Chapter 26: Frieza's New Order

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Across the galaxy, the planets under Frieza's rule were experiencing an unprecedented transformation. Gone were the days of mindless oppression, fear, and brutality. In their place, Frieza's new vision for control, nurture through discipline, was beginning to take hold.

On Planet Barath, a once downtrodden industrial world known for its raw material production, the changes were stark. Factories that once churned out weapons for war were now humming with renewed purpose, building technology meant for defense and development.

Schools, once unheard of, had sprung up in every city, teaching the populace not just technical skills but martial arts and discipline. It was part of Frieza's grand plan: a smarter, more loyal empire, strong in body and mind.

Two civilians stood at the entrance to one of the newly built academies. They stared at the banner overhead, emblazoned with the insignia of the Frieza Force, though it now felt different, less threatening, more organized.

"Do you really think this is permanent?" one of them whispered, his voice laced with doubt.

His companion, an older man with years of scars marking his face, sighed. "Frieza's always been about control. This... it's different. Maybe it's real, maybe it's a trick, but..." he gestured toward the children practicing combat techniques under the watchful eyes of soldiers, "...this feels like he's trying to do something... lasting."

A group of Frieza Force soldiers marched by, their uniforms clean and polished, their faces set in stoic determination. But gone was the overt menace, the swagger of invincible conquerors. These were soldiers with a purpose.

One of them, a captain, caught the eyes of the civilians and gave a small nod, acknowledging their presence without intimidation.

The younger man clenched his fists. "I don't trust them. I can't forget what they did to my brother, to my family. Now they want to act like protectors?"

The older man laid a hand on his shoulder. "Neither can I. But this might be our best chance. He's got the power to crush us all, yet... he's doing this instead. Maybe it's safer to see where this goes."

But even as the citizens of Frieza's empire tried to adjust to this new order, not everyone was pleased with the changes.


On Planet Vinik, a harsh, mountainous world known for its warrior culture, the changes were met with resistance from within the ranks of the Frieza Force itself.

In the shadows of a once-grand military outpost, a group of disgruntled soldiers gathered. Their leader, a tall, scarred lieutenant named Kano, slammed his fist on a steel table, his voice seething with anger.

"This is not the Frieza I signed up to follow!" Kano's voice growled, his eyes burning with frustration. "We were born to conquer, to take what we wanted. Now, he wants us to train these weaklings, protect their planets? This is madness! Frieza is losing his edge!"

A few soldiers grunted in agreement, their faces twisted with disgust. One of them, a brutish figure named Rikon, spat on the ground. "He's gone soft. Ever since he came back from that Yardrat planet, he's not the same. We should've been out there conquering more worlds, not babysitting these scum!"

Kano sneered, leaning forward. "That's why we need to act. If Frieza's losing his edge, we need to remind the rest of the Force what we were meant for, domination. Enough of this 'education and discipline' nonsense."

The soldiers began to murmur their agreement, but their rebellion was short-lived.

The door to the dark room burst open, and before anyone could react, the space was flooded with elite Frieza Force soldiers. They moved with precision, their weapons raised, their expressions cold and disciplined. Leading them was Captain Sorbo, a no-nonsense commander who had been tasked with eliminating dissent.

Kano barely had time to blink before he was seized, his arms locked behind him in an iron grip. Rikon and the others were quickly subdued, their rebellion silenced before it could even begin.

Sorbo looked down at Kano with a sneer. "You thought you could defy Lord Frieza's orders and live to tell about it?" His voice was calm, almost too calm. "He anticipated treachery from weaklings like you. Lord Frieza's vision for the empire is far beyond your comprehension. He has no use for traitors."

Before Kano could speak another word, Sorbo's hand snapped forward, a flash of energy erupting from his palm. Kano and his co-conspirators fell lifeless to the ground, their rebellion quashed without mercy.

Sorbo turned to his men. "Report this immediately. Lord Frieza will not tolerate dissent. We will root out every traitor and make an example of them. The empire will fall in line."

The soldiers saluted, dragging the bodies away, their movements precise and efficient. Sorbo glanced out at the darkened horizon of Planet Vinik, his face hardening.

"This is Frieza's empire now. And it will be stronger than ever."


Back on Planet Nomek, the once-dominant warrior class of the planet found itself adjusting to the new order. Where once power had been the only currency, now knowledge and martial arts were being prioritized.

The local nobles, who had once ruled through fear, now found themselves attending diplomatic meetings led by Frieza Force commanders.

One noble, Lord Pyther, watched as a squad of soldiers drilled the local youths in combat techniques. It was efficient and brutal, but there was something different in the air, respect. The soldiers weren't just training these young warriors to be cannon fodder; they were teaching them discipline, honor, and loyalty.

Pyther clenched his fists, his expression conflicted. He had lived in constant fear of Frieza, and yet, now his people were growing stronger, smarter. The planet was thriving under this new system, and part of him hated it.

"This can't last," Pyther muttered to himself. "Frieza's only biding his time. He'll crush us all the moment we lower our guard."

Behind him, a captain of the Frieza Force overheard Pyther's mutterings. "Your doubts are noted, Lord Pyther," the captain said, his voice cool. "But Lord Frieza's vision for the empire is clear. Power, yes, but through control, through discipline. If you cannot see the wisdom in that, you will be left behind."

Pyther didn't respond. His eyes stayed on the training grounds, watching the soldiers and the youths. His heart was conflicted, part of him still feared the iron fist of Frieza's rule, but he couldn't deny the order and strength it was bringing to his world.


Throughout Frieza's empire, the changes continued to take root. Martial arts schools and educational centers were established on every planet, with the Frieza Force overseeing the training of citizens.

Those who showed promise were recruited into the ranks of the empire's military, becoming part of Frieza's vision for a disciplined and loyal force.

But beneath the surface, pockets of resistance simmered. Not everyone was willing to accept Frieza's new order. And for every traitor that was silenced, whispers of rebellion echoed in the dark corners of the empire.

Yet, the message was clear, Frieza's rule was absolute. Betrayal would be met with swift and deadly consequences, while loyalty and discipline would be rewarded.

In his private training chamber, Frieza remained deep in meditation, unaware of the small acts of rebellion that had been crushed in his name. His focus was singular, mastery.

His new empire would be unstoppable, and when the time came, the universe would see the true power of a disciplined ruler.


Patreon: SageBlank