUATION 1. Describe the structure of a liver 2. State six functions of the liver
DISEASES OF THE LIVER These include diabetes, viral hepatitis, gall stones, cancer of the liver, and cirrhosis of the liver. Jaundice is a disease that may be due to the liver disease or some other causes. 1. Diabetes: This is caused by inability of the liver cells to convert excess glucose in the blood to glycogen due to the failure of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin 2. Viral Hepatitis: This is inflammation and destruction of the liver cells by viruses. 3. Gall Stones : These are stony masses formed in the gall bladder or bile duct. These are mostly precipitation of cholesterol. The gall stones obstruct the flow of bile, subjecting the gall bladder to infections. 4. Cancer of the liver: This is uncontrollable outgrowth of liver cells which prevents liver from carrying out its normal functions. 5. Cirrhosis of the liver: This is a disease condition in which the damaged liver cells become replaced by useless fibrous tissues, making the liver firm and irregular. This can be caused by excessive drinking of alcohol and hepatitis. 6. Jaundice : caused by increase in the blood bilirubin level due to excessive breakdown of red blood cells observed in sickle cells or chronic malaria patients and obstruction of bile duct by gall stones or diseases of the liver. The symptom of jaundice is yellowing of skin or eye white.
GENERAL EFFECTS OF LIVER DISEASES a. Weakness b. Jaundice c. Slight fever d. Oedema e. High blood pressure REMEDY The liver cells have the natural capacity of regenerating (dividing and producing new cells). The liver can therefore heal itself with the aid of the following procedures: a. A long period of bed rest b. Low fat controlled diet c. Avoiding drinking alcohols. d. Removing the cause of the disease e. gall stones. e. Liver transplant can be done in progressive liver cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. A lobe of the liver can be donated while the remaining one soon regenerates.
EVALUATION 1. List five liver diseases and state four remedy of the liver diseases STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN The skin is the largest organ of the body which covers its entire surface. It is composed of an outer epidermis, an inner layer of dermis and a layer of subcutaneous fat under the skin (below the dermis). An average skin is between 1-2 mm thick.
Epidermis It is the outer upper part of the skin which consists of three layers, namely; a. Cornified layer b. Granular layer c. Malpighian layer CORNIFIED (HORNY) LAYER This is the outermost layer of the epidermis which consists of fats, dead cells and keratin. Keratin makes the layer tough, flexible and water-proof; it prevents microbial entrance as well as reduces
The diseases of the skin may be caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa or fungi. These include chicken pox, measles, pimples, skin rashes, eczema, boil etc.
CARE OF THE SKIN a. Taking bath regularly. b. Eating balanced diet especially with vitamin A and B. c. Use of deodorants and anti-perspirants which may control excessive sweating and unpleasant odour. d. Regular exercise. e. Wearing clean clothes. f. Exposure to fresh air and UV rays (vitamin D)
EVALUATION 1. Outline five functions of the skin 2. List five skin diseases and five ways of caring for the skin
TEMPERATURE REGULATION Mammals like human maintain a constant body temperature. This allows them to live in any type of weather, "arctic" or "tropic". Heat gained or loss from the body caused a rise or fall from the normal body temperature which is approximately 37oC. Hypothalamus monitors, receives information and stimulates processes for balance. When there is
Rise in body temperature which may be caused by hot weather, vigorous exercise, high fever or exposure to solar radiation. An increase in body temperature stimulates temperature receptors in the hypothalamus to send nerve impulses to the skin. These impulses stimulate processes that get rid of excess body heat. These processes include Vasodilation : - The expansion (dilation) of blood capillaries beneath the skin epidermis and relaxation of capillaries in deep layer of the skin. This allows more blood flow near the surface and heat is lost through the epidermis into the air by convection and radiation, thus reducing the temperature. Sweating : - Sweat glands are stimulated by nerve impulses to secrete large amount of sweat which evaporates and cools the body. Other mammals lose heat by (panting) i. e. evaporation of water through the mouth, nose and tongue. Decreasing metabolic rate : This minimizes heat production within the body. Lowering of hairs: - Erector muscles relax keeping the hair flat on the skin surface.
Fall in body temperature due to cold weather the following processes occur: Vasoconstrictions: The narrowing or contraction of the blood capillaries beneath the skin surface and expansion of those ones in deep layers. Less blood flows near the surface of the skin. Therefore, less heat is lost by convection and radiation, thus making the person looks pale and blue. Shivering: rhythmic contractions of skeletal muscles to produce heat. Increasing metabolic rate: The thyroid gland is stimulated by the hypothalamus to produce hormone thyroxine which increases the metabolic rate, hence more heat is produced especially by the liver Raising of hairs: Erector muscles contract to raise the hairs to trap air which is a bad conductor of heat.
EVALUATION Describe four ways through which the skin can control a rise in body temperature.
GENERAL EVALUATION 1. What is (a) Deamination (b) Detoxification 2. Describe jaundice, stating three causes of it. 3. List five dermal structures and state their functions 4. Define (a) vasodilation (b) vasoconstriction 5. Describe the role of the liver in digestion and osmoregulation 6. Describe the homeostasis functions of the skin
College Biology, chapter 9, page 199 – 206, chapter 6, page 128
WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1. The pigment in the malpighian layer responsible for skin colouration is known as (a) melanin (b) haemoglobin (c) haemoyanin (d) keratin 2. Which of the following specialized structures are stimulated by touch, pressure, pains heat and cold? (a) Receptor (b) synapse (c) cell bodies (d) muscle 3. The increase in width of the blood vessels in the mammalian skin at high temperature is known as (a) vasodilation (b) sweating (c) vasoconstriction (d) vasculation 4. Which of the following stimuli is not provided through the skin of mammals? (a) light (b) pressure (c) pain (d) touch 5. Which of the following parts of mammalian skin is directly involved in excretion? (a) Sebaceous gland (b) sweat gland (c) horny layer (d) blood capillaries
THEORY Explain how skin acts as: (a) an organ of temperature regulation (b) an excretory organ.
Hormones and endocrine glands
Pituitary hormone
Thyroid hormone
Parathyroid hormone
Pancreatic hormone
Adrenal hormone
Reproductive hormones
Plant hormones
Application of hormones to agriculture
HORMONES AND ENDOCRINE GLANDS Hormones are chemical substances produced or secreted by endocrine glands (ductless glands) in response to various stimuli. Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream and circulated to exert their effect on their target organs. This effect could be to speed up or slow down biological reactions. A few hormones like thyroxine and other growth hormones exert their effects on all body cells. A hormone can therefore be defined as a chemical messenger that is produced in one part of an organism and brings about a specific effect in a target organ some distance away. Hormones (usually needed in small amount) are active in homeostasis, growth and development. After their actions, hormones are inactivated in the liver and excreted in urine.
EVALUATION 1. What is hormone? 2. State four characteristics of hormones
ANIMAL HORMONES There are basical
He had to dictate all this for us . It was becoming boring . I can't even wait to even live the class.
Soon or later they rang the bell for lunch break . I quickly dragged Shade and rushed out of the hall because I was feeling really exhausted and hungry.
So we went out for lunch break together.
" That man is so boring", I said .
" I thought I was the only one observing", Shade said when a guy walked up to us .
" Hi am Steve", he said.
Shade and I couldn't get our eyes off his face because he was damn cute.
He was looking hot and his black hair made him look more sexy... What am I even saying. His eyes were bright and his skin was very fair.
I didn't have the boldness to even look into his handsome face but I gathered boldness and replied him back.
" No prob there's enough seat for everybody", I said with a broadening smile on my face.
" So tell me Steve are you also in this department ", Shade asked .
" Nah am in the theater arts department because I have passion for acting", he said
" Wow that's so nice ", I said.
" Am sure you will know Bella she's our roommate", Shade said
" Umm maybe have seen her before but I don't really know that much ", he said.
" Can I know you guys name please?", He asked
" My name is Michelle Mitch for short ", I said.
" My name is shade but you can call me sugare pie", Shade said and we laughed.
We discussed for a while before going for our afternoon class . We were having Mathematics. I never liked mathematics but because of the course I was doing, I must like it either I liked in it or not.
Bella's pov;
Mitch and Shade had already gotten home. So this time I was already preparing the dress I was going to be wearing for the night.
" Guys have prepared the dressing for the clubbing night ", I told them.
" Let me see your dress ", Mitch said.
I showed her the dress . The dress was a sexy spaghetti strap lace ruffle flay dress.
" Isn't it too revelling?", Mitch asked
" Well that's how I wanted it to be", I replied her back.
" How much is it", Shade asked me .
"Do you want to buy it for me", I said teasing her. I never liked the fact when people asked me the price of something I bought.
" Talk joor", Jane Added.
" Nineteen thousand Naira ", I said embracing my dress.
" That's not all girls ", I said showing them my silver high heels and clutch with so much pride.
" This one worth 100k"
" 100 what!!!", Mitch and Ade exclaimed.
" Why are you screaming like that", Jane asked eyeing the both of them.
Sooner or later my phone rang . It was my baby , I mean my boyfriend .
" Babe hope you are ready. I can't wait to destroy you...", I interrupted him.
" And I can't wait for you to devour my flesh and take me to heaven", I said leaking my lips. My roommates were looking at me as if I was blindly In love with this guy.
" Can't wait to see you baby ", he said and hang up the phone .
Few hours later around 11:45 pm when everyone on around the area where asleep. My boyfriend was waiting for me with his few miles away from the school .
Though it's was a bit risky for me to go out by that time of the night but I had too . I had already left the apartment ending to the school gate.
The girls and I normally bribe the gate man with money anytime we wanted to go out in the night. Of course that was exactly what I did .
The gate man gave me a gate pass to the gate. I saw my boyfriend from afar so I had to call him through my phone since it was in the middle of the night.
" Babe have sited you", he said and hanged up .
When he came to were I was standing , we hugged each other and kissing each other passionately.
" Babe let's not do this here before anyone catches us" , he said and I also reasoned with him. He led me to his car which I entered.
Few moments later , I found myself in the club with my sweet boyfriend.we danced for a while and sat down to order food from the menu. Of course I was going to preserve some food for my friends . My boyfriend and I ate for a while then went over to the dancing floor .
Ooh my God that night was mad like I was really high. Like What I mean by I meant I was in the mode of having s***. You know what I my😊😊.
My boyfriend took me to the hotel where we are going to be doing all those stuffs.
" Hope you are with some condoms", I asked looking at him seducingly.
"Yes baby ", He said while loosening his bottom.
We were removing each other clothes slowly because to me I like slow s*** . I started by unlocking his zipped trousers down to his under wear I was doing that slowly why staring at him . My private part was damn wet waiting for him to set his rod inside of me . I opened the condom paper and put his di*** inside of it. I was so high . I was doing that why he unbuttoned my bra down to my tight. He raised me up so he could hold me tightly and I also used my hands to position his face so we could kissed passionately. He threw me on the bird.
Fu*** the game was about to start . He made sure the light in the room was turned off before any other thing...
I allowed my boyfriend enter inside of me to F*** me very hard. Let me not lie we went for like 3 fucking rounds...
" I love you baby", he whispered into my ear with his husky voice.
His voice was one of the kind that turns my head.
" I love you too baby", I said and we kissed passionately. He hugged me behind my back why we dozed off.
I woke up as early as 4:45am in the morning to rush back to the school before anyone finds out that I sneaked out if the school hostel.
My boyfriend quickly dressed up and drove me in his class back to my school hostel . Thank God the gateman wasn't asleep if not I would have be caught . I had to pay him again.
I bit my baby goodbye before living for the hostel.
When I got to my apartment . I quickly took my bath and went straight to my bed and just dose off because I was really tired and exhausted.
Before sleeping I had put the stuffs I bought for my friends inside the fridge so it won't get spolt.
General pov;
When the day break everyone add woke up and done the house chores except for Bella.
" Baby girl wake up naw ", Jane said tapping her.
After everything . The girls gathered in the dinning table While Bella brought the things she bought for them.
They accepted it with open hands. Bella also told them what transpired between her and her boyfriend.
Upon hearing such talks Mitch was feeling uncomfortable she couldn't control her emotions . Suddenly she remembered Steve and captioned his face in her mind.
" Come on Mitch this is not you .. you are here to study to make mummy and daddy proud that's all", she thought to herself.
She was begining to enjoy the company of her friends but she was finding their attitude influencing her negatively .
Jane pov;
My boyfriend called me on phone telling me he wanted to see me. Saying he had important thing to discuss with him . When I got there. I tried hugging him but he refused. I figured out something was going to be wrong and things happened very fast.
He wasn't the first guy have dated before but I loved him more than the others
" I want us to break up", He said.
" Sorry, repeat what you just said to me right now", I said . My eyes was already getting very red.
I couldn't wait for him to finish the sentence I just pushed him and told him
" You are not breaking up with me you".
I was trying to prove as if that didn't get to me .
Jane roommates saw that she wasn't in a good State when she walked in .
" What happened.. you wanted to see your boyfriend before you left. Then why is your face looking so pale", Bella asked her and the others looked at her face searching for answers.
" Are you okay", Shade asked
" My boyfriend broke up with me... He. He .he bro broke up with me 😭😭😭", she said already crying really hard.
Her friends had to console her.
Lesson here: Those that wants to be negatively influenced will be influenced . If you are determined not to be influenced by other people opinion no matter what you will not be like them
As a teenager you have to be vigilant you know what I mean by being vigilant. Take care of your feelings try to be self-controlled... No matter any situation you find yourself....