Preparing for the New Year

After finishing her lunch, Xianyue slept the entire afternoon. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the soft orange hue suddenly burst forth, casting a dazzling radiance into the room through the window lattice. Xianyue's eyelashes fluttered, and without a moment's hesitation, she opened her eyes, her clear gaze reflecting the brilliant golden light, a hint of joy still gracing her lips.

Turning to her side, she found herself face to face with a pair of gentle, hazy eyes. Xianyue's smile froze, her heart racing in shock as she abruptly sat up. How long had he been standing there?

Lowering her gaze instinctively, she glanced at her attire—everything was in order. Dismayed, she raised her head, cursing herself for being foolish. No matter how reckless Lan Yixuan might be, he would never take advantage of her slumber. Such a man was incapable of such actions. Moreover, although she had fallen into a deep sleep, it was impossible for her to be completely unaware.

Leaning against the bedside, Lan Yixuan glanced at Xianyue, his voice soft and tinged with amusement as he said, "It's getting late."

His low voice carried a clear hint of laughter.

Xianyue reached up to smooth her hair, tucking the strands that had fallen over her forehead behind her ears. The stiffness in her smile faded as she jumped off the bed, facing Lan Yixuan. "I never expected you to have such a peculiar habit."

Her bright eyes held a hint of teasing as they fixed on him. Suddenly leaning closer, she laughed lightly, the sound ringing out like a melodious bell, accompanied by her unique fragrance.

Lan Yixuan was momentarily taken aback. Having weathered numerous encounters, he had gradually grown accustomed to Xianyue's spontaneous outbursts. A flicker of something unusual crossed his gaze, and he reached out as if to push her face, which was nearly touching his chin, away. However, he hesitated and lowered his head slightly. Quick to react, Xianyue retreated several steps, warily observing him. She sensed that the current Lan Yixuan could no longer be judged by past standards.

With a huff, she pointed to the open door, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Out. I need to change."

Lan Yixuan regarded her for a moment, pausing as he noted the expression on her face. "I'll wait for you outside."

Watching Lan Yixuan's back as he stepped out, Xianyue felt a surge of irritation and slammed the door shut behind him.


As the New Year approached, the capital of Chu, where the camp city lay, was particularly lively. Amidst the chaos of war and shifting power, it remained a hub of activity, especially during the morning market and night market. Lei An and Lei Yun described the scene as a veritable sea of humanity; from a distance, all one could see was a throng of heads, and from above, they resembled ants scurrying about.

After centuries of development, commerce in the Zhou Dynasty had flourished. In addition to the small stalls lining the streets, nearly every major city had designated trading areas for border trade, morning markets, and night markets.

As dusk fell, the streets and alleys were adorned with colorful lights. The usually quiet silk shops and jade stores were bustling with business, while those less fortunate spent their money cautiously, meticulously selecting necessary items for the New Year and haggling with vendors. The lively atmosphere was thick with the scent of celebration, stirring joy in the hearts of all who beheld it.

Children appeared especially cheerful, holding firecrackers bought by adults, chasing each other with laughter. The lush landscapes of Chu nurtured vibrant, rosy-cheeked children, while the women passing by were all stunningly beautiful, their skin fair and flushed, seemingly glowing with health.

Although the night market in Chu could not compare to that of Yanjing, it was still quite lively. Xianyue was particularly focused on the street food; she had intentionally come with an empty stomach, determined to sample every local delicacy before she would be satisfied.

Though Lei Yun and Lei An may have exaggerated somewhat, there were indeed many pedestrians on the streets. Xianyue walked ahead, occasionally glancing back. Lan Yixuan, having been bumped into, furrowed his brow, his expression not particularly joyful. Lei Yun and Lei An had positioned themselves beside him, forming a protective barrier.

Xianyue clicked her tongue, finding Lan Yixuan's behavior rather unseemly. A grown man, obsessively particular about cleanliness to such a degree! She noticed that while being bumped by an elderly person was tolerable, if it were a young, beautiful woman, a fleeting glimmer of ferocity would flash in his gentle eyes.

She turned back, contemplating the numerous women in the world who admired Lan Yixuan. Yet, she had never heard of him growing close to any of them. Even during their last encounter at Yingjiang Tower, he had maintained his distance from the women.

Did he dislike women? Stealing a glance at him, she felt something was amiss. After all, he had taken her hand willingly at Shunfeng Inn.

"Lei Yun, what do you think of this?" 

Xianyue casually approached a stall and picked up a bright red character for "good fortune." Walking over to Lei Yun, she accidentally bumped into him. His instinctive reaction was to steady her, but at that moment, a young woman approached from behind. As Lei Yun's arm encircled Xianyue's waist, she quickly pivoted, placing her foot across the young woman's leg to trip her, then tugged on Lei Yun's hand, retreating to the side. She fell into Lei Yun's embrace, her gaze fixed intently on the woman tumbling toward Lan Yixuan.



Both Lei An and Lei Yun exclaimed simultaneously. Lei Yun, being pulled back by Xianyue, could not step forward. She had gauged Lei An's position perfectly, knowing that crossing in front of Lan Yixuan meant the woman could not be intercepted.

To Xianyue's surprise, Lan Yixuan did not dodge; rather, this was the normal reaction she would expect from him. Yet, it felt unusual as he steadied the startled woman, his demeanor devoid of disdain. Once she regained her balance, he quickly released her, showing no sign of lingering attachment. He approached Xianyue and snatched the character for "good fortune" from her hand, tossing it to Lei Yun. "Since Xianyue likes it, let's buy it."

His demeanor seemed irritable, yet Xianyue could not comprehend the reason for his anger.

With an awkward smile, she turned to leave, but her hand was suddenly seized by Lan Yixuan.


The young woman whom Lan Yixuan had steadied rushed over, looking delicate and pitiable. Her spring-like starry eyes still held traces of fear, and when they turned toward Lan Yixuan, there was a glimmer of affection in them, like a frightened little bird—such a girl evoked a sense of tenderness.

Xianyue raised an eyebrow at Lan Yixuan, feeling amused at how swiftly events had unfolded. The clichéd hero saving the damsel in distress had indeed captured the heart of the young woman in no time.

"Sir, she's calling for you." 

With her head lowered and a demeanor of utmost respect, Xianyue had lost the aggressive edge she once had. Addressing him as "Sir" felt utterly foreign.

Lan Yixuan glanced at Xianyue before releasing her hand, nodding politely at the young woman. His courteous demeanor made her cheeks flush crimson.

"Thank you so much, Sir." 

Her voice was soft, and amidst the crowd, even with Xianyue's keen hearing, she struggled to catch what was said. However, she noticed the woman repeatedly glancing at her through Lan Yixuan's tall figure.

Xianyue pouted in annoyance and walked over to Lei Yun, who was still thoughtfully selecting the characters. "Why are you buying so many?" 

Xianyue placed the character in front of the stall, then casually selected three more to hand to Lei Yun.

"Didn't you like them, Xianyue?" 

Xianyue met Lei Yun's gaze, her expression utterly unfazed. She understood that Lei Yun was different from Lei An; he rarely spoke and only did so when necessary, resembling Lan Yixuan's shadow, easily overlooked. However, due to his exceptional culinary skills, Xianyue could not ignore him. His attentiveness and keen observation surpassed that of any woman; how could he have failed to notice earlier?

"No need."

The crescent moon smiled, extending three fingers as she shook her head, "Three will suffice. Two can be affixed to the main entrance, and the other one or two can be placed at the door of your young master's chamber, or—" 

Casually selecting another, she pressed it into Lei Yun's hand. "Then let's add two more for the entrance of Lan Yixuan's courtyard."

Turning around, she spotted Lan Yixuan, who was lowering his head. If the women of Xuanyuan were as fierce as men, the women of Chu were the polar opposite—delicate and petite, seemingly frail and unable to carry a burden. When they spoke, their voices were soft, and in moments of charm, they resembled tender birds, evoking a strong desire to cradle them gently. Xian Yue began to understand why men were so eager to marry women from Chu: they were beautiful, presentable, and could satisfy a man's ego. Curiously, she pondered what the renowned beauty Hua Chuxue must look like.

Lan Yixuan's tall figure entirely shielded the petite woman from view. Standing at that angle, Xian Yue could only see Lan Yixuan's back, his purple attire striking against the bustling crowd.

As she prepared to turn away, the earlier woman suddenly leaned forward, her gaze reminiscent of a past familiarity. Xian Yue felt a twinge of recognition; it mirrored the longing gaze of Nian Xiaoyu when she looked at her—filled with a mix of sorrow and envy, though far less intense.

The woman navigated around Lan Yixuan and approached Xian Yue, grasping her hand. Her starry eyes sparkled like spring, and Xian Yue felt a chilling touch on her hand. She glanced up, her vision misty, droplets forming and falling onto her palm.

"Miss Xian Yue," the woman spoke, her voice slightly choked with emotion. Xian Yue mused whether the women of Chu were truly made of water or if this was merely an instance of clichéd heroics that had unexpectedly struck her heart. Furthermore, why had Lan Yixuan revealed her name?

"May you find happiness with Young Master Lan." 

Xian Yue found the words ambiguous. Happiness? She silently echoed the thought, feeling an urge to laugh. Relying on Lan Yixuan for happiness seemed an excessively risky proposition.

"Do you have feelings for him?" 

Xian Yue pointed toward Lan Yixuan, and the woman's fair skin flushed crimson in response to the blunt inquiry. "Miss Xian Yue," she called out, her tone a mix of shyness and irritation.

Xian Yue opened her hand and laughed, "If the person who had caught you earlier hadn't been Young Master Lan, but rather an elderly man with a balding head and gleaming teeth, or a beggar who took pleasure in helping others, would you have felt the same? If it were a man of your age, but of mediocre appearance, would you react this way?"

Xian Yue was convinced that at least eighty percent of that fleeting attraction was due to Lan Yixuan's looks.

The woman gazed at Xian Yue, rendered speechless by her certainty.

The crowd remained dense, and just then, Lan Yixuan approached, having overheard Xian Yue's words. A faint smile graced his lips as he moved closer to her, taking her hand in his. He turned to Lei Yun beside them and asked, "Have you made the purchases?"

Lei Yun nodded, glancing at the large red character in his hands, looking slightly troubled, furrowing his brow. If Miss Xian Yue were to affix them personally, perhaps Young Master would consider allowing them to stay at the entrance and the door of his courtyard for a few days.

"Where to next?" 

Despite her lingering confusion, Xian Yue did not resist and glanced up at Lan Yixuan, resignedly inquiring.

"Isn't it customary to wear new clothes for the New Year?" 

Lan Yixuan did not meet her gaze, focusing ahead with an air of inevitability.

New clothes? Xian Yue looked up and only saw the strong line of Lan Yixuan's jaw, devoid of any roughness that other men might possess, not even a trace of stubble. He appeared impeccably clean, the distant light casting a halo on his chin, radiating purity that felt untouchable.

She smiled, warmth flooding her heart. Indeed, it was fitting to don new garments for the New Year, but for her, the past decade had been indistinguishable from one day to the next.

The pair ventured to the most renowned silk shop in the Chu kingdom. Xian Yue was unsure how Lan Yixuan accomplished this, but upon entering, they were immediately greeted, despite the crowd. He instructed the oldest craftsman in the shop to measure her dimensions, provided a few directives, and then led her away. Xian Yue sensed that perhaps there were simply too many women in the silk shop, and the expressions they wore as they looked at him spoke volumes.

Once they left the silk shop, they proceeded to a jade store. Although Xian Yue initially had no intention of visiting, it wasn't due to a lack of appreciation for the finer things; in her previous life, Su Zhilan had mingled among the elite and was no stranger to such matters. It was just that after years spent atop Lihua Mountain, surrounded only by flowers and plants, with daily worries over sustenance, she lacked the inclination to consider such luxuries. Thus, unlike other women, she held no particular preference for the quality of metal or jade.

The jade shop was equally bustling, as fine jade made for the best gifts during the festive season. Entering alongside Lan Yixuan, it was no surprise that upon crossing the threshold, the men and women selecting jade turned to look at them. Xian Yue had never considered herself the type to captivate others at first glance, and such reactions could only imply one thing.

As she contemplated breaking free from Lan Yixuan's grasp, he had already released her hand, saying, "Choose for yourself."

Xian Yue cast a doubtful glance at him. From the moment they had met, he had never forced her to do anything against her will. Even when she had wished to stay at the Shunfeng Inn instead of returning with him, he had merely compelled her to compromise in another manner, while still considering her feelings. Had it not been for his intent, Lei Yun would not have served her as a grandmaster would.

Upon entering the shop, a busy attendant approached her directly. "Miss, what can I assist you with?"

Without a barrage of explanations, his demeanor was incredibly respectful. He followed her lead, only explaining about the jade she lingered upon after she had studied it intently.

Xian Yue allowed him to remain behind her, merely listening as her eyes swiftly scanned each display. She pointed to a pair of jade ruyi prominently displayed in the center. "Please take it out for me."

Seeing her interest, the attendant hurriedly retrieved it and handed it to her with care. "Miss, you have a discerning eye; this is—"

Xian Yue raised a hand, signaling him to remain silent. Her fingers gently traced the patterns on the jade ruyi, a satisfied smile blooming on her face. The smooth texture indicated it was of high quality, yet it was the lily motif that caught her eye—lilies symbolize everlasting love. It had been over a month since she had departed from Panshi City; Nian Xiaoyu and Luo Cheng must be on the verge of their wedding now.

"Do you like it?" 

Lan Yixuan stepped closer, observing the jade ruyi in her hands.

Xian Yue turned, glancing at Lan Yixuan before handing the ruyi to the attendant who had been following her. "Wrap it up."

"Who is it for?" 

Lan Yixuan inquired, watching the joy on Xian Yue's face.

"Nian Xiaoyu and Luo Cheng are to be wed soon. Without my intervention, how could they have come together so swiftly? I consider myself their matchmaker and must bestow them with something as a token of my goodwill." 

Lan Yixuan said nothing in response, moving to the counter. "Wrap them separately."

The attendant complied obediently, his attitude towards Lan Yixuan radiating utmost respect; he treated him not as a customer but as a master.

"Lei Yun, inform them it is a joint gift from me and Xian Yue, wishing them mutual respect and everlasting harmony." 

"Why must it be from both of us?" 

Xian Yue interrupted, perplexed. Given the status of Nian Xiaoyu and Luo Cheng's wedding, wouldn't this lead to misconceptions?


Lei Yun hesitated, cradling the boxes in his arms.

"Do as Xian Yue suggested; let different people deliver them separately." 

Xian Yue had intended to protest further, but Lei Yun had already departed, presumably to fulfill the task. Frustrated, Xian Yue felt irked; sending them separately was essentially the same, as they were all jade ruyi with identical designs—wouldn't that still lead to misunderstandings?

Glaring at Lan Yixuan, she swept past him like a whirlwind. He chuckled, trailing behind her, his expression markedly brighter than her own.

Of late, she seemed to grow increasingly irritable.

By the time they exited the jade store, it was late in the day, and the streets were far less crowded, though the vendors remained plentiful.

For reasons unknown, Xian Yue felt a surge of irritation and lost the enthusiasm she once possessed. She tossed a long list of food items to Lei An, indifferent to whether they were available in the Chu kingdom or if he could procure them, and simply returned home.

Along the way, she ignored everything Lan Yixuan said, moving with swift determination, completely disregarding him. She slammed the door, shutting Lan Yixuan out, then collapsed onto her bed, pulling the covers over herself, and swiftly fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, upon awakening and glancing at the fruits and candied delicacies laid out on her table, the heaviness in her heart dissipated.

Mulberries, cranberries, and snow peaches—most of the items she had mentioned in her irritation were exclusive to the Phoenix kingdom. To her surprise, they appeared overnight on her table. Regardless of whether it was genuine sentiment or mere pretense, the thoughtfulness was what truly mattered. Whether they could be together in the future was uncertain, but having memories was undeniably precious. In her bout of anger, it seemed that the only one truly suffering was herself.

The more Xian Yue pondered, the more reasonable it seemed, and she felt an instant clarity wash over her. Stepping outside, she found the sun high in the sky, its winter rays casting warmth upon her—how delightful it felt!

Turning around, she spotted Lei Yun standing at the doorway. She smiled softly at him and asked, "Lei Yun, what brings you here?"

Seeing Xian Yue, Lei Yun approached and handed her a small booklet. She accepted it, noting, "The young master asked me to show this to Miss Xian Yue and first inquire about your culinary preferences."

A quick glance revealed that this was likely the menu for the eve of the New Year, spanning several pages filled with dishes she had both heard of and tasted, along with those she had yet to try. "As long as it's prepared by Lei Yun, I shall enjoy it."

A fleeting smile graced Lei Yun's otherwise stoic face. "If Miss Xian Yue wishes, Lei Yun could devote his life to cooking for you."

Xian Yue returned the booklet to Lei Yun with a smile, saying nothing further. She understood his implication—if she were to marry Lan Yixuan, he would indeed provide her with lifelong culinary delights.

Xian Yue was unaware of Lan Yixuan's whereabouts; in the days that followed, she did not catch a glimpse of him. She relished her newfound freedom and, on occasions of boredom, accompanied Lei Yun and Lei An on shopping excursions. Life was quite pleasant, and before she knew it, the New Year approached.

The weather in the Chu kingdom was delightful, and she was outside soaking up the sun with a few maids, exchanging lighthearted jokes. Suddenly, a servant approached, bowing as he addressed her, "Miss, Young Master Bai seeks an audience."

Upon hearing this, Xian Yue rose, contemplating where she might hide to avoid an encounter with Bai Zhanfeng. She could easily imagine the unfolding scenario. Just as she stood and took a few steps forward, a thunderous voice rang out from behind her: "Xian Yue."

Then came the sound of hurried footsteps as Bai Zhanfeng reached her, seizing her hand. "Come to my house for the New Year."

His tone left no room for negotiation.

Indeed, it was as she feared, and Xian Yue couldn't help but let out a silent lament within her heart.