Chapter 7: Battle of Techniques

The winds howled across the barren wasteland, carrying dust through the air as the Z-Fighters stood united, their ki signatures pulsing in anticipation. In contrast, Frieza floated effortlessly above them, arms crossed, his metallic limbs reflecting the faint light of the setting sun. His red eyes gleamed with cruel amusement as he sized up his opponents, the smirk on his face unyielding.

"Monkeys..." Frieza's voice dripped with disdain, the word cutting through the silence like a blade. "It's truly fascinating how far you've come since Namek. But no matter how much you evolve, you're still nothing more than pathetic, primitive Saiyan monkeys."

Vegeta's aura flared violently in response, the anger boiling within him almost palpable. His fists clenched at his sides as he took a step forward, snarling, "Shut your mouth, Frieza! We've surpassed you in ways you can't even comprehend. This time, you won't be leaving in one piece."

Frieza's grin widened at Vegeta's outburst, floating down closer to the ground. "Please, Vegeta, by all means, show me just how much you've grown. I'm quite curious."

Without hesitation, Vegeta launched himself at Frieza, his body cloaked in golden Super Saiyan energy. His fists were a blur as he unleashed a series of rapid punches, each aimed to strike Frieza with deadly precision. The ground trembled under the force of Vegeta's assault, but to everyone's dismay, Frieza dodged effortlessly, weaving between the blows as though he were toying with Vegeta.

"Predictable," Frieza muttered under his breath, his glowing red eyes locked onto Vegeta's every movement. "You've certainly increased in strength, but your technique... it still leaves much to be desired."

Vegeta growled, frustration bubbling to the surface as he increased the intensity of his attacks. Each punch and kick came with greater speed and ferocity, the sheer force behind them shaking the air around them. Yet Frieza danced around Vegeta's onslaught, his movements graceful and fluid. To the Z-Fighters watching, it was clear that Frieza wasn't just holding back, he was studying.

As Vegeta continued his relentless attack, Frieza's mind was sharp, dissecting every move with cold precision. He watched how Vegeta shifted his weight before each strike, the subtle cues in his posture and energy patterns that made his attacks so predictable. Frieza was absorbing it all, analyzing every detail as though he were an instructor critiquing a novice fighter.

"Is that really all you have?" Frieza asked mockingly, his tone dripping with amusement. "You've trained for years, and yet you still fall into the same patterns."

Vegeta roared in fury, his Super Saiyan aura flaring brighter as he powered up even further, his entire body crackling with golden energy. He charged at Frieza again, moving faster than before, his attacks filled with unrestrained rage.

But Frieza's smirk never faltered. With a single swift motion, he raised his hand, effortlessly catching Vegeta's punch mid-air. The impact sent shockwaves rippling across the wasteland, but Frieza remained unmoved, holding Vegeta's fist as if it were a mere annoyance.

"Let me show you how it's done," Frieza whispered, his voice barely audible before he twisted Vegeta's arm with inhuman strength. Vegeta cried out in pain as Frieza hurled him to the ground with enough force to crack the earth beneath him.

Vegeta hit the ground hard, a crater forming beneath him as dust and debris filled the air. Before Vegeta could even attempt to recover, Frieza vanished from sight, reappearing above him with a cruel smile. In an instant, Frieza stomped down on Vegeta's back, driving him deeper into the ground.

"You always were a stubborn one, Vegeta," Frieza remarked, his tone casual as he pressed his heel into Vegeta's spine. "But I think it's time you learned your place."

Before Frieza could deliver another blow, Goku appeared beside him in a blur of motion, his fists glowing with energy. Without hesitation, Goku threw a powerful punch aimed at Frieza's head. But Frieza was ready. He blocked Goku's punch with his forearm, the sheer force of the impact creating a massive shockwave that sent dust and debris flying in every direction.

Goku's eyes narrowed as he pulled back, preparing for another strike. But before he could react, Frieza had already moved. He disappeared from sight, reappearing behind Goku in an instant. His tail lashed out, aimed at Goku's ribs. Goku barely managed to block the attack, but the force of the strike sent him skidding across the ground.

"You've gotten faster, Goku," Frieza said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "But you're still far too predictable."

Goku gritted his teeth, charging forward with a flurry of punches and kicks. Frieza deflected each blow with minimal effort, his movements smooth and precise. It was clear to everyone watching that Frieza wasn't just a brute force fighter anymore. He had refined his fighting style, using the techniques of his enemies against them.

From the sidelines, Piccolo watched the battle with growing concern. He could see it clearly now, Frieza wasn't the same as before. Every attack they threw at him, every technique they used, Frieza was absorbing it all, adapting faster than they could adjust.

Without warning, Piccolo charged into the fray, his fists glowing with green energy as he unleashed a barrage of powerful energy blasts. Each blast shot toward Frieza with pinpoint precision, intending to overwhelm him.

Frieza turned his attention to Piccolo, his smirk widening. "Ah, the Namekian... still clinging to your hopeless ideals of heroism?"

The energy blasts hit their mark, engulfing Frieza in a cloud of smoke. But as the smoke cleared, Frieza emerged unscathed, the blasts having done nothing to harm him. With a flick of his wrist, Frieza retaliated, sending a concentrated ki blast toward Piccolo. Piccolo barely dodged in time, the force of the attack grazing his side and scorching the ground beneath him.

"Pathetic," Frieza sneered, his voice laced with cold amusement. "Did you really think such an attack would work on me?"

Piccolo skidded to a halt, sweat dripping from his brow as he steadied himself. His breathing was labored, and the realization of Frieza's overwhelming power settled in. Even after all these months, Frieza had become something more, a force beyond what they had anticipated.

From the corner of his eye, Gohan, who had been watching the battle in silent fury, stepped forward. His eyes blazed with determination as he powered up, his aura flaring violently around him. "Dad! We can't let him get away with this!"

Without hesitation, Gohan charged at Frieza, his fists crackling with energy. But Frieza was ready. He moved faster than Gohan could react, sidestepping the boy's attack and catching him by the wrist. With a swift motion, Frieza hurled Gohan across the battlefield, sending him crashing into the ground.

Frieza sighed in mock disappointment. "You're all so predictable. I've learned all I need from you. Now, it's time to end this."

The Z-Fighters regrouped, their breathing labored as they realized just how outmatched they were. Frieza's power was beyond anything they had anticipated, and worse, he had been holding back the entire time.

"We need to come up with a plan," Piccolo muttered under his breath, his eyes fixed on Frieza. "We can't just keep rushing in. He's too strong."

Goku nodded, his eyes serious as he stared down Frieza. "He's been learning from us this whole time. We need to work together if we're going to have any chance of stopping him."

Vegeta, still fuming from his earlier defeat, spat in frustration. "We'll overwhelm him with everything we've got. Full power!"

Frieza, watching them with mild amusement, floated higher into the sky, his aura crackling with intense energy. "Are you done strategizing, monkeys? I'd like to finish this while I'm still entertained."

Goku's eyes narrowed, his mind racing as he tried to form a plan. "Everyone... get ready. This is it."

With a roar, the Z-Fighters launched their final assault, combining their energy blasts and physical strikes in an all-out attack on Frieza. But Frieza's grin only widened. He moved like a blur, deflecting each attack with ease, his energy radiating with unstoppable force.

"You've given me all I need," Frieza declared as his energy flared even brighter. "Now... it's time for you to die."


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