Chapter 14: The Emperor’s Arrival on Cereal

Reached 25 stones, here's the bonus chapter!

Next: 50


Frieza's flagship glided through the stars, approaching Planet Cereal. It had been a week since leaving Earth, and his anticipation was at its peak.

The Cerealian Dragon Balls, capable of granting incredible power, were within his reach. He had learned about these balls from the fragmented memories of the otaku's mind, memories that gave him an upper hand, even if some details remained blurry.

His soldiers buzzed around him as the ship neared the planet's surface. One of his lieutenants stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Lord Frieza, Planet Cereal is still part of your empire. Though largely forgotten, it remains under your control. The Namekian Monaito has been living here for decades, and he holds the remaining Dragon Ball."

Frieza's lips curled into a sinister smile. "How fortunate that this relic of a planet holds the key to my next ascension. No more delays. Bring Monaito to me at once. I want this done quickly."

The ship landed with a thud in a barren region of Cereal. Frieza stepped out, his tail swaying behind him, eyes gleaming with purpose. His soldiers scattered into the wasteland, their orders clear: find Monaito and retrieve the Cerealian Dragon Balls.

It didn't take long. Monaito, the lone Namekian on the planet, was brought before Frieza, trembling slightly but maintaining a defiant stance. The years had not been kind to him, but he was still sharp.

"Monaito," Frieza's voice was calm, his smirk unwavering, "you know why I'm here."

Monaito's old eyes narrowed. "The Dragon Balls... they've caused enough suffering on this planet. They should be destroyed."

Frieza chuckled darkly. "I don't think so. You will summon the dragon for me, Namekian, and I will let you live. If not, I'll force you to, and your death will be slow."

Monaito's heart sank. There was no escape from this monster's demand. He had hoped the Dragon Balls would be sealed away, but now, they would once again be used for conquest. With no other choice, Monaito bowed his head in resignation.

"There are only two Dragon Balls on this planet," Monaito began, his voice thick with regret. "I hold the One-Star Ball. The other is nearby, lost among the ruins."

Frieza glanced at his soldiers. "You heard him. Retrieve the second Dragon Ball immediately."

The soldiers scrambled to comply, scanning the area with their devices. Within minutes, one of them returned with the glowing Two-Star Ball in hand. Frieza's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he took in the sight of the small but powerful spheres.

"Summon the dragon," Frieza commanded, his voice filled with dark anticipation.

Monaito, though reluctant, raised his hands and began the incantation. The ancient words flowed from his lips, and the air around them began to shift. The sky darkened as if reacting to the power being called forth. Lightning crackled across the heavens, and the energy from the Dragon Balls surged upward, summoning the mighty Eternal Dragon of Cereal, Toronbo.

The massive form of Toronbo coiled through the sky, his glowing red eyes fixed on the group below. His deep voice rumbled like thunder. "I am Toronbo, the Eternal Dragon. Speak your wish, and it shall be granted."

Frieza stepped forward, his voice dripping with confidence. "Toronbo, I wish to acquire God Ki and ascend beyond mortal limitations."

The dragon's eyes flashed as it processed the request. For a moment, the air grew even heavier, and then Toronbo spoke again, his voice firm. "The power of God Ki is beyond my ability to grant. It lies within the realm of the gods, and I am but an instrument of their will."

Frieza's expression darkened for a moment, his fingers twitching slightly. "So, even you are limited," he muttered. "However, I assume you can offer something useful in return?"

Toronbo's eyes gleamed, and he nodded. "While I cannot grant you God Ki, I can bestow upon you the knowledge of how to attain it."

Frieza's scowl slowly morphed back into a satisfied grin. "Knowledge is a powerful thing. Very well, dragon, give me what I need."

Toronbo's body shimmered as the energy within him swirled, and suddenly, Frieza's mind was filled with visions, ancient techniques, rituals, and methods to cultivate divine energy. He saw glimpses of gods in battle, their forms surrounded by an aura far greater than anything mortal ki could produce. He witnessed warriors training under immense gravity, focusing on the fusion of body, mind, and spirit. The path to God Ki was laid before him, but it was arduous, requiring intense discipline and the mastery of both mind and soul.

Frieza's crimson eyes glinted with newfound understanding. "So that's the secret..." he whispered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities. The knowledge was vast, but now, with it, he could plan his next steps toward ultimate power.

"Your wish has been granted," Toronbo boomed, his massive form shimmering as he prepared to return to the void.

Frieza turned away from the dragon as it began to fade, a wicked smile tugging at his lips. The Dragon Balls glowed briefly before scattering across the planet, their energy spent for the time being. He had the knowledge he needed, and that was enough. God Ki was no longer just a dream, it was an inevitable reality.

Monaito, watching from the side, felt a deep sense of dread. Frieza had not achieved godhood, but the fact that he now knew how to pursue it was just as terrifying. "You... you've doomed us all," Monaito whispered, his voice filled with sorrow.

Frieza turned to him, his expression cold. "You'll be fortunate if I allow you to live to see it, Namekian."

Frieza's soldiers regrouped around him, their faces filled with awe at what had just transpired. The knowledge of God Ki was a mysterious force, even among the elites of Frieza's army, and now their emperor had the means to acquire it. They knew that their ruler was closer than ever to becoming an unstoppable force.

"Prepare the ship," Frieza ordered, his voice calm but filled with unspoken menace. "We have much to do."

As his soldiers scrambled to ready the ship for departure, Frieza glanced one last time at the desolate surface of Planet Cereal. This forgotten world had given him more than he expected, and now the real work would begin.

His mind swirled with thoughts of the gods and the power he would soon wield. Frieza clenched his fists, feeling the raw energy within him, surging stronger than ever before. The knowledge was vast, but with time and discipline, he would ascend.

He would become a god.

As the ship lifted off, heading toward the next phase of Frieza's plan, the universe trembled, unaware of the storm that was gathering in the dark recesses of space.


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