Chapter 27: The Galactic Patrol’s Investigation

Hehe, yall readers are lucky 😌, i just received another Patreon sub so here's the bonus chapter!

Thank you Surge1301!

Also i just saw that DemonRaider bought my collection three days ago and i didn't see it, my bad Raider! So i will post another one once more, and additionally i will write asap more chapters for Patreon, so.. you know what to do.


Thank you. 😊

(This doesn't occupy the word count, it never does as i write it after a sub blesses this grateful author.)

Who is better... Gogeta or Vegito?


A month had passed, and the Galactic Patrol had noticed the drastic changes in Frieza's empire. Led by Merus, Jaco, and other high-ranking patrolmen, the team was sent to investigate this rapid transformation.

Frieza's infamous regime, once known for fear and domination, had shifted into something far more structured and orderly. But the Patrol wasn't convinced that this was a simple change of heart.

Their first stop was Planet Barath. Once a world filled with factories producing weapons of war, it had now shifted to manufacturing advanced technology and building infrastructures for defense and development.

The marketplaces bustled with energy, but not out of fear, the people here seemed content, if not wary of their new environment.

Jaco adjusted his visor, scanning the area in disbelief. "I never thought I'd say this, but these people... they look happy?"

Merus, ever the cautious investigator, wasn't as convinced. "There's more to this than meets the eye," he muttered, his sharp eyes scanning the streets. The patrol made their way toward the bustling market square, where two civilians conversed under a banner bearing Frieza's new insignia.

"It's hard to believe," one civilian said to the other, "but everything's free now. Food, water, shelter, even the schools are open to everyone."

His companion, an older man, frowned. "Sure, but it still feels... off. Frieza hasn't been seen for months. His soldiers say he's supervising, but it's like... there's something they aren't telling us."

Jaco frowned, his instincts tingling. "Free food? Under Frieza? Something's wrong," he whispered to Merus.

But Merus, always strategic, approached the conversation with more subtlety. "Has there been any trouble?" he asked, catching the old man's attention.

The civilian looked around cautiously. "None. But that's the problem, isn't it? Crime is almost nonexistent. People follow the rules to the letter because they're terrified of what might happen if they don't. The punishments are... severe."

Merus nodded, filing away the information. The Patrol's investigation continued as they visited more planets under Frieza's rule, but the story was always the same: free necessities, advanced education in martial arts and technology, and an iron-fisted approach to discipline. The new order was clearly working, but not without instilling a silent fear across the empire.

On Planet Vinik, the Patrol encountered a group of former nobles who had been stripped of their titles and power. One nobleman, Lord Arthin, scowled as he recounted his downfall. "Frieza declared that no one holds power except him. Every noble has been reduced to a commoner. We live under his shadow, equal in nothing but fear."

Jaco shook his head. "This just doesn't add up. Why would Frieza suddenly decide to create a structured, peaceful empire?"

As the Patrol continued, they noted that the military was also undergoing reforms. Frieza's soldiers were now patrolling planets with more discipline, ensuring that the new order was maintained without question. On one planet, a high-ranking soldier reported to Merus about the recent changes.

"Lord Frieza's vision is absolute," the officer explained. "He's made it clear that power lies only with him. Crime is met with immediate punishment, and the nobles who once held sway have been silenced. There's no room for rebellion in this empire."

As Merus and Jaco made their way through these planets, they also learned about Frieza's strict approach to dealing with traitors.

On one world, they overheard a hushed conversation between two citizens about a group of soldiers who had rebelled against Frieza's new rule. The rebellion had been swiftly crushed, with no survivors left to speak of.

"He's still the same Frieza," Merus murmured, watching as civilians exchanged nervous glances. "He's just wrapped his empire in a new kind of fear."

On one final stop, Planet Nomek, the Galactic Patrol witnessed how the crime rate had fallen to zero. The local warrior class, once dominant, now found themselves on equal footing with farmers and laborers. The shift was unsettling, as it wasn't out of respect but out of the fear of what would happen if they resisted.

"Frieza may be absent, but his presence looms over everything," Merus commented, noting how even the most stubborn residents had adapted to the new order.

Despite the external peace, Merus remained skeptical. The empire was undoubtedly stronger, but this was still Frieza at the helm.

As the Patrol finished their investigation, Jaco turned to Merus, uneasy. "He's created a perfect empire... but for how long?"

Merus didn't answer. He knew that whatever Frieza was planning, it wasn't over. The galaxy would soon see the full extent of his new empire.


Frieza floated in the center of his chamber, the silence around him broken only by the hum of his steady aura. It had been two months and one week since he had secluded himself, focusing entirely on honing his power.

His body remained perfectly still, his legs crossed and eyes closed, but internally, he could feel the ebb and flow of his immense strength.

The chamber, reinforced with the strongest materials in the galaxy, pulsed in tune with his ki. It was designed to withstand the immense force he unleashed during his meditations and training, a necessary precaution for someone of his caliber. Today, however, something different was stirring within him.

Frieza's aura, usually cool and controlled, flickered unexpectedly. A subtle shift in energy coursed through his form, and suddenly, a golden hue began to shimmer within the swirling mass of power.

For a moment, the aura surrounding him blazed brightly, the golden light flashing like a warning of the immense transformation just out of reach.

The air around him crackled with power, but the change was fleeting. As quickly as it had appeared, the golden hue dissipated, leaving Frieza's aura to return to its original state, calm and contained.

His eyes snapped open, glowing crimson with sharp intensity. He remained in place, his gaze fixed forward, assessing the moment.

He had felt it, his body had begun to tap into the next level, the Golden Form that he had been training relentlessly to perfect. But it wasn't ready, not yet. The power was still distant, just out of his control. The brief flicker was a sign of progress, a taste of what was to come.

With a soft exhale, Frieza closed his eyes once more, resuming his meditation. His mind sharpened as he focused inward, sensing the energy within him. The Golden Form was close, but he knew he couldn't rush it.

He had learned the importance of patience through his time on Yardrat and his study of Spirit Control. To achieve mastery, he needed to refine every aspect of his power, every drop of ki.

The solitude of his chamber was necessary. Only his most trusted elite soldiers were aware of his seclusion, and they guarded the secret fiercely. To the rest of the galaxy, Frieza was overseeing the transformation of his empire from afar, commanding his forces as they implemented his new vision.

The truth, however, was far more focused, he was preparing himself for the moment when he would return with a power unlike anything the universe had ever seen.

As he floated in the center of his chamber, the golden flicker a reminder of the strength he was about to unleash, Frieza's resolve only deepened. The universe would soon tremble beneath his feet, and the era of his rule would reach heights even the gods would acknowledge.


Patreon: SageBlank