Chapter 16: The Path to Spirit Control

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The sun had barely risen over the serene landscapes of Planet Yardrat when Frieza stood at the center of the training grounds, his arms crossed, and his expression steely. Before him stood the Yardratian elder, flanked by several of the planet's most skilled practitioners of Spirit Control.

The air around them was calm, almost unnaturally so, as if the very atmosphere of Yardrat was infused with the peaceful energy of its inhabitants.

Frieza, however, was not here for peace. He was here to unlock a new level of power, to master the one technique that would propel him beyond mortal limitations.

His body thrummed with suppressed energy, ready to be unleashed, but he knew that brute force alone would not serve him here. He had to approach this training with patience, as much as it grated against his usual instincts.

The Yardratian elder stepped forward, his face calm but serious. "Lord Frieza, Spirit Control is not something that can be rushed. It requires balance, clarity of mind, and a deep understanding of your own ki. It is the foundation upon which techniques like Instant Transmission are built, but it goes far beyond that."

Frieza's tail twitched impatiently, but he gave a small nod, signaling for the elder to continue.

"You must first learn to control the flow of your energy, to suppress and expand it at will," the elder explained. "On Yardrat, we believe that the body is only as strong as the spirit that guides it. To master Spirit Control, you must first master yourself."

Frieza narrowed his eyes, his impatience growing. "I did not come here for philosophy, elder. Get to the point. What must I do?"

The elder regarded him calmly, unphased by Frieza's sharp tone. "You must learn to empty your mind of distraction. Only when your mind is calm can you begin to control the immense power within you. Follow me, and we will begin."


Frieza followed the elder to a secluded area of the training grounds, a place surrounded by towering stone pillars and flowing streams. The air here felt different, lighter, yet charged with a subtle energy that Frieza could sense but not fully grasp.

"Sit," the elder instructed, gesturing to a smooth stone platform near the water's edge.

Frieza hesitated for a moment, his pride bristling at the thought of sitting down like a monk. But he reminded himself that this was a necessary step on his path to godhood. Without a word, he lowered himself onto the platform, crossing his legs and closing his eyes as the elder instructed.

"Feel the energy around you," the elder's voice was soft, yet firm. "The planet, the wind, the water, everything has a spirit. Let your own energy align with it."

Frieza took a deep breath, trying to focus. He had never been one for meditation or introspection, but the knowledge of what lay at the end of this path kept him going.

Slowly, he began to feel the energy around him, the subtle flow of ki that existed in every living thing on Yardrat. His own power, vast and volatile, felt like a raging storm compared to the calm, steady currents of the planet's energy.

"Good," the elder said after several minutes of silence. "Now, focus on your own ki. Draw it inward. Do not let it leak or overflow. You must learn to control it completely."

Frieza's brow furrowed in concentration. He could feel his ki surging within him, a wellspring of power that he had always wielded without thought. But now, as he tried to compress it, to reign it in, he realized just how difficult true control was. His ki flared, almost as if rebelling against the idea of being contained.

"Calm your mind," the elder reminded him. "Do not fight your energy. Guide it, let it follow your will."

For hours, Frieza sat in deep concentration, his body unmoving as he worked to contain the vast ocean of power within him. It was frustrating beyond measure. He was used to commanding his ki with raw strength, not delicate precision. But as time passed, he began to feel a shift, a subtle change in how his energy responded to his will.

By the end of the day, Frieza opened his eyes, his expression more composed than before. "This... Spirit Control," he muttered, almost to himself. "It requires far more discipline than I expected."

The elder smiled faintly. "It is only the beginning, Lord Frieza. Tomorrow, we will take the next step."


The second day of training was even more intense. This time, the elder had Frieza stand in the middle of a flowing river, the water swirling around him as he practiced drawing his ki inward.

The current of the water was meant to distract him, to test his focus and concentration. But Frieza, determined to master the technique, stood firm, his eyes closed as he worked to compress his energy.

"You must feel the flow of your spirit," the elder instructed from the riverbank. "Your ki is powerful, although your control is already impeccable but it must still be refined, like a blade sharpened to perfection."

Frieza's body trembled slightly as he forced his energy into a more compact form, each surge of power growing tighter, more controlled. The effort was immense, far more exhausting than any physical battle he had ever fought.

His usual method of brute force had no place here. This was a test of his mind, his will, and his ability to remain calm in the face of overwhelming power.

By the end of the second day, Frieza stood on the riverbank once more, his breathing heavy but his eyes gleaming with understanding. His ki, though still vast, no longer leaked uncontrollably. He had begun to compress it, to contain it within himself.

"This is only the first step," the elder said as they stood together. "But you are progressing faster than most. Your control over your spirit will soon surpass even that of the greatest warriors in the universe."

Frieza's lips curled into a cold smile. "I will master this power. And when I do, the gods themselves will tremble."


Back in the settlement, as night fell once more, Frieza returned to his ship. His body was fatigued, but his mind was clearer than it had ever been.

The path to Spirit Control was not what he had expected, but it was more rewarding than he had imagined. For the first time in his life, Frieza was learning to wield his power not with rage or fury, but with calm precision.

He sat in his private quarters, his tail flicking behind him as he meditated on what he had learned. The knowledge he had gained on Cereal, combined with the teachings of Yardrat, was beginning to paint a clear picture of the path to God Ki.

It was not simply about power, but about balance, about controlling one's spirit as much as one's body.

Frieza's grin widened as he imagined the possibilities. His goal was within reach, and soon, he would surpass even the gods. All that remained was time and discipline.