Chapter 25: Interrupted Rivalry and Preparations on Earth

Reached 150 stones, here the bonus one.

Next: 50

It's crazy yall, one week, one fucking week and we're nearly at 1000 collections, and three Patreon subs.

Thank you 😭🙏🏿 i might become a full time writer if this makes me enough money 😊

As the readers requested it, i will decrease the povs of other characters from the second arc onwards.

As I've already written the 1st arc so please have patience.

Thanks for the feedback!


The energy of Goku and Vegeta's clash began to fade, but the intensity between the two Saiyans only grew. They stood across from each other, breathing heavily, their bodies crackling with residual energy. Vegeta's Super Saiyan Pride form and Goku's Super Saiyan Kaio-Ken x10 had pushed both warriors to their limits, but neither was willing to back down.

Vegeta's blue and yellow aura flickered around him, his muscles bulging with the strain of his transformation. His pride and power had driven him to new heights, but he wanted more. His fists clenched, and his eyes burned with determination.

"Kakarot," Vegeta growled, his voice low and filled with challenge, "I won't let you surpass me. Not now, not ever."

Goku, his golden hair shining under the red glow of the Kaio-Ken, grinned through his exhaustion. "You've really gotten stronger, Vegeta. But don't think I'm going to let you win that easily."

Both Saiyans were ready for another round. Their bodies, despite the strain, were fueled by their rivalry and desire to surpass each other. But just as they were about to charge again, a voice cut through the tension.

"STOP! That's enough!" King Kai's voice boomed across the planet, filled with frustration and exasperation.

Goku and Vegeta froze, their auras flickering out as they turned toward King Kai. The normally calm and composed deity was storming toward them, his antennae twitching with irritation. His eyes were wide with disbelief as he looked at the destruction surrounding them.

"You two have completely wrecked my planet!" King Kai shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. "Look at this mess! Craters everywhere, the ground is cracked, and you've completely thrown the balance off! You're going to destroy my entire world if you keep this up!"

Goku scratched the back of his head, his competitive spirit deflating. He glanced around at the training grounds, now littered with craters, shattered rocks, and the remnants of their energy blasts. "Uh, sorry about that, King Kai. We might've gotten a little carried away."

Vegeta, on the other hand, crossed his arms, his scowl deepening. "This planet can't handle true Saiyan power, that's not my problem."

King Kai's face turned red with anger. "It is your problem, Vegeta! Now, I want both of you to clean this up! Right now!"

Goku sighed, looking over at Vegeta. "Guess we'd better listen to him this time, huh?"

Vegeta grumbled, his pride still simmering, but he nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But mark my words, Kakarot. This fight isn't over. We'll settle this later."

With their rivalry temporarily paused, the two Saiyans powered down. Goku's golden aura and Vegeta's blue-and-yellow energy flickered out, leaving them both standing in their normal forms. The exhaustion from their intense transformations quickly set in.

Vegeta staggered slightly, his body trembling as the effects of his Pride Form faded. His muscles, once taut and overflowing with power, were now heavy with fatigue.

He could feel his strength draining rapidly, and a gnawing hunger took over him. His Pride State had pushed him to his absolute limit, and now that it had worn off, the cost of that power was catching up to him.

Goku wasn't faring much better. The strain of combining Super Saiyan and Kaio-Ken x10 had left him exhausted, his body aching from the intensity of the transformation. His stomach growled loudly, and his legs felt like they could give out at any moment.

"Man, I'm starving," Goku muttered, clutching his stomach.

Vegeta shot him a glance, his pride preventing him from voicing his own exhaustion, but his body language spoke volumes. He was just as drained as Goku, if not more so.

King Kai sighed in relief as the two Saiyans began to clean up the damage they had caused. "Finally," he muttered. "These two are going to be the end of me."

As Goku and Vegeta worked to repair the craters and restore the landscape, the effects of their intense battle continued to weigh on them. Vegeta's Pride Form, while immensely powerful, had left him in a state of near-total exhaustion.

His energy reserves were depleted, and his body craved rest and food. But his will remained unbroken, his pride still burning bright despite his fatigue.

Goku, always quick to recover, managed a grin despite his hunger. "We'll get through this quick, Vegeta. Then we can eat something. I don't know about you, but I could eat a whole planet right now."

Vegeta's stomach growled in agreement, but he merely grunted in response, refusing to show any more weakness than necessary.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, the surviving Z-Fighters had gathered at Kami's Tower, high above the clouds. It had taken them a full month of hard work, but with Bulma's help and the efforts of the fighters, they had finally gathered all seven Dragon Balls.

The petrified orbs were arranged in a circle at the center of the tower.

Bulma stood with her arms crossed, her eyes fixed on the Dragon Balls as she adjusted her Dragon Radar. "It's hard to believe, but we've actually got them all. The Dragon Balls are ready."

Yamcha, standing nearby, nodded. "Yeah, that last one was tricky to find. But we managed it. Now all we have to do is wait."

The atmosphere around the group was heavy with anticipation. With Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and the others still training on King Kai's planet, they knew they couldn't summon Shenron just yet. They had to wait until their fallen friends were ready to return. The timing had to be perfect.

Tien, ever stoic, spoke up. "We'll need to be ready the moment they signal us. Frieza's still out there, and he's not going to wait. We have to be prepared for whatever comes next."

Chiaotzu floated beside him, his expression serious. "I can't wait to see them again. It feels like it's been forever."

Bulma gave a small smile, though her eyes were focused on the task at hand. "We're almost there. It's been a long month, but with the Dragon Balls, we can bring them all back. And with the technology we've been working on, we'll make sure we're ready for Frieza."

Master Roshi, leaning on his staff nearby, nodded in agreement. "I've been around a long time, but I've never seen anything like this. We'll need all the help we can get when the real fight starts."

Dende, who had been observing the proceedings from a distance, stepped forward. His expression was calm, but there was a weight in his gaze. "You've all done well to gather the Dragon Balls, summoning Shenron will bring back our friends, but Frieza is growing stronger every day. You must be ready for what comes next."

Yajirobe, who had been quietly munching on some snacks, chimed in. "Yeah, yeah, but can we hurry this up? All this waiting around is making me nervous."

Bulma rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but agree. The waiting was the hardest part. They had gathered the Dragon Balls, but they had to wait for the right moment to summon Shenron.

They knew that Goku, Vegeta, and the others were training hard, but it was difficult not to feel the weight of uncertainty as they prepared for the inevitable confrontation with the Androids and Frieza.


Patreon: SageBlank

Go and read TOON WAR, you won't regret it!

I've written the first 6 chapters of the second arc so if you have spare change, go check it out.

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