Chapter 15: Arrival on Yardrat

I was thinking of writing a new novel about marvel, but I don't know about what.

Some original ideas?


Frieza's flagship soared through the vast emptiness of space, its dark silhouette cutting through the starlit expanse like a blade. In the command room, Frieza sat upon his metallic throne, his crimson eyes locked on the display screen showing Planet Yardrat looming ever closer. His thoughts were focused, sharper than they had ever been before.

Yardrat, the mysterious planet with its strange inhabitants, held something Frieza desired above all, the key to Spirit Control. He had first learned of this secret from the fading memories of the otaku, and now, the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place.

The dragon on Cereal had provided him with crucial knowledge about the path to God Ki. While the dragon could not grant him divine energy directly, it had pointed him to the first step. Yardrat, a planet he had previously dismissed as insignificant, now represented the gateway to ultimate power.

"Lord Frieza, we're approaching the surface of Yardrat," said one of his lieutenants, standing at attention. His voice was steady, but there was an undertone of confusion in it. "The Yardratians pose no threat. Should we prepare for an attack?"

Frieza remained seated, his cold smile spreading across his face. "No," he said calmly, his tail flicking lazily behind him. "This is not a conquest. We will not spill blood here. The Yardratians are not to be harmed. I am here for their knowledge, nothing more."

The lieutenant blinked in surprise but quickly bowed his head. "Understood, Lord Frieza."

Frieza's decision to spare a planet and its people was unusual, but this time, his goal was not domination through violence. The power he sought required a different approach, one rooted in patience and understanding, qualities he had rarely needed before. But Frieza was no fool; he knew the value of restraint when it served his purposes.

The flagship descended through Yardrat's atmosphere, its thrusters roaring as it touched down on a flat, grassy plain near the main settlement. The landscape was serene, the air calm, a stark contrast to the chaos Frieza usually left in his wake.

Frieza stepped off the ramp, his polished armor reflecting the pale sunlight. His soldiers followed in disciplined formation, keeping a respectful distance behind their emperor.

As they approached the settlement, a group of Yardratians emerged to greet them. The Yardratians, with their slim, elongated bodies and gentle expressions, showed no fear. They had sensed the arrival of an immense power, but their culture valued peace and knowledge above all else.

At the front of the group was a Yardratian elder, his robes flowing as he approached Frieza with slow, deliberate steps. His eyes, ancient and wise, locked onto Frieza's, assessing the tyrant before him.

"Lord Frieza," the elder spoke, his voice calm and measured. "You are known throughout the universe for your strength and conquest. What brings you to our world?"

Frieza smirked, folding his arms across his chest as his tail swayed behind him. "I am here for your knowledge," he said plainly. "Your people possess techniques that surpass even the greatest warriors in the universe, Spirit Control. You will teach me everything you know."

The elder raised an eyebrow, though his expression remained neutral. "Spirit Control is not a power to be taken lightly, Lord Frieza. It requires discipline, balance, and, most of all, a calm mind. Those who seek it with the wrong intentions often find that it is beyond their reach."

Frieza's smile widened, though his gaze darkened. "I have no doubts about my ability to master whatever you can teach me, elder. But rest assured, I am not here to destroy your people. I seek power, yes, but I will not gain it through brute force this time. I have... refined my methods."

The elder remained silent for a moment, contemplating the unusual request from a being like Frieza. Yardrat had never been a place of conflict, and the thought of teaching one of the universe's most feared beings was a daunting one. But the Yardratians believed in sharing knowledge, no matter the source of the request.

"You may learn from us, Lord Frieza," the elder said slowly, "but it will not be easy. Spirit Control requires a level of self-awareness and mastery of one's ki that few can achieve. It is not a path for those who seek only destruction."

Frieza's eyes flashed with a hint of impatience, but he held his temper in check. "I understand," he said smoothly. "Begin the training immediately."


For the next few hours, Frieza and his soldiers were escorted through the Yardratian settlement, where the Yardratians explained their teachings and methods.

Though Frieza's soldiers were tense, prepared for any sign of deception, the Yardratians remained serene, their presence calming. The settlement was a place of harmony, where warriors and monks practiced in unison, perfecting their control over both their bodies and spirits.

Frieza was not impressed by the peaceful nature of the planet, but he recognized the depth of their knowledge. He had heard of their ability to perform techniques like Instant Transmission, but there was far more to their abilities than simple teleportation.

The Yardratians had perfected the art of energy control, learning to suppress their ki, manipulate their spirits, and even extend their lifespans through careful discipline.

As night fell on Yardrat, Frieza stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the planet's lush valleys. His mind was already processing what he had seen and heard.

"Spirit Control..." Frieza muttered to himself. "This is the key to surpassing even the gods."

Behind him, his soldiers stood at attention, awaiting his next command. Frieza did not turn to address them, his gaze fixed on the stars above.

"We begin at dawn," he said quietly, though his voice carried a dangerous edge. "I will master this power, and when I do, nothing in this universe will be able to stop me."

The soldiers exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to expect. Frieza's thirst for power was well-known, but this new approach, seeking knowledge rather than destruction, was unsettling in its own way. Frieza was evolving, not just in strength but in strategy, and that made him even more dangerous.

As the night deepened, Frieza's thoughts were consumed by the prospect of what lay ahead. He had always relied on brute strength to crush his enemies, but now, he would wield power with precision and mastery. The gods had always been out of reach for mortals like him, but soon, he would rise above them all.

"Let the training begin," Frieza whispered, his eyes glinting with ambition. "I will ascend beyond anything this universe has ever seen."


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