
I was still sitting in the infirmary, waiting for the wannabe rapist named Corban Rowle to wake up. I had already notified Snape to prepare his expulsion notice. I'm starting to think Fate doesn't want me to go out—problem after another. Ugh... I really need to start upgrading Hogwarts' defenses against different threats. She's already a semi-divine artifact, so I just need to inscribe different formations onto rune stones and feed them to her core; the rest is up to her. But now I have to wait for the parents or whoever is coming to take this guy away from here.

"Ugh... wh-what happened?" Our sleeping princess finally woke up. Let's see what's wrong with his head that made him do something this stupid in Hogwarts, especially after I warned them all that the punishment is severe.

"If it isn't our wannabe criminal, how does it feel to be the first to receive the 'sensoria luminis' curse of Hogwarts? " I asked Rowle, sarcasm dripping from my voice. The curse is interesting because it was one of the core curses added to the students protection system. What it does is simple. It dials up the pain sensitivity so high that everything you feel will be painful. The very air around you feels painful. Breathing feels painful. It's a cruel curse but also a very good one for a situation like this.

"Potter, so it was you!! You filthy half-blood!! Do you think—" And then he started screaming again. Don't look at me; I didn't curse him again. >_> Well, okay, I did. But he was practically begging for it.

I lifted the curse, and he was left panting, with red eyes, tears, and snot all over his face. I sent a cleaning spell his way—I didn't want to talk to anyone who looked like that.

"Now, I was just here to see the look on the face of your magical guardian when I tell him to take you home. You have been expelled. This is a school for humans, not animals. I want to see what you'll do when you're out of here, and I pray to magic that you'll join Voldemort's band of slaves, so that I can kill you first and ask questions later," I said with a cold voice and a warm smile. His terrified eyes told me all I needed to know.

We were then interrupted by the yelling of a man who looked like a hybrid of a troll and a human. He was ugly as hell—messy, dirty hair, a hooked nose, big warts, and he smelled like a troll too.

"Don't you have a shower at home? You smell like a troll. I'm sure people have laughed at you your whole life for your troll-human ancestry, but you didn't have to prove them right by smelling the part too. My God, you stink! What kind of animal leaves the house like this?" I yelled at him as soon as I saw him. The interesting colors his face turned due to my insults were just a bonus. The way the professors were trying not to laugh while also holding back their breath from the smell was just funny. The way he was trying and failing to free his wand from its hostler was hilarious.

"I can now guess where your son got his stupidity from. What part of 'you're in Hogwarts' don't you understand?" I said with a puzzled tone. "Mr. Rowle, you're in Hogwarts. You can't take out your wand inside Hogwarts territory without permission. The wards prevent that from happening." I said this in a slow voice, the kind people use when talking to someone mentally challenged. This did it. Professor Flitwick was on the ground laughing hard. McGonagall was trying very hard to keep a straight face, but the twitching of her features was, in my opinion, funnier than the situation. Snape was looking the other way while his body twitched slightly every few seconds. Meanwhile, the man himself was just fuming—his eyes red, his frowning face making him look like a wrinkled nutsack.

"You!, you!!. You!! Potter!!!!. How dare you make fun of your betters…" and that's all his furious voice could say before he was silenced .

"Mr. Rowle, I don't have time for your rambling. Take your son and get out of Hogwarts. I believe Snape has given you the expulsion notice. Now you have ten minutes before your forcefully expelled out of the school." My voice sound cold this time and I started walking out after I was done talking.

As I made my way toward the core room of Hogwarts, I was stopped by a group of Slytherin students led by Malfoy.

"Draco, Draco, Draco, I was wondering how long you could keep it together before you started doing something stupid. I see you didn't disappoint," I said sarcastically.

"Potter, what do you think you're doing? Attacking one of us, ordering us around, changing our education?…" I cut him off; his voice was annoying.

"Malfoy, I don't think you understood what I've been saying for a while now. Hogwarts is mine. If I want to close it, no one in the world can open it. If I say I am changing the schedule, then you better believe it. You want to know what I'm doing? I am ending anything related to pure-blood propaganda. It's plain and simple. I want an elite society that lives up to its name—not some fools who think they own the world while being weak as dirt. I don't want another fucking lich ordering weak-ass people like you to be his slaves because he traded his dick and nose for magic power. You don't like it? Go join Voldemort's band of slaves and wait for me to come slaughtering all of you. I'm done playing. You want a society run by the elite? That's what I am building from here. A society of well-educated wizards and witches who graduate from Hogwarts and lead the wizarding world into glory. Isn't this what all of you have yapped about for I don't know how long? And now you have the courage to come here with a group of weak-ass teenagers in the hope of… what? Intimidating me? In my own fucking school? How many times do I have to drill it into your thick skulls that times have changed and the weak and incompetent have no place in my school? Nor will they have a place in the British magical society. So instead of standing in front of me questioning me, why don't you go study and become strong before you open your mouths? And for your information, that rapist wannabe has been expelled. For those who don't like my approach, please don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'm sick of this."

I started my rant calmly with a bit of sarcasm, but I guess the stress of the day caught up with me and I couldn't help myself from yelling while releasing magic like crazy. I could see the fear I had imprinted into their very souls. At some point during my rant, students started gathering out of nowhere, hearing what I said. Once I finished, I continued my way to the core room, the students parting to let me through. I felt like a Chinese-made Moses. Hahahahaha, where did that come from? I don't know; I guess stress really did get to me. But there's no time—I need to finish upgrading the defenses as soon as possible. We may have an enemy that we didn't even know existed.


Enjoy and don't forget the Power stones, and reviews please 😁😁😁