Chapter 12

Location: Sverghoff City

Time: 8:44 pm

Date: Septa 13, 2079

Sverghoff is a bustling trade city located between the borders of two nations. Its laws and rules are a mix of both nations which caused the city to become a melting pot of all kinds of activities and people.

In Sverghoff who you were and are is not important, as long as you have the money and the power. This made the city the best place to start anew, with a clean slate.

It was a rainy day in Sverghoff however the street is still filled with people and vendors, both new and old. In this pouring rain a lone cloaked figure walks into an secluded alley.

The figure traverses the winding alleys of the city, the figure obviously is familiar with its layout. They kept on moving through this jumble of paths until they arrived in front of a dainty and somewhat run-down building.

The figure made their way inside the building closing the doordoor after they made sure nobody followed them. They then proceeded to take out some sort of device from a drawer near the entrance.

The figure tinkered with the device for a bit before a low pulse emanated from the device. The pulse traveled towards the walls of the building before it clung to it, making some sort of film that dissipated inside the walls.


A feminine voice can be heard as the figure relaxed. She took off her cloak's hood before taking it off to hang in a rack. Behind the cloak was a young woman around the age of 20 to 23.

She has shoulder length auburn hair with golden roots, her eyes are of a beautiful hazel, her face a bit on the angular side making her look serious and contemplative.

She is wearing a tight-fitting frilled shirt of brown and pale green, paired with it is a textured leather pants with a boots. There is a pair of black and green bracelets on her left arm and a gold necklace with a clear diamond-like gem in it on her neck.

"Alright Alfira you really did it this time. You really did the craziest thing you could have done in your entire life." Alfiramutters as she hurries towards a set of stairs that led to small attic.

When Alfira entered the attic a room filled with unsorted papers, file and documents can be seen. On the right side of the room is a wall full of bits of information with some pictures of some places.

Alfira walked over to her mess of desk and sat down, she pulled out a seperate file filled with more documents but this one is more organized and marked by date. She shifts through a bunch of them before pulling out a seemingly normal file.


That was the headline of a piece of newspaper from the particular file, it was not the only one there was a bunch of these cases and all of it ended with a whole town's worth of missing people. That wasn't the only signs too, before the trees started to wither a few newcomers come into the towns and they disappear after just a day like they weren't even there.

"Just why are you doing this? Why harm those people?" Alfira questioned as she rummages through the file.

She continues to do so for a few minutes stopping on another peculiar case, this one is just 3 months ago in a small village near the border of the Caldea Union. In it is a collection of images of a group of people, they all wear a black cloak with some symbol on it.

Unfortunately the images are a bit worn out making some details unclear. In one of the images is a slightly clearer view of the leader, he has dark grayish hair that reaches up to his shoulder. He is wearing a mask that depicts a grinning demon with his sinister red eyes.

"How far will you go for your goal? When will it end?" Alfira somberly stares at the image as she clenches it.

Unbeknownst to Alfira the dimly lit room she is in is noticibly becoming darker, bleaker even. The shadows in the corner of the room seems to move.

"It will end when they're all dead Alfira." A distorted voice echoes out of the dark.

Alfira frantically looks around to find the source of the voice. Until she focuses her gaze on the wall with the pinned images and files. There stands a shadowy figure whose eyes are the only visible feature on his otherwise empty visage.

"Their deaths won't bring her back you know that! Why go through this dark path just to suffer all the same!?" Alfira lashes out as she throws the file she was holding towards the shadow man.

"They deserve death! She didn't even do anything, she was just a hapless innocent that was implicated by their incompetence! She died because they were weak!" The shadowy form of the man intensified almost becoming a flame made of shadows.

Alfira took a step back, clenching her fist due to anger. Anger towards herself because what the man said was right, Laufe only died because the Vicers were too slow. A rampaging beast Sin caused her death, and now the very same power of the Sin is being used by him to enact his revenge.

"I know that but they can be punished in another way, just not this way. Please V, come with me, we can make this right even without losing our humanity." Alfira softly says as her eyes glisten in the dark, staring straight at the man's crimson eyes.

"You know I can't do that right? We each have embarked on different paths, one of life and one of death. And even if I want to go back to back then I can't not because I don't want to but because I am too far gone." The man's voice mellowly rings, his demeanor more calm, more human.

The man flinched for a second before his head looked to his left his eyes narrowing. He started to slowly sink down the ground and as he sinks he says.

"Some guys are here, I am afraid I need to leave. Take care of yourself Alfira, you know that you're the only person I'm fond of that is left. You need to leave this place and fast." He finishes right as he fully disappears into the dark.

"V... " Alfira mutters before she started running down to get her stuff. But a sudden explosion erupted behind her as she was descending the stairs causing her to faint.


In the labyrinthine alleys of the Sverghoff City a certain building and it's adjacent ones has been destroyed. All that is left is just a bunch of rubble and some flames scattered all throughout the area.

A group of cloaked individuals can be seen approaching the rubble. A few of them conversing on their objective.

"Make sure you guys look through every nook and cranny, there's no guarantee that we got her. If she really is dead then we're gonna be set to retire from this shitty job." The man leading the group commands as he splits from the group to look for the target.

Each member of the group spread out to different areas of the ruins. Some of them used their Vice to remove rocks and debris or to put out some fires. They kept on looking for while before a sudden shout and tremor erupted on the eastern side of the ruins.

In the east stood their target, Alfira, who is bloodied and battered but still surging with power. Above her is huge hand made of the rubble, the hand is still dripping with blood and below it a crushed pile of flesh can be seen, likely the source of the scream before.

"How dare you! How dare you attack me! You will know the consequences of attacking me! Of attacking the Titan!" Alfira shouts as an explosion of green and gold erupts around her.

And just like that a quarter of the city of Sverghoff has been turned into nothing but a crater.