Chapter 9: The Emperor Ascends

Here's the second bonus chapter for the first Patreon Sub as promised.


The devastation Frieza had wrought still hung in the air as he descended from the sky. No sign of the Z-Fighters remained; they had been reduced to dust, their energy signatures completely erased from the planet. Satisfied with his dominance, Frieza turned his attention to the next phase of his plan. There was no longer any resistance standing in his way.

Frieza's cold, crimson eyes shifted toward the distant horizon where Korin's Tower stood, barely visible through the misty haze. His lips curled into a satisfied smirk. The Senzu Beans, those miraculous items he had learned about from the fading memories of the otaku, were within his reach now. They would restore his body, erase the limitations his cybernetic enhancements imposed on him, and unlock the next level of his evolution.

He floated toward his ship, which stood quietly in the distance, its cold metallic frame reflecting the devastation around it. His soldiers scurried into formation as he approached, bowing low, their expressions fearful but obedient. They had seen the ease with which he had wiped out the Saiyans and their allies; they knew better than to challenge him.

"Prepare the ship," Frieza commanded, his voice a low growl of anticipation. "We're heading to Korin's Tower."

Without hesitation, his soldiers moved to follow his orders, their limbs trembling slightly as they scrambled to activate the ship's controls. Frieza paid them no mind. His thoughts were already ahead, planning his next move. The Senzu Beans would not only restore him, but grant him the perfection he craved.


Meanwhile, atop Kami's Lookout, deep within the sacred confines of the tower, Dende stood frozen in shock.

The young Guardian of Earth could sense the faint pulse of death that now covered the battlefield. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and the others... their energy signatures had vanished, snuffed out in an instant by Frieza's unstoppable power. His eyes widened in horror as the realization settled in. They were all gone.

Dende's heart pounded in his chest as he stumbled back from the edge of the tower. He could feel the weight of the loss, the sudden and complete absence of the Z-Fighters. His hands shook as he grasped the side of the Lookout for support, his breaths shallow and rapid.

"No... this can't be happening," he whispered, panic creeping into his voice.

Mr. Popo stood beside him, his normally calm demeanor strained as he gazed into the distance. "Dende, we have to prepare. Frieza... he's coming here."

The words struck Dende like a blow. He had known this was a possibility, but the reality of it still sent chills down his spine. The Earth's mightiest warriors were gone, and now the planet's only hope rested with him and the Dragon Balls. But what could they do against a force like Frieza? The tyrant's power was unlike anything Dende had ever felt before, overwhelming, suffocating.

As the Lookout trembled under the weight of their fear, the skies darkened. The faint hum of Frieza's ship approached, its sleek form cutting through the clouds with terrifying precision. Dende swallowed hard, his mind racing. They had to at least try to stop him, delay him... something.

"I will not let him take the Dragon Balls," Dende murmured to himself, steeling his resolve. "We have to defend them, no matter what."


Frieza's ship descended onto the plateau below the Lookout, landing with a soft thud. The ship's ramp extended, and Frieza emerged, his eyes narrowed with purpose. The journey had been swift, and now he stood before the final prize, the Senzu Beans, his key to restoring his body, and more importantly, his true dominance.

As he ascended toward the towering structure of Kami's Lookout, he could already sense the trembling energies above. The mortals feared him, as they should.

Dende and Mr. Popo stood on the platform as Frieza approached, their expressions a mix of fear and determination. The young Guardian stepped forward, summoning all his courage as he raised his hand, channeling a faint aura of healing energy. He knew it wouldn't be enough to stop Frieza, but he had to try.

"Frieza! You're not welcome here!" Dende's voice cracked slightly, but he held his ground, glaring up at the emperor.

Frieza floated closer, his tail swaying behind him lazily as he regarded the small Namekian with mild amusement. "Not welcome?" Frieza sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "Do you think your words will stop me, little Guardian?"

Before Dende could respond, Frieza flicked his wrist, sending a shockwave of energy that knocked both him and Mr. Popo off their feet. Dende crashed into the side of the platform, gasping for breath as the wind was knocked out of him. Frieza hadn't even bothered to unleash a full attack, just a fraction of his power was enough to bring them to their knees.

Frieza floated down to the platform, landing gracefully. He looked down at Dende, who struggled to his feet, his legs shaking from the impact. Frieza could have easily killed him with a thought, but he didn't.

"You're lucky, Namekian," Frieza said coldly. "I still need you alive. You're the one who can summon the Dragon Balls, after all."

Dende's eyes widened with realization. Frieza wasn't here to kill him, he wanted to use him to access the Dragon Balls. Fear gripped him, but he couldn't let Frieza win. He had to protect the Earth, even if it meant delaying the inevitable.

Frieza's soldiers descended onto the platform, surrounding the Lookout as they began searching for the Senzu Beans. They moved swiftly, guided by the instructions Frieza had given them. There was no resistance left to stop them.

Frieza watched his soldiers work with detached interest before turning his gaze back to Dende. "You'll be useful to me soon enough, Guardian. But for now... I have more pressing matters."

One of Frieza's soldiers approached, holding a small sack. "Lord Frieza, we've found them," the soldier reported, bowing low.

Frieza's eyes gleamed as he took the sack from the soldier's hands. Inside were the Senzu Beans, the miraculous items that would finally restore his body. He held one of the beans between his fingers, inspecting it with a satisfied smirk.

"The key to my perfection," Frieza whispered to himself. Without hesitation, he tossed the bean into his mouth and swallowed it whole.

The effect was immediate.

A surge of energy coursed through his veins, hot and overwhelming, as his cells began to repair themselves at a speed that shocked even him. Frieza's body shuddered, and he felt the sensation of muscle, tissue, and bone knitting back together, pushing out the cold, artificial components that had once sustained him.

He groaned, a sound low and guttural, as his hands reached instinctively for his mechanical limbs. With a fierce yank, he tore the cybernetic parts from his body, the cold metal clattering to the ground below. The sensation of his organic tissue regenerating was intoxicating, pure ecstasy. He felt alive in a way he hadn't since his near-death on Namek.

As his flesh fully reformed, Frieza floated upward, slowly at first, then faster, the air shimmering around him as his power grew. His body, now entirely organic, began to glow with an otherworldly light. The pain of transformation gave way to bliss as his muscles tightened and expanded, his bones strengthened, and his skin pulsed with raw energy.

Frieza's red eyes gleamed, and he flexed his fingers, feeling the newfound strength coursing through them. It was unlike anything he had felt before, his ki was perfectly balanced, flowing through his entire being without the limitations his mechanical limbs had imposed. His body and power were now in perfect harmony, synchronized to a level beyond anything even he could have imagined.

"Yes..." Frieza whispered, his voice filled with awe at the raw potential he now held. "This... this is what I was meant to be."

The wind howled as his aura flared around him, dark and terrible, his power surging to new heights with each passing second. The ground beneath him cracked under the sheer weight of his energy, but Frieza didn't care. The universe trembled in the presence of his perfection, and he reveled in it.

His body floated higher and higher, the sky above him darkening as if the planet itself recoiled in fear of what he had become. His laughter started low and menacing, then grew louder, more maniacal as the reality of his ascension set in.

"GAHAHAHAHAHA!" Frieza's voice echoed across the wasteland, a sound of pure, unrestrained triumph. He had done it. He had surpassed his former self, transcended the limitations of his mechanical form. He was no longer bound by weakness.

He was whole. He was perfect.