Chapter 18: The Manifestation of Power

Frieza's flagship sailed smoothly through the endless stretch of space, heading back to his primary base. Inside, the atmosphere was calm, but beneath the surface, a storm of power was brewing.

The once-restrained emperor had undergone significant growth during his brief stay on Yardrat. He had learned more than just the art of Spirit Control. His mastery of the Yardratian techniques had unlocked new levels of power, and he wasn't wasting any time putting them to use.

In the ship's massive training chamber, Frieza stood alone, surrounded by glowing walls that hummed with contained energy. His body, though small in stature compared to many of the warriors he had faced, now radiated an immeasurable force. His soldiers avoided the chamber, knowing well enough that their emperor's training sessions were not to be interrupted.

Frieza closed his eyes, focusing on the lessons he had learned from the Yardratians. Spirit Control had not only allowed him to master his ki but had also granted him unparalleled precision in manipulating it.

He had already mastered techniques like Instant Transmission, Gigantification, and Forced Spirit Fission. But now, he was ready to push further, to combine these techniques into something truly devastating.

His tail swayed slowly behind him as he began to concentrate, pulling his ki inward before slowly expanding it. The energy flowed from his core like a river, wrapping around him in a visible, glowing aura. His muscles tightened, and his breathing steadied as the ki around him began to take shape.

Frieza had witnessed a memory of Goku's Ultra Instinct, a massive ki construct of himself, an enormous version of his own body created purely from energy. At the time, Frieza had been fascinated by the technique, but his attempts to replicate it had been failures.

His control over his ki had been precise, yes, but not enough; his ki was too chaotic. But now, after learning the art of Spirit Control from the Yardratians, he had the precision and discipline needed to perfect it.

"Let's see if I can surpass even that monkey's technique," Frieza muttered to himself, a sly grin forming on his lips.

The air around him crackled with power as the ki expanded, forming into a towering shape. Slowly but surely, the outline of a massive figure began to take form, its glowing body an exact replica of Frieza himself. The figure stood tens of meters tall, dwarfing everything in the chamber.

Frieza focused harder, channeling more energy into the construct, making it solidify and stabilize. This was more than just an oversized copy, this was a manifestation of his ki, molded into a weapon of destruction. The power coursing through the giant was immense, and Frieza could feel it resonating with his own.

Satisfied with the result, he named it "Titanus Frieza."

The glowing giant, "Titanus Frieza," mirrored his movements perfectly, its ethereal tail swaying behind it as Frieza flexed his fingers. The ki manifestation stood tall, its size and power far beyond anything Frieza had wielded before. But he wasn't finished yet.

Drawing from his mastery of the Yardratian Gigantification technique, Frieza focused on his physical form. His body began to expand, growing taller, broader, and more imposing. His muscles swelled, and his limbs lengthened as he reached a height that surpassed his usual size.

The ground beneath his feet groaned under the pressure of his increased weight, and his aura flared brighter as his physical power doubled.

However, unlike the raw Gigantification technique that simply increased size and strength, Frieza combined it with Titanus Frieza, his ki construct. The result was astounding. The fusion of both techniques allowed Frieza to amplify his power even further, reaching a state that was four times his base strength.

Frieza stood in the chamber, now a colossal figure with the giant ki manifestation enveloping him, their energies intertwined seamlessly. The sheer size and intensity of his power filled the room, making it feel as though the entire ship was shaking under the weight of his presence.

"Magnificent," Frieza whispered, his voice echoing through the chamber. "This is control... and power."

With a flick of his hand, Titanus Frieza mirrored the movement, its massive arm swinging down toward the ground. The air hummed with energy, and the force of the strike sent a shockwave rippling through the chamber, cracking the reinforced walls. Frieza's grin widened as he watched the destruction unfold.

"Four times my strength," Frieza mused, his crimson eyes gleaming. "And yet, there's still more to be achieved."

As the combined form of his ki manifestation and Gigantification settled, Frieza allowed the energy to fade, shrinking back down to his original size.

He felt his power return to normal, but the knowledge of what he could achieve now fueled him further. He had mastered yet another technique, one that would surely make him unstoppable in the battles to come.

Back in his ship, Frieza stood in silence, his breathing steady as he reflected on his progress. Titanus Frieza, Gigantification, Forced Spirit Fission, Instant Transmission, he had mastered so much in such a short time. But there was still more to be done.

As the ship hurtled through space, Frieza closed his eyes, preparing for the next phase of his training. His goal was clear. He would refine his power until it was perfect, until every ounce of his energy was under his control.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, the remaining Z-Fighters who had survived Frieza's assault had gathered at the Capsule Corporation training facility.

Bulma had informed them of Goku and the others' deaths, and the weight of that knowledge had fallen heavily on them all. With their strongest warriors gone, they knew it was up to them to step up, no matter how impossible it seemed.

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu stood side by side, each of them panting after a rigorous training session. Sweat dripped down their faces as they caught their breath, their muscles aching from the relentless pace they had been keeping for the past few days.

"We can't let Frieza catch us off guard like this again," Tien said, his voice firm but strained. His third eye focused intensely, reflecting his determination. "Even if we're not as strong as Goku or Vegeta, we have to give everything we've got."

Yamcha wiped the sweat from his brow, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, no kidding. If we don't, who will? We have to be ready when he comes back. I know we're not at their level, but if we work together, we can still make a difference."

Chiaotzu, despite his small size, was resolute. "Tien's right. Goku and the others believed in us, and we can't let them down."

The group paused, taking in the quiet determination that had settled between them. They were not on the same scale as the Saiyans, but they knew they couldn't stand idly by.

Yamcha stretched his arms, feeling the burn in his muscles. "We should work on new techniques. Frieza's going to expect us to be the same, but if we can surprise him with something new, maybe we can buy the others enough time to finish him off."

Tien nodded. "Agreed. I've been refining the Tri-Beam. It's risky, but if I push it beyond its limits, it might give us the edge we need."

As they discussed their strategies, Bulma stepped into the training room, her face still showing the signs of grief from Vegeta's death, but her determination was clear. "I've been working on something that might help. It's not a weapon, but it could increase your power output in bursts. You're going to need every advantage you can get."

Yamcha smiled, trying to lighten the heavy mood. "You always come through, Bulma. I don't know where we'd be without you."

Bulma gave a small, appreciative nod, her mind clearly still on Vegeta and the others. "Just don't die on me. We've already lost enough."

In the far corner, Master Roshi, who had been silently observing, finally spoke. "Training your bodies is good, but don't forget about your mind and spirit. A warrior's strength doesn't just come from muscles. It comes from willpower, from the heart. Frieza might be strong, but he's overconfident. Use that against him."

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu listened closely to Roshi's words, knowing that despite his casual demeanor, the old master had a wisdom that came from decades of experience.

They resumed their training, pushing themselves even harder. As the hours wore on, the sounds of their punches, kicks, and energy blasts echoed through the facility, a reminder that though they were few, they were not powerless.

As the day drew to a close, the Z-Fighters on Earth shared a common resolve. Frieza had taken much from them, but they still had hope. And they were determined to make sure that when the time came, they would be ready to fight for their fallen comrades, and for Earth.


Patreon: SageBlank