Chapter 17: Mastery of Yardrat

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I have the n word card (I'm black) so don't report me. 😤😮‍💨


The sky above Planet Yardrat was a dull pink as the third day of Frieza's training began. He stood on the same stone platform where he had first started his journey toward Spirit Control, his crimson eyes fixed on the Yardratian elder standing across from him.

Though his face remained impassive, there was a sharpness in Frieza's gaze that hadn't been there before. He was focused, driven, and above all, determined to wring every last ounce of power from this strange, tranquil planet.

The previous two days had been revelatory. Spirit Control had been more challenging than Frieza expected, but now that he had begun to grasp its nuances, he was hungry for more. The compressed energy that now flowed through him felt more refined, like a blade honed to its sharpest edge. Yet, he knew there was still more to learn.

Frieza's desire for mastery extended beyond Spirit Control. He knew from the fragmented memories of the otaku that the people of Yardrat possessed techniques that were both powerful and elusive, techniques that could give him the edge over any opponent. And today, he intended to master them all.

"Lord Frieza," the elder said, his voice calm and measured, "you have progressed quickly in your control over your spirit. But Spirit Control is not the only skill we can offer you. There are techniques that are unique to our people, techniques that could be useful in your quest for power."

Frieza nodded, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for the elder to continue. His patience, though uncharacteristic, had grown during his time here.

The elder gestured to the other Yardratian warriors who stood nearby, their expressions calm and serene. "We will teach you the techniques of our people. Each one is tied to your mastery of Spirit Control. Without that foundation, you would be unable to perform them."

Frieza's eyes gleamed. "Then let us not waste any more time."


The first technique Frieza was introduced to was Instant Transmission, a skill he had seen Goku use in the memories, though he had never understood its true nature until now. The Yardratian who demonstrated the move disappeared in an instant, reappearing several feet away in the blink of an eye.

"Instant Transmission allows you to move faster than light, traveling instantaneously to any location, provided you can sense the ki of your destination," the Yardratian explained, reappearing in front of Frieza.

Frieza watched the demonstration with intense focus, already calculating how he could use this ability to his advantage. "Show me," he demanded, his voice cool and commanding.

The Yardratian nodded and moved to stand beside Frieza. "You must first feel the energy of the location you wish to travel to. Focus on that ki signature, and allow your spirit to guide your body."

Frieza closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses. He could feel the Yardratian's ki nearby, a calm and steady presence. Slowly, he let his own energy connect with it, guiding his body as the Yardratian had instructed.

There was a moment of stillness, and then, in the blink of an eye, Frieza vanished from his spot and reappeared next to the Yardratian.

Frieza's eyes snapped open, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Interesting."

The elder, watching from a distance, nodded approvingly. "You learn quickly, Lord Frieza. But Instant Transmission is only the beginning."


The second technique was one Frieza had not expected: Gigantification. The Yardratians demonstrated by expanding their bodies to enormous sizes, using their ki to increase their physical form while maintaining their speed and strength.

Frieza watched as one of the warriors grew to three times his original size, his body still moving with the same fluid grace as before. The ground shook under the weight of the enlarged warrior, but his movements were precise, controlled.

"By mastering Spirit Control, you can manipulate the size and shape of your body without sacrificing power," the elder explained. "It is an advanced technique, but with your level of control, you should be able to achieve it."

Frieza nodded, his interest piqued. He had never considered altering his form in such a way, only his ki, but the possibilities were intriguing. He closed his eyes again, focusing on his ki as he had done with Spirit Control. Slowly, he began to expand his body, feeling his muscles and bones stretch as his size increased.

The transformation was surprisingly smooth, and within moments, Frieza stood towering over the Yardratians, his golden armor glinting in the sunlight.

His massive form cast a long shadow across the training ground, and for a moment, he reveled in the sheer power he felt coursing through his enlarged body.

But then, with a flicker of concentration, Frieza returned to his normal size, his form shrinking back to its original state. He looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers as he adjusted to the sensation.

"This will be useful," Frieza muttered to himself. "Very useful indeed."


The third technique was perhaps the most advanced of all: Forced Spirit Fission. This ability allowed the user to forcibly separate fused beings or to drain energy from their opponent and redistribute it.

The elder demonstrated by having two Yardratians fuse together using the Fusion Dance. Then, with a simple motion, the elder used Spirit Fission to undo the fusion, separating the two warriors as if they had never merged at all.

"This technique can be used in battle to weaken your enemies, draining their energy and returning it to the environment or to yourself," the elder explained. "It is a technique that requires immense focus and precision, as it affects the very essence of one's spirit."

Frieza's interest was immediately piqued. The ability to drain an opponent's energy during a fight, to unravel their strength with a single touch, that was a power he could wield to devastating effect.

"I want to learn this," Frieza said, his voice firm.

The elder nodded. "Then you must focus on the flow of energy between beings. It is not just about power, but about the connection between life forces."

Frieza spent the rest of the day practicing Forced Spirit Fission, his mind and body working in tandem to perfect the technique. He could feel the energy of the Yardratians as they demonstrated, the way their ki flowed and intertwined. Slowly but surely, Frieza began to grasp the concept, using his control over his own spirit to manipulate the energy of others.

By the end of the day, Frieza stood in the center of the training ground, his chest rising and falling with steady breaths. His mastery over Spirit Control had grown exponentially, and with it, his understanding of the Yardratian techniques.

Instant Transmission, Gigantification, and Forced Spirit Fission were now part of his arsenal, tools he could use to further his dominance.

"You have learned quickly, Lord Frieza," the elder said, his voice filled with respect. "Few have mastered these techniques in such a short time."

Frieza nodded, his expression cold but satisfied. "I have no time to waste. The power I seek requires more than just brute strength. I will continue to refine these abilities until they are perfect."

As the sun set over the peaceful plains of Yardrat, Frieza turned his gaze to the stars. His next destination was already in mind. He had learned what he needed from Yardrat, but the true test lay ahead. With these new techniques and the knowledge of Spirit Control, he was one step closer to his goal.


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