Chapter 28: The Shifting Allegiances of Frieza's Empire

Here's the second bonus chapter.

The bonus chapter for the 50 stones coming in 6 hours.


Two weeks had passed, bringing the total to two months and three weeks since Frieza had begun his intense training. His empire continued its transformation, and the Galactic Patrol, now led by Merus and Jaco, pressed forward with their investigation. They moved through the galaxy, visiting planets that had been deeply impacted by Frieza's new way of rule.

This time, the reactions they encountered were more mixed. On some planets, the sense of fear that had initially gripped the populace was beginning to dissipate. Citizens, now accustomed to the strict order, were coming to terms with this new reality.


On Planet Zenari, a bustling metropolis once known for high crime rates and disorganized governance, the streets were now clean, orderly, and brimming with activity. Unlike the previous planets, Merus noticed a different tone in the air.

The Galactic Patrol's first stop was the planet's main city, where they observed a group of civilians discussing the changes that had swept through their world. Jaco approached a local merchant, a broad-shouldered man with a rough demeanor, who was setting up his stall in the market square.

"How are things under Frieza's new rule?" Jaco asked, scanning the bustling market.

The merchant, without hesitation, grunted. "Better than they've ever been," he said, straightening his goods. "I don't care much for the stories of what Frieza used to be, but under this new system? Crime's down, profits are steady, and we don't have to worry about warlords running through our streets."

A nearby woman, dressed in simple clothing, chimed in. "We've lived through worse. Frieza's empire is strict, sure, but it works. My family doesn't go hungry anymore, and my kids are learning skills that'll help them in the future."

Jaco scratched his head. "But isn't there a part of you that worries? What about those who don't fall in line?"

The merchant smirked. "There's always a price for peace. But I'll take this over what we had before. Those who cause trouble bring it on themselves. Frieza's soldiers are keeping us safe."

Merus stood back, observing the conversation with interest. He noticed how some of the civilians no longer looked upon Frieza's soldiers with dread. Instead, there was a begrudging respect, and in some cases, even a sense of security.

"The galaxy has changed," Merus murmured to himself. "People are accepting this new order."


On Planet Roskan, the Patrol encountered a different situation. Known for its once-fractured leadership, Roskan had been brought under control through a mix of diplomacy and military might. Frieza's soldiers had not just enforced discipline but had also resolved long-standing territorial disputes between rival factions.

Merus and Jaco arrived in the capital, where they were greeted by a former governor of one of Roskan's provinces. Governor Malen was a tall, severe-looking man, but there was a calmness to him that Merus found intriguing.

"Governor," Merus said, stepping forward. "How have the changes affected your planet?"

Malen glanced at the soldiers patrolling the streets before nodding. "Before Frieza's reforms, this planet was a warzone. My province fought with our neighbors for resources, territory, you name it. But Frieza's forces stepped in. They stripped us of our power, but they did something no one else could, they brought peace. Now, the planet is united, and for the first time, we're prospering."

Jaco frowned. "But at what cost? Don't you miss the autonomy you once had?"

Malen folded his arms. "Autonomy? All it brought us was death and destruction. If we had been left to our own devices, we would have torn this planet apart. Frieza's methods are harsh, but they work. We can finally move forward."

Merus listened closely, weighing Malen's words. While fear still lingered in the background, it was clear that some planets had genuinely benefited from Frieza's rule.


Meanwhile, on Planet Frelor, a planet known for its skilled fighters, the population had fully embraced Frieza's martial arts academies. Here, the people revered strength above all else, and Frieza's emphasis on discipline and combat had resonated deeply with the warrior culture.

The Galactic Patrol found themselves in a massive training arena, where hundreds of young warriors were being trained by elite Frieza Force soldiers. The sound of fists striking against practice dummies echoed through the air, and the atmosphere buzzed with focused energy.

A group of young fighters, barely in their teens, practiced under the watchful eyes of their instructor. One of the students, a fierce-looking girl with bright eyes, approached Merus and Jaco.

"You're from the Galactic Patrol?" she asked, excitement evident in her voice. "Are you here to join the training?"

Jaco chuckled. "Not exactly. We're just observing. How do you like it here?"

The girl's face lit up. "It's amazing! I'm learning to be strong. Before, we didn't have the resources for proper training, but now, with Frieza's soldiers teaching us, we're going to be the strongest fighters in the galaxy!"

Merus tilted his head. "You're not afraid of what Frieza's empire represents?"

She shook her head, her expression resolute. "Strength is what matters. Frieza understands that. As long as we're strong, we're free."

As they watched the young warriors train, Merus couldn't help but notice the sharpness in their movements, the determination in their eyes. These weren't people living in fear, they were thriving under Frieza's system.


On the other hand, there were still planets where dissent simmered beneath the surface. On Planet Karok, a group of former nobles gathered in secret, discussing the changes that had stripped them of their power.

"We've been reduced to nothing," one of them, a tall man with silver hair, growled. "Frieza took everything from us. We used to rule this planet, and now we're nothing more than commoners."

Another noble, a woman dressed in dark robes, spoke up. "But what can we do? His soldiers are everywhere. Any resistance is crushed before it even begins."

The silver-haired man clenched his fists. "We can't sit by and let this happen. We need to find a way to fight back."

But as they spoke, a shadow loomed over them. Frieza's elite soldiers had been tracking the group for weeks, and now, they had arrived to deal with the dissenters.

Without warning, the doors to the room burst open, and the nobles found themselves surrounded. The captain of the elite unit stepped forward, his face expressionless.

"You are in violation of Lord Frieza's laws," the captain said coldly. "Your rebellion ends now."

The nobles barely had time to react before the soldiers descended upon them, swiftly neutralizing the threat. By the time the sun set on Planet Karok, the resistance had been wiped out.


Meanwhile, in the depths of his private training chamber, Frieza continued his rigorous training. His meditation had now been balanced with intense physical exertion. He floated in mid-air, his body surrounded by an ever-changing aura. Sweat dripped from his brow as he pushed his limits further with each passing moment.

Frieza's muscles tensed as he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts toward the reinforced walls of his chamber. His speed was blinding, and his control over his ki had reached levels that even he had never imagined.

As he paused to catch his breath, Frieza's aura flared once more, and for a brief moment, the golden hue returned. This time, it lingered longer than before, wrapping around his body like a cloak of pure energy. But, just like before, it dissipated.

Frieza opened his eyes, his expression calm but determined. He was close. He could feel it. The Golden Form was within his grasp.

His body ached from the intensity of the training, but Frieza welcomed the pain. It was a sign that he was growing stronger, that his power was nearing its peak. Soon, he would emerge from his seclusion.


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