Chapter 8: The Final Gambit

I want to thank Rowdy_Rich for the Patreon subscription! Here the bonus chapter!


The wasteland lay still, the air heavy with the crackling energy of the Z-Fighters as they prepared their final assault. Goku and Vegeta stood side by side, their golden auras blazing like twin suns, eyes locked on Frieza, who hovered effortlessly in the distance, his expression one of amused indifference. Sweat dripped down their brows as their ki surged to unprecedented levels, each of them pushing their Super Saiyan forms to the brink of collapse.

"We're running out of time, Kakarot," Vegeta growled, his voice strained but resolute. His muscles were bulging under the immense pressure of his power, the ground beneath him cracking from the force. "We need to finish this now."

Goku nodded, his usual carefree expression replaced by deadly seriousness. "I know, Vegeta. But we have to give it everything we've got."

The energy around them intensified, the ground quaking violently as their power built up. With a synchronized roar, both Goku and Vegeta began to charge their signature moves. Goku raised his hands, cupping them together as the familiar blue energy of the Kamehameha began to form between his palms. The air around him vibrated with power, the energy swirling and growing brighter with each passing second.

At the same time, Vegeta thrust his hands forward, his fingers splayed wide as he began charging his Final Flash. Golden lightning crackled around him as the intense energy gathered at his fingertips, the force of it causing the very air to shimmer. His eyes narrowed with determination.

"Give it everything, Vegeta!" Goku shouted over the roar of their combined energy, his hands trembling under the strain of the growing Kamehameha.

"Don't tell me what to do, Kakarot!" Vegeta snarled, though the corner of his mouth twitched in the briefest hint of a smirk. His energy was nearing its peak, the Final Flash crackling with lethal power.

The two beams, charged with immense energy, erupted simultaneously. Goku's Kamehameha and Vegeta's Final Flash shot forward in a dazzling display of raw power, the twin beams cutting through the sky with a deafening roar. As they raced toward Frieza, something extraordinary happened, the two beams collided, their energies swirling and fusing into one massive, unstoppable wave of golden and blue light. The fused beam spiraled toward Frieza, its destructive power unmatched by anything the Z-Fighters had ever unleashed before.

The sheer force of the attack split the earth beneath it, carving a path of destruction as it tore through the atmosphere. The Z-Fighters looked on in awe as the combined might of Goku and Vegeta's ultimate moves surged toward their foe.

But Frieza's expression didn't change. In fact, he almost seemed... intrigued.

As the fused beam approached, Frieza's eyes glinted with an unnatural sharpness. In a split second, he raised both hands, his fingers spreading wide as he conjured two glowing ki spheres in his palms. The spheres pulsed with an intense, condensed energy, far more controlled than the chaotic power of the Z-Fighters' beam.

"Impressive, monkeys," Frieza mused, his voice calm, almost serene. "But let me show you how it's really done."

With a sharp intake of breath, Frieza compressed the energy in his palms, forcing the two spheres to shrink smaller and smaller until they were no larger than grains of sand. The power contained within them was staggering, the very air around him warping under the immense pressure.

Frieza's hands shifted into the familiar stance of the Kamehameha, but instead of releasing the energy immediately, he merged the two atomic-sized spheres into one. The glowing orb in his hands darkened, its color shifting to an ominous, swirling black, accented with faint purple ripples of energy. It was as though Frieza had created a miniature black hole in his palms, a concentrated mass of pure destruction.

With a cold smile, Frieza spoke softly, almost to himself. "I think I'll call this... Black Nova."

As the Z-Fighters' fused beam reached him, Frieza unleashed the Black Nova, a pitch-black beam with streaks of purple energy spiraling around it. The black beam shot forward with terrifying speed, meeting the combined might of the Kamehameha and Final Flash head-on.

For a moment, there was silence. The two beams collided in mid-air, the forces pressing against each other with unimaginable power. But it was clear that Frieza's Black Nova was something beyond anything the Z-Fighters had ever seen. Slowly, but surely, the fused beam of Goku and Vegeta began to disintegrate, its energy unraveling under the relentless pressure of Frieza's attack.

"No way...!" Goku gasped, his arms trembling as he struggled to maintain the Kamehameha. He could feel the energy slipping, being consumed by Frieza's overwhelming power.

"Impossible!" Vegeta roared, pouring every ounce of his energy into the Final Flash, but it was futile. The Black Nova continued to advance, swallowing their combined power inch by inch.

With a final, devastating surge, the Black Nova tore through the fused beam entirely, its energy cascading over the Z-Fighters in a blinding explosion of light and power. Goku and Vegeta were engulfed in the blast, their screams of agony drowned out by the deafening roar of Frieza's attack.

The aftermath of the explosion left the battlefield in ruin. The once barren wasteland was now a smoldering crater, the ground scorched and broken. The sky above was dark, as though the very light of the sun had been consumed by the overwhelming energy released in the attack.

Frieza floated down to the ground, his feet touching the earth softly. He surveyed the destruction with a calm, satisfied expression, his red eyes scanning the charred landscape. There was no trace of the Z-Fighters, ° no sign of life at all.

"That would have destroyed this planet," Frieza murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "But my control is far too refined for such recklessness."

He glanced at the earth beneath his feet, noting something strange. The planet, despite the overwhelming destruction, seemed to be slowly absorbing the residual energy left in the wake of the battle. The ground pulsed faintly, almost imperceptibly, as though it were drawing strength from the ki that had been unleashed.

Frieza's eyes narrowed as he observed the phenomenon. "Interesting," he mused. "So that's why this planet has endured so many battles without being destroyed. It's absorbing the ki, growing stronger with every fight."

He chuckled to himself, folding his arms as he gazed at the sky. "No wonder Earth has always managed to remain intact. It's feeding off the energy of its warriors... How quaint."

With a final glance at the desolation he had wrought, Frieza turned away, his mind already moving on to the next phase of his plan. The Z-Fighters were gone, and with them, the last remnants of resistance. Now, there was nothing standing between him and the Senzu Beans.

And once his body was fully restored, the universe would tremble beneath his feet once again.


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