the new Hogwarts (2)

Sitting in the headmaster's office gave me great pleasure, especially with Dumbledore sitting on the ground, bound by magic and stripped of any and all magical artifacts. By the way, he had a lot. He was just sitting there, haggard and glaring daggers at me; the malice in his eyes would frighten even Voldemort. Instead of ignoring him, I goaded him further by walking over and pulling his beard two times in a row . The first was for the old me, and the second for the current me.

The door to the office opened, and all the professors entered. As soon as McGonagall saw Dumbledore's situation, she tried to move toward him but found she couldn't. The reason is simple: the area of the office where Dumbledore sat is warded off by Hogwarts itself. It's one of the new upgrades. I still haven't checked everything—I just didn't have time to do so yet. McGonagall tried and failed several times while the rest of the staff sat down at the table. She then turned sharply to me. I know that look, and I didn't want to hear anything from her for now, so I snapped my fingers, silencing her with a quick spell, and gestured for her to sit down. She did, albeit reluctantly.

I then turned my attention to the rest of the staff; even Madam Pomfrey was here, and she still scares me for some reason.

Anyhow, I started the meeting by saying, "Thank you all for coming. I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer what I can. Now, for the vows, you just need to use your wand and swear not to share the information with anyone, ending with the phrase 'and may Hogwarts be a witness.' That's it."

They looked at me weirdly, but I didn't elaborate. They would know as soon as they completed the vow, so there was no need.

I opened my Grimoire and began reading the conclusion it had reached after analyzing the events until now. There were some very enlightening hypotheses, and I'm going to use them whether or not they prove true.

The looks on their faces when they realized that Hogwarts did indeed bear witness and their vow was now unbreakable were worth all the weird looks I received earlier.

Smiling at them, I asked, "Now, who wants to go first?"

"Mr. Potter, I'll go first . why is the Headmaster is sitting there like that. Or better yet, can you explain what happened from the beginning?" Of course, it had to be Madam Pomfrey. Now I can't make fun of McGonagall or Snape anymore.

"Ahem, yes, Madam Pomfrey. Good to see you…."

She cut me off with a squint and said, "And don't forget to come to the hospital wing later for a check-up."

I could only smile stiffly at her request before continuing.

"Of course, Madam Pomfrey. Now, back to the topic at hand. Where do I start? Hmmm... I know. You see, before I was born, the headmaster heard a prophecy. A normal person would think it was a hoax and go about their day. A normal wizard should know that most prophecies are self-fulfilling and try to leave them alone. But not our esteemed headmaster," the sarcasm was plainly evident in my voice. "The headmaster did the opposite—he rescheduled a meeting with Professor Trelawney and ensured her prophecy was delivered to Voldemort. Now, if he had stopped there, he might have saved himself, but no. He was the Great Albus 'too many names for one person' Dumbledore— How could he have any semblance of self-control?

He decided to interfere more and made sure the prophecy was self-fulfilled. He could have called it quits, but we all know he didn't. No, he subtly interfered, thinking he would come out on top." My voice dripped with exaggeration, ridicule, and sarcasm. "Now here's the thing: self-fulfilling prophecies are the worst kind because they generate a debt of fate. In this case, I'm the one who has to pay this debt to fate for saving me that night. Keep in mind that fate had a debt to Voldemort, which had been paid in full. If you want to know how, it was the protection granted to him for so long until his resurrection.

Now, let's get back to the headmaster's role in this. He believed he could manipulate fate in his favor, and as we all know, fate is a b**ch and always has other plans. So when he decided I was no longer useful and should die in Azkaban, he added oil to the fire and f**ked himself over without even knowing it." I glanced at Dumbledore as I said this, and I could almost see the gears in his head turning as he came to the realization that what I said was true. It was a Patronus-worthy memory for me.

I directed my attention back to the table and continued: "Now I will not explain what happened when I was in Azkaban, but just know that someone decided to have me killed using a Death Eater as a scapegoat, and that set in motion the events that led me here." If my staring at Dumbledore while saying this didn't give them the clues they needed, then that's on them.

"Now back to why the headmaster is confined here. You see, our esteemed headmaster, in his infinite wisdom, came into contact with some very nasty rituals some 30-40 years ago. Had he been as smart as he thought he was, he would have noticed that the ritual was too good to be true or that it contained demonic runes. I don't know if it was an oversight or just sheer stupidity, but he decided to use it. Had he succeeded, he would have turned himself into a divine demonic vassal of some kind. Now, I'm not well-versed in rituals—not by a long shot—but runes? Now that's a different story.

Anyhow, after I let my self out of Azkaban, I came here to continue my studies and training. By sheer luck, I discovered that Hogwarts was sentient. Or maybe it was fate? I don't know. While studying runes, I asked Hogwarts about them, and she told me about the headmaster's ritual room. Yesterday, I repurposed the ritual to turn Hogwarts into a semi-divine artifact and gained the position of headmaster once it was done. Now, any more questions?"

The only answer was silence—the room was so quiet that I thought they had forgotten to breathe. Of course, this didn't last long as Severus Snape opened his mouth. "Mr. Potter, all we have until now are your words. We don't have any evidence to support your claims. For all we know, this could be a fabricated story so that you can exact revenge." His obnoxious voice echoed through the room.

"Heh, it's funny that you think yourself important enough to ask for evidence or for me to lie to you. I truly don't care what you believe. Because you're neither strong nor educated enough in magic for me to care. Since you're the first to talk, I'll just warn you: start getting your affairs in order because as long as you have that mark on you, Voldemort will be able to kill you no matter where you go or what you do." I said this while my voice became increasingly sadistic at the end. He looked as if he had eaten something foul.

The other professors looked solemn, and none chose to speak, so I had to cut the conversation short for now and tend to my other affairs.

"Well, I have other things to attend to, so if you have more questions, please ask them later." I stood up and dragged Dumbledore out with me. I'll deal with him later. Now I just have to place him somewhere, and Hogwarts will take care of the rest.


I just uploaded ch28 on pat reon/hunter20

Pat reon/Moonpie_99

And about to finish writing chapter 30

I might upload it today if I have time to edit it and stuff.

Anyway, thanks for your support, and please leave a comment, a power stone or whatever it is that gets a FanFiction going😂😂