Chapter 11

Location: Sungloom Valley, Solaruhn Empire

Time: 9:48 am

Date: Septa 16, 2079

In a small secluded forest inside the collosal walls that is the Sungloom Valley a figure can be seen laying on top of a patch of grass. The figure is of a young man, his face angular and sharp, his hair is a shoulder length of lustrous black with orange and light yellow highlights at its ends.

The young man's skin is of a darker tone, his body is filled with small scars, on his right shoulder is a tattoo resembling old runic writings. The young man is wearing a tattered shirt and a ripped jeans.


The sound of something made of wood can be heard as a hunched old man walks out behind of a berry bush. The old man sees the young man at the corner of his eyes, curious he approaches the unconscious young man.

"Someone's here? How can that be? Anyone who enters this valley I would have noticed." The old man says as he strokes his beard.

The old man observed the unconscious lad, looking a bit troubled. He ponders for a few more minutes before sighing and waving his hand.

After the old man's gesture the ground in which the young man lays upon is lifted out. The piece of earth that was ripped off the ground is now hovering behind the old man, following him to wherever he is going.

The old man walked through the forest for a few hours heading towards one of the cliff walls of the valley. He stopped before the wall and waved his hand downwards. The wall before him fell down as if it's water, revealing a hidden passage.

He walked into the hidden passage with the wall forming back behind him. The walls was lit with orange colored crystals making the inside of the passage visible. The old man together with the still unconscious young man travelled through the slightly inclined path for almost an hour before a distant light can be seen.

When the two emerged out of the passage what greeted them is the glades on top of the Sungloom Valley's cliffs. There are some trees scattered all over the glade, there is a pond that serves as a center point, near it is a small wooden hut.

The two ventured towards the hut, the old man humming a tune while walking. As they arrived in front of the hut, the old man looked back at the unconscious young man before heading in. The earth that carries the young man transformed into a man shaped casing that encased the young man.

The old man put down the encased young man in the middle of the room before heading into a side room. Inside the room is a bunch of plants and some mortar and pestle. There are also a bunch of alchemical apparatus spread all over his workbench.

The old man walked over to war dance one of his drawers near his workbench. He opened a bunch of drawers looking for something. After a while he managed to find whatever it is he needs.

The old man walked back to the encased young man. Saying outloud:

"Let's see what's up with you now."

He grinned as he puts on some sort of monocle that has multiple lenses. The old man rub his beard as he observes the young man, sometimes adding or removing some of the lenses. He continues to do this until it was nearing dusk.

"How peculiar. The boy's body doesn't seem to have any problems, I can't assess his state of mind with him unconscious too. But there are some traces of Vice's energy on him." The old man mutters as he takes off the weird monocle he was wearing.

He waved his hand again as the body of the young man is moved towards one of the other rooms. Inside the room is a simple bed and a drawer with a lamp on it. The young man is laid by the earth that encased him before it moved out of the cottage and fell towards the ground.

The old man can be heard rummaging through his workbench in the other room for a few minutes. The old man's steps can be heard coming closer toward the unconscious young man. When the old man entered the room he put down a chair near the bed.

With him is a bunch of vials filled with different colored liquid. He made the young man drink the liquid inside all of the vials, after which he put his hand over the young man's chest. He started doing hand signs with his right hand and then a rustic brown light started to appear in his left hand.

The light slowly suffused into the body of the unconscious young man. The process stopped after 20 minutes as the old man's forehead started to form a sheen of sweat.

Just as the old man was about to remove his hand on top of the young man, the young man jolted awake with his arm already moving towards the old man.


A sudden sound of something hitting flesh rang out. The old man who was about to be caught some how is three feet away and had the walking stick he carried earlier already touching the young man's chest.

"Now now boy, is that how you treat someone who had helped you?" The old man spat with spite towards the now concious young man.

"Who are you and where am I?" The young man questioned, his eyes unwavering.

The old man raised an eyebrow at the question, he then moved the walking stick away from the young man as he dragged the chair towards him to sit on. The young man also somewhat relaxed a bit but still maintaining a vigilant attitude.

"You can call me Oli, as for where you are, as you can see you are in my home. Now it's my turn to ask, who are you and why are you in the middle of a Coffin Zone?" The old man or Oli, as he introduced himself with, countered.

"I'm... I'm... I don't remember." The young started before realizing he doesn't even know who he is.

"You don't remember? Hmm."

"All I remember is that I was running away from a bunch of lunatics. They were shouting things like 'don't let the specimen run away!' or 'he is the first one to survive so make sure to capture him.' that's all I remember." The young man explained, clearly troubled by the fact that he is some sort of escaped test subject.

"These 'lunatics', do you perchance remember what they look like?" The old man quietly asked.

"I vaguely remember them having a blood-like markings on various parts of their bodies." The young man answered.

"Sigh.... Those lunatics are Cryers and you seem to be an important asset that managed to escape them." Oli remarked. "Don't worry, you're safe here. You can rest here for now and tomorrow we can talk about what we can do for you."

"Cryers.... Thanks Oli, I will never forget this deb-" The young man started before he suddenly stopped.

The young man started to convulse as he fell on the ground. Tendrils of darkness crawled over half of his body, the darkness seeming able to drown out the light with it a biting cold can be felt. One of his eyes even turning black with a silver pupil.


The young man shouted as the other half of his body started emitting extreme heat and blinding light. His other eye turning into a mix of gold and orange.

"What is this? A body that can house opposing elements? But that is unheard of!" Oli exclaimed, his surprise apparent.


In the depths of a space made up of all white, there exists a single entity. It was the young man but he seems more ethereal in here, more spirit like.

All of a sudden an all encompassing darkness emerged. It swallowed the space and the young man. The young man was encased with ice and when it seemed as if that was the end a dazzling light emerged.

The blinding light brought with it an unbelievable heat that seemed capable of burning anything and everything. The ice encasing the young man was broken causing him to awaken.

"Finally you have awaken." A voice can be heard in the depths of the blinding light.

The light subsided along with the heat as it all merged into a female figure. It was made up of a mix of gold and orange energy and is mostly featureless, apart from its face that has a set of mesmerizing gold and orange eyes that exudes the feeling of being able to cleanse and burn the defiled.

Just like the light, the all encompassing dark and inevitable cold merged into a male figure. This time the figure is made up of black and deep blue energies. The figures eyes is more sinister as if it wants to drown the world in a sea of darkness and ice.

"Neroth! Even in this accursed form you are a plague that harms the world!" The female entity shouted towards the male entity called Neroth.

"I will have my right to vengeance Heliana! No matter the cost!" Neroth shouted back as he launched himself towards Heliana.

Heliana also charged towards Neroth, their power surging. And just as they were about to reach each other a deep rumble can be heard.

It's origin? The young man whose appearance has drastically changed, with his hair turning white with gold highlights but what made him change the most is his eyes.

His eyes have a symbol in them, each represented by a different color, gold and platinum. When you gaze into his eyes it's as if you are nothing but a speck of dust, floating in the sea of HIS presence.

"You will obey me as 'I' command it. For I am the Alpha and the Omega."