
After sitting for a few minutes, I stood up and walked around a bit, bringing everyone's focus back to me.

"So, let's start with the questions! Ask away," I said, my voice carrying across the hall. I noticed Katie Bill raise her hand hesitantly, so I directed my attention to her and gestured for her to speak.

"Harry, um, I mean professor, I know you explained it, but what are the aspects? How do they affect our magic?" she asked, nervousness evident in her tone and body language.

"Well," I replied, "it means just what it says: wizard magic is attuned, ingrained, interwoven, and geared towards these aspects. For example, a wizard can't cast a spell created by a dark magician unless it's modified first. And no, I'm not talking about 'dark wizards' as you call them, or as they call themselves. I mean a magical being whose magic has the aspect of darkness, making it dark in nature. Don't get me wrong; we can invent and use dark spells, but they are not as potent, and the side effects are a different matter altogether. Our own magical energy is not dark, which is why we can't use them," I answered, " as for the aspects themselves. What are they? How do they exist? And so forth? You'll have to start reading a book titled "aspects, concepts and laws of magic" by Merydin emyris. In the library" I concluded my answer.

noticing one of the Slytherins raising his hand. I looked at him and said: "Yes, please state your name and question," looking at him. His calm expression masked some subtle hints of nervousness in his body language, which I sensed.

"Yes, my name is Blaise Zabini. My question is: can you elaborate on how we use dark spells but not dark magic?" His question was good; I could see the confusion on the students' faces, but they didn't want to ask for clarification.

"Hm, okay. Let me give you an example. The three Unforgivable Curses are, as you know, labeled dark. They're not dark in nature. Don't look at me like that. Yes, they are cruel curses, but they are heavily based on desire, emotions, and so forth. Any magic that relies on these is not dark based. What they do is essentially feed on the caster's desire and emotions to generate the desired effects. To clarify, think of the spell as a ball of energy. When you cast 'Avada Kedavra' on someone, you're heavily using your negative emotions—such as hate and loathing etc.—to trigger the desire aspect of your magic. This creates a ball of energy that is coated with the concept of death. Once you release it, it results in expelling the target's soul from their body. Do you understand now? If you don't, then you should start studying in the library."

"Anyone else?" I asked, and Marcus Draco Malfoy raised his hand.

"Yes, Draco, go ahead," I said, maintaining a professional tone despite the nagging urge to make fun of him. I knew he would dig his own hole and serve it to me on a silver platter.

"You said that if two Muggle-borns marry, their children will be pureblood? What do you know about being a pureblood? Is it just customs and traditions? You can't slander everyone else because you think you know better." I waited for him to finish speaking, reminded that this was a class despite my urge to fling him against the wall.

"They say there's no such thing as a dumb question, but obviously, whoever said that hadn't met you. First of all, I said that children born to two Muggle-borns are purebred, not pureblood. Second, do you really think I care about the customs and traditions you've created? What I'm referring to is lineage research conducted by Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff. You can delude yourselves all you want, but the evidence is available in the library. Go read it before you start lecturing me. And if you want my opinion on how this whole situation started? I'd say a pervert fancied his sister or cousin and decided to marry her under the guise of keeping it in the family, preserving talent, keeping blood pure, and so forth—but that's just my opinion." I spoke, watching the teachers and students struggle to maintain the serious atmosphere of the lecture. It was amusing.

"Yes, Luna, you can ask your question, and no, I'm not going to be mean about it," I said to Luna, who had somehow figured out how to communicate with Hogwarts and relay her messages through her. It surprised me at first, but I ultimately decided not to be surprised. It's Luna; if anyone could figure this out, it was her.

"Harry, I wanted to ask about the crumple-horned snorkack. What do you think its aspect of magic is? I was thinking maybe illusions, but I wanted to ask you," she said in her usual dreamy tone. Her question garnered some hostile looks from students, especially Ravenclaws.

"Well, if I had to guess, I'd say the concept of their being is either Dream, Chaos, or, as you mentioned, Illusions," I replied, keeping a serious tone that made her smile. Some students looked at me in surprise, while others appeared bewildered.

"What's with the looks? We are magical beings; we believe that anything and everything exists. Otherwise we will be like ignorant muggles who thinks we don't exist just because they haven't seen us. Or are you suggesting that just because Muggles think we are a myth, we actually are? Understand this: nothing is impossible when it comes to magic. It's simply undiscovered." I said with a serious voice.

The atmosphere in the hall shifted as I concluded my point. The mix of curiosity and disbelief was apparent. It was clear that Luna's question had introduced a topic they hadn't really considered: the limitless possibilities of magic.

I noticed Katie biting her lip, struggling with the urge to ask a question while hesitating to do so.

"Go ahead, Katie, ask away," I encouraged her.

"So, if we can't really know what magic can do, how do we use it? I mean, how do we control something that is unpredictable?" she asked.

"Good question. It's not that we don't know what magic can do; it's just that the possibilities are endless. Magic does what the caster wants it to do. But how do you control your magic and get it to do that? Well, that's a whole other topic. There are many ways to control magic, and it all starts with feeling it. I know we can feel magic when casting, but what I mean is to consciously feel it at all times. That's the starting point of every control method you'll encounter in the library. After that, each wizard has their own method of controlling, viewing, and understanding magic. But the basics are the same," I answered.

Marcus rolled his eyes and said, "So you're saying we have to mess things up before we get it right?" His tone revealed that he was unimpressed.

I gave him a look as if he were the biggest idiot I had encountered to date.

"Raise your hand, even if you're going to ask dumb questions," I told him. Then I added, "You clearly didn't hear me when I said that we are magical, that we live in magic and breathe it. This means that everyone should be able to sense their own magic with enough attempts. If you don't want to try, that's on you. But nobody is going to help you in this regard. The information is in the library; it takes time and effort to excel, and you have a choice."

A few students were writing notes, clearly excited about what they were learning. I told them, "Remember, magic is a part of you. The more you learn about yourself, the more you will understand it, and the more you learn about magic, the more you will understand your own nature." My voice sounded wise, earning me looks of admiration from the younger students. I counted it as a win.

"Now, any more questions?" I asked for the final time, starting to feel exhausted.

"Yes, what about magical traits and gifts?" one of the older Ravenclaws asked. I replied and the session of Q&A continued for a while, until I grew tired of it all. I concluded the lecture by saying,

"Okay, this concludes today's lecture. We will meet again when I'm free. Use your time wisely and spend more time in the library. If you're looking for a specific book, ask Hogwarts or refer to the index with Madam Pince. That's all."

I started walking out quickly; I didn't want to stay and listen to more questions.


There's like 8 chapters left for this volume, give me your opinion when It's done please!!

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